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Vice-Chancellor’s Message

Generally the stature of a post-graduate University is tall among educational institutions. The one in the name of the great poet and visionary for Independent India should stand tallest and vibrant to impart the same high standards among its affiliated colleges. It should lead India into the future with unique capabilities from high-quality scientific pursuit for societal good.

My focus will be to realize this tremendous potential by creating enabling ecosystem for highly interdisciplinary, research-oriented and commercially potential outputs for public good. I am confident that my seminal contributions to pioneering technical education in emerging areas, scientific research contributions to millennium goal of reducing the burden of infectious diseases through technology, creation of ecosystem for translational research and commercialization experience, implementation of Vision 2023 and other mega national/international schemes across affiliated government and private engineering colleges with my previous experience as officiating Vice Chancellor of Anna University will fulfill my vision.

Vision and mission

To make the PG University an Institute of Eminence and drive into respectable Asian and world ranking through advanced interdisciplinary learning and translational research for the country’s science and technology development. At the level of PG education, I have seen and always maintained that best researcher is the best teacher. Therefore my mission will be to make use of my rich experience in the premier university, my contact with large network of diverse expertise nationally and internationally and knowledge of resource availability to provide a conducive research and development oriented ecosystem, curriculum structure, integration of external expertise, industrial participation and international appreciation.

Multi pronged approach

National and global accreditations have become the norm for the University and its affiliated colleges. Since it is a totally collective and cooperative output, sensitization of all faculty and support staff on the world rankings and other accreditation parameters and preparing the University on those lines for excellence will be my primary goal in creating the ecosystem. It includes employer reputation (based on a survey on graduate employers), faculty/student ratio, citations per faculty - a measure of research impact, international faculty ratio - a measure of the academic staff diversity and imparting of the latest knowledge, international student ratio – a measure of global recognition. I request for a sincere collaboration from all the sectors of the University and its affiliated colleges to fulfill this purpose.

Keeping the curriculum for the University and its affiliated colleges unique, up-to-date and futuristic by periodic revision to enable students to have global edge will be my primary aim. It would enhance the contents of future trends, unique interdisciplinary subjects combining science, technology and/or humanities, and research in advanced and cutting edge areas of global demand and intensive practical training with integration of external experts and industries/business enterprises. Motivation for translational research on current issues and futuristic developments, conducting competitive international events, creation of common sophisticated Instrument facilities, technology enabling facilities, autonomous advanced Centres of Excellence and Hubs in the University and affiliated colleges will provide the required ecosystem and infrastructure for cutting edge research and new knowledge.

There are noteworthy long-term programmes with handsome funding from agencies like DRDO by interdisciplinary teams addressing national and global issues. Such efforts will be multiplied in my tenure with dedication, hard work and networking with expertise available with several educational institutions to make our great potential a national asset. Coimbatore and the region in general are well-known for their industrial and business presence globally. This has to be taken advantage of immediately in making the students job-oriented and skilled for industries/businesses and research outputs mutually beneficial for growth.

Merit, competence, innovation, due diligence, discipline etc with the sole purpose of taking the University and its affiliated colleges to new heights will be major criteria for accomplishing things.

My lifetime desire

Stems from my humble beginning of being born to poor and uneducated parents in a remote village. Education enriched in research has provided me with excellent opportunities to rise to this level. Therefore I am committed to providing such an opportunity in making every such student to rise higher, prepare to realize his or her dreams and bring pride to their country and people.


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Name : Dr.P.Kaliraj

Designation & Affiliation : Vice-Chancellor of Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.

Teaching, Research & Academic Experience : 38 Years


Doctoral Degree     : Ph.D. (Biochemistry and Immunotechnology) (1981)

                                       Nagpur University, Maharashtra

 Graduation            :  M.Sc. Biochemistry, (First Class) (1976)

                                      University of Madras, Chennai

                               : B.Sc. (Chemistry), (First Class) (1974)

                                      Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai

Professional           : Certificate course on Technology Management, USA (1997)

Certifications          : Certificate course on “in vitro cultivation of Brugia malayi and other filariadae”, Ministry of
                                  Health, Indonesia & WHO (1992)

                               : Diploma in Biomolecular Separations, Upsala, Sweden (1980)



Institution / Place


From (Date)




Centre for Biotechnology, Anna University

ICMR Emeritus Medical Scientist


Till date


A. C. Tech, Anna University

Emeritus Professor




Anna University

Interim Vice-Chancellor





Anna University

Vice-Chancellor Convenor Committee






Anna University


Ad-hoc Syndicate





A. C. Tech, Anna University







Centre for Biotechnology,

Anna University

Director & Head of the Department






Centre for Biotechnology

Anna University


(Faculty of Technology)




Centre for Biotechnology

Anna University


(Faculty of Technology)



Visiting Faculty

(Faculty of Technology)




Span Research Centre, Surat

Research Director





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vice chancellor



  •  Mrs. & Dr. G.P. Talwar Oration Award by The Association of clinical biochemists of India, 2018
  •  Senior Scientist Oration award by Indian Immunology Society, 2013
  •  Life time Achievement award by Biotechnology Research Society of India, 2013
  •  Dr. B.N. Singh Memorial Oration award by Indian Parasitology Society, 2011
  •  Dr. B.P. Pandey Memorial Oration award (Indian Parasitology society) 2010
  •  BRSI Industrial medal of Biotechnology Research Society of India, 2003
  •  Fellow, Biotechnology Research Society of India, 2009
  •  BSR faculty award by University Grant Commission, 2009
  •  Member, American Society for Tropical Medicine & Hygiene, USA
  •  Member, Royal Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene, UK
  •  Member, International Society of Lymphology
  •  Member, Indian Immunological Society
  •  Member, Microbiologists Society of India
  •  Member, Biochemical Society of India
  •  Member, Biotechnology Research Society of India
  •  Member, Indian Society of Biological Sciences
  •  Member, Indian Parasitological Society


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vice chancellor



Ph.D :                                      42 Degree Awarded
M.S. /M.Tech and B.Tech :      70 Dissertations
Patents  :                                  3
Products Commercialized  :    1
Products Developed  :              2
Publications     :                        92(85 out of 92 papers are in UGC approved Journals)
Scientific abstracts/
Proceedings in conference :    70 (International 20, National 50)
Book                                    :    Chief Editor and contributing author
                                                Vol 7 Biotechnology
                                                (Science and Technology Encyclopedia series, Tamil version)
  • Dr. Christian Betzel - University of Hamburg, Germany
  • Dr. Murray Shelkrik, Imperial College, London
  • Dr. Eric A Ottesan, Emory Institute – WHO filarial programme USA
  • Dr. Steeves Williams –Smiths College, Northampton, USA
  • Dr. Alan Scott-Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA
  • Dr. Kapil Mehta – M.D. Anderson Cancer Research Institute, Houston, USA
  • Dr. Ramaswamy – University of Illinois, Rockford, USA
  • Dr. John Kussel – Glasgow University, UK
  • Dr. Mark Blaxter – University of Edinburgh UK
  • Dr. Andreas Ruppel – University of Heidelberg, Germany
  • Dr. James McCarthy – University of Fermentile, Australia
  • Dr. Michael Duzeingo -  University of Tubingen, Germany
  • Dr. Rick Maizel- University of Edinburg, UK


Title of Project

Funding Agency


(Rs in Lakhs)

Date of sanction and Duration


Lymphatic Filariasis: Protective immunity and impact of interrupted exposure on parasite burden and  morbidity

Schweizerischer National Funds


1997- 2000


Recombinant filarial antigen and development of DNA vaccine for immune response studies





Developing downstream processing facility for large scale production of recombinant filarial protein





Molecular biology studies in Filariasis

Indo US PL-480




Study of Recombinant antigen based protective immune response in experimental filariasis

University Grant Commission




Development of Compact Disc (CD) as a cost effective and versatile platform for immunoassays for infectious diseases





Immuno diagnosis of infectious Diseases





Development of DNA vaccine for lymphatic filariasis





Immuno prophylactic studies in Filariasis using recombinant parasitic enzymes, transglutaminase and Thioredoxin peroxidase





Immunoprophylactic studies in experimental filariasis using  recombinant Parasitic Thioredoxin and a  peptide (portion of nematode Thioredoxin) unique to the parasite



2004- 2007


Isolation and Evaluation of recombinant filarial antigen of diagnostic importance






Genetic Polymorphism of Wuchereriabancrofti  parasitic gene



2006- 2009


Programme for Development &Productization of Diagnostics & Prophylactics for Neglected Infectious Diseases With Filariasis as Model



2007 – 2012


Development of Multiple Antigen Vaccines  for Lymphatic Filariasis



2007 – 2010


Diagnosis and preventive vaccines and therapy for infectious diseases





National network for genotyping of human lymphatic filarial parasites





Departmental Funds generated

(as Director/HoD)

  1. MTech Teaching Programme
  2. DST FIST Programme
  3. BTIS grant
  4. UGC - DRS Under Special Assistant Programme






Institutional Funds

TEQIP (Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme) from World Bank & MHRD


2007 – 2008

2010 – 2012


Centre of excellence for training and research on biomedical application

(as mentor)




(Yearly Renewable)


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vice chancellor



  • Indian Patent No: 276679 “A bacterial lipid modification of a filarial protein to enhance the immunoprophylactic efficacy in humans and animals”.
  • Indian Patent No: 275504 “Chimeric peptide vaccine for lymphatic filariasis”.
  • Indian Patent No: 278637 “Immunogenic composition for lymphatic filarial vaccine”

Rapid flow-through diagnostic kit for filariasis detection

Filariasis as a chronic health problem of our country in which neither the pharmaceutical industry nor the developed countries are interested. Sustained research on the molecular pathogenesis and genomics on this important disease, which affects millions in our country, has led to the development of a two-minute detection kit, which is being commercialized by Ms. Span diagnostics, Surat. This was achieved with years of international and national collaborations like Indo-US PL480 programme and industrial collaborations in which Ph.D. students were trained in advanced techniques and international quality work was published in reputed scientific journals as mentioned below.     

Since early diagnosis and vaccination are the successful national programmes to fight infectious diseases as a partner of WHO-sponsored filarial genome project involving 6 countries the entire genome of the filarial parasite has been sequenced and 15 molecules of diagnostic and prophylactic importance were identified. These contributions have been duly recognized by WHO and enabled to receive an invitation from WHO, as an expert to discuss on the development of a diagnostic tests for filariasis in the meeting at Denver, USA in Nov 2002 and selected our diagnostic kit for multi-centre evaluation for global screening and received excellent comments from WHO. The product has been commercialized after Hon’ble Minister of Science and Technology and Earth Sciences, Dr. KapilSibal, launched the product on DBT Founder’s Day in April 2007. Now the product has been licensed by Drug Controller of State of Gujarat, Several lakhs of this kit has been sold in Indian and African markets in short time

Owing to the success of this approach of translating basic scientific knowledge into technological products useful to society and its effectiveness in combating infectious diseases, DBT has granted Rs. 4.5 crores in programme support under Centre for Excellence in Biotechnology to develop platform for Diagnostic products and efficacious vaccines

  • Mahalakshmi N, Kamatchi R, Sangith N, Ravishankaran R, Meenashisundaram S, kaliraj P. Molecular evolution of single chain fragment variable (scFv) for diagnosis of lymphatic filariasis. Molecular Biology Reports, (2019) 46 (5) 5409-5418. (Impact factor: 2.107)
  • RajaiahPrabhu PMoorthy SDMadhumathi JPradhan SNPerbandt MBetzel CKaliraj P. Wucherriabancrofti glutathione S-Transferase: Insights into the 2.3 Å resolution X-ray structure and function, a therapeutic target for human lymphatic filariasis. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 505 (2018) 979-984 (Impact Factor: 2.466)
  • Paul R, Sandeep J, Mahalakshmi N, Kaliraj P. Elucidation of Immunological response and its Regulatory Network by P-TUFT-ALT-2: A Promising Fusion Protein Vaccine for Human Lymphatic Filariasis. Royal Society Open Science, 2018. (Impact Factor: 2.243)
  • Jason Charles, Mahalakshmi N, Desai PK, Kaliraj P. Enhancing the sensitivity of ELISA using monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies to rWbSXP1 antigen. Research Journal of Biotechnology, 2017. (Impact factor: 0.29)
  • Paul R, Saha G, Selvaraja V, Kaliraj P. Cloning, expression and characterization of Brugiamalayi abundant larval protein Transcript-2 (BmALT-2) expressed in Pichia pastoris. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment. 2017, 31 (2) (Impact factor: 1.059)
  • Christiana I, Aparnaa R, Rohit R, Rao DN, Kaliraj P. Effect of muramyl dipeptide and alum adjuvants on immunization with Filarial multi-antigen peptide vaccine in mice model. Helminthologia. 2016, 53(3) (Impact factor: 0.472)
  • Ravishankaran, Shridharan RN, Vishal LA, Karande AA, Kaliraj P. Evaluation of immunediagnostic assay for the exposure of stage specific filarial infection. ActaParasitologica. 2016, 61(2) (Impact factor: 1.13)
  • Madhumathi J, Prince PR, Rao DN, Reddy MVR, Kaliraj P. Epitope mapping of Brugiamalayi ALT2 and the development of a multiepitope vaccine for lymphatic filariasis. Journal of Helminthology, 91(1), 2016 (Impact factor: 1.42)
  • Kamatchi R, Charumathi J, Ravishankaran R, Kaliraj P, Meenakshisundaram S. Construction and bacterial expression of a recombinant singlechain antibody fragment against Wuchereriabancrofti SXP1 antigen for the diagnosis of lymphatic filariasis. Journal of Helminthology.2016, 90(1) (Impact factor: 1.42)
  • Anugraha G, Madhumathi J, Prince PR, Reddy MVR, Kaliraj P. Chimeric epitope vaccine from multistage antigens for lymphatic filariasis. Scandinavian Journal of Immunology. 2015, 82(4) (Impact factor: 2.256)
  • Ganapathy M, Chakravarthi M, Charles SJ, Subramonian, N, Kaliraj P. Immunodiagnostic Properties of Wucherariabancrofti SXP1, a Potential Filarial Diagnostic Candidate Expressed in Tobacco Plant, Nicotianatabacum. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2015, 176(7) (Impact factor: 1.413)
  • Ramanathan A, Immanuel C, Rao DN, Kaliraj P. Dissecting the immune response elicited by WbALT2, ALT MAP in clinical populations and mouse model: a prophylactic measure against lymphatic filariasis. Lymphatic Research and Biology. 2015, 13(2)  (Impact factor: 1.552)
  • Ravishankaran R, Radhika NS, Ansel Vishal L, Karande AA, Kaliraj P. An evaluation of antigen capture assays for detecting active filarial antigens. Journal of Helminthology. 2015, 89(3) (Impact factor: 1.42)
  • Anugraha G, Madhumathi J, JeyaPrita PJ and Kaliraj P. Biodegradable poly-l-lactide based microparticles as controlled release delivery system for filarial vaccine candidate antigens.European Journal of Pharmacology. 2015, 747: 174-180 (Impact Factor: 2.68).
  • Malathi B, Mona S, Thiyagarajan D and Kaliraj P. Immunopotentiatingnano-chitosan as potent vaccine carter for efficacious prophylaxis of filarial antigens.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2015, 73:131-137 (Impact Factor: 3.10).
  • Ansel Vishal L, Nazeer Y, Ravishankaran R, Mahalakshmi N and Kaliraj P. Evaluation of Rapid Blood Sample Collection in the Detection of Circulating Filarial Antigens for Epidemiological Survey by rWbSXP-1 Capture Assay. PLoS ONE. 2014, 9(7): e102260 (Impact Factor: 3.534).
  • Jawaharlal JP, Madhumathi J, Prince RP and Kaliraj P. Repeat region of Brugiamalayi sheath protein (Shp-1) carries Dominant B epitopes recognized in filarial endemic population.ActaParasitologica. 2014, 59 (3): 454-458 (Impact Factor: 1.144).
  • Natarajan Mahalakshmi, AparnaaRamanathan and Kaliraj P. Evaluation of immune response elicited by inulin as an adjuvant with filarial antigens in mice model. Scandinavian Journal of Immunology. 2014, 80(4): 261-270 (Impact Factor: 2.199).
  • Sakthidevi M, Hoti SL and Kaliraj P. Functional analysis of a highly conserved abundant larval transcript-2 (alt-2) intron 2 repeat region of lymphatic filarial parasites.Infection, Genetics & Evolution. 2014, 24: 177-182 (Impact Factor: 3.264).
  • Aparnaa R, Mahalakshmi N, Harini A, Jeyaprita PJ, Anugraha G, Amdare NP, Khatri VK, Reddy MV and Kaliraj P. Wuchereriabancrofti 20/22 a homologue of abundant larval transcript L3 stage filarial antigen: molecular and immunological characterization.Parasite Immunology. 2014, 36 (10): 475- 484 (Impact Factor: 1.849).
  • Ravishankaran R, Radhika NS, Vishal LA, Meenakshisundaram S, Karande AA and Kaliraj P. An evaluation of antigen capture assays for detecting active filarial antigens.Journal of Helminthology. 2014, 2: 1-7 (Impact Factor: 1.303).
  • JeyaPritaParasurama Jawaharlal, RajendranRavishankaran, Radhika NagamangalamShridharan, Ansel Vishal Lawrence, Anjali AnoopKarande and Kaliraj P. Evaluation of Brugiamalayi sheath protein (Shp-1) as a diagnostic antigen for human lymphatic filariasis. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease. 2014, 78(3): 249-254 (Impact Factor: 2.568).
  • AparnaaRamanathan and Kaliraj Perumal. Immunomodulation of ALT-2 and TLR may collude in antigen specific T cell hyporesponsiveness: proposed mechanism for elevated IL-10 levels in Balb/C mice. ActaParasitologica. 2014, 59(1): 25-30 (Impact Factor: 1.144).
  • ChakkaravarthyArunkumar, ChakkaravarthyArunkumar, PanduranganPandiaraja, P. R. Prince, Perumal Kaliraj. Immunological characterization of recombinant Wuchereriabancrofticuticular collagen (COL-4) as putative vaccine candidate for human lymphatic filariasis. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine. 2014, 412-420 (Impact Factor: 0.672).
  • MoorthySakthidevia, Prince RajaiahPrabhua, Swati Chowdharya,SugeerappaLaxmanappaHotib, Perumal Kaliraj. Functional analysis of genetic polymorphism in Wuchereriabancroftiglutathione S-transferase antioxidant gene: Impact on proteinstructure and enzyme catalysis. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology. 2013, 192: 10-20 (Impact Factor: 2.243).
  • Anugraha G, Madhumathi, Prince R P, JeyaPrita, Kaliraj P. Molecular Characterisation of VAH-TRX fusion protein for immunoporphylactic potential in lymphatic filariasis, ActaParasitologica.2013, 58(4):468-477 (Impact factor: 0.965).
  • Natarajan Mahalakshmi, RamanathanAparnaa, Lawrance Ansel Vishal and Perumal Kaliraj. Molecular characterization and evaluation of Onchocerca volvulus-secreted larval acidic protein 1 (SLAP1) as a putative vaccine candidate on endemic population of lymphatic filariasis, Parasitology Research. 2013, 112(9): 3203-3211 (Impact Factor: 2.852).
  • P.R.Prince, J. Madhumathi, G. Anugraha, P.J. Jeyaprita, M.V.R. Reddy and P. Kaliraj. Tandem antioxidant enzymes confer synergistic protective responses in experimental filariasis. Journal of Helminthology. 2013, 1-9 (Impact Factor: 1.303).
  • Sam Sharmila, Immanuel Christiana, Pote Kiran, Maryada V R Reddy, Krishnan Sankaran, Kaliraj P.Bacterial lipid modification enhances immunoprophylaxis of filarial Abundant Larval Transcript-2 protein in Mastomys model. Parasite Immunology. 2013, 1-13 (Impact Factor: 1.849).
  • Rohit Sharma, S. L. Hoti, R. L. Meena, V. Vasuki, T. Sankari, Kaliraj P. Molecular and functional characterization of macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) homolog of human from lymphatic filarial parasite Wuchereriabancrofti. Parasitology Research. 2012, 111:2035–2047 (Impact Factor: 2.852).
  • Setty Balakrishnan Anand, VasudevanRajagopal and Perumal Kaliraj. Brugiamalayithioredoxin peroxidase as a potential vaccine candidate antigen for lymphatic filariasis. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2012, 167:1351-1364 (Impact Factor: 1.893).
  • Sharmila S, Christiana I, Kiran P, Reddy M V R, Kaliraj P. The adjuvant-free immunoprotection of recombinant filarial protein Abundant Larval Transcript-2 (ALT-2) in Mastomyscoucha and the immunoprophylactic importance of its putative signal sequence, Experimental Parasitology.  2011, 129:247–253 (Impact Factor: 2.122).
  • Anand S. B, Kodumudi, K.N, Reddy M.V, and Kaliraj P. A combination of two Brugiamalayi filarial 2 vaccine candidate antigens (BmALT-2 and BmVAH) enhances immune responses 4 and protection in jirds. Journal of Helminthology. 2011. 85:442-452 (Impact Factor: 1.38)
  • Vivek Pandey, JayaprakasamMadhumathi, Anjali A. Karande, KalirajP. Antigen detection assay with parasite specific monoclonal antibodies for diagnosis of  lymphaticfilariasis, ClinicaChimicaActa. 2011. 412:1867–1873 (Impact Factor: 2.535).
  • Madhumathi J, Anugraha G, Prince P.R and Kaliraj P. Proliferative responses of Brugiamalayi TPX-1 and its epitopic peptide29–43 in an endemic population of human lymphatic filariasis, Microbes and Infection. 2011, 13:602-606 (Impact Factor:3.101).
  • Janardhan S, Pandiaraja P, Vivek Pandey, Anjali Karande and Kaliraj P. Development & characterization of monoclonal antibodies against WbSXP-1 for the detection of circulating filarial antigens. J. Helminth.2010, 85:1-6 (Impact Factor: 1.544).
  • Pandiaraja P, Arunkumar C, Hoti S.L, Rao D.N, Kaliraj P., Evaluation of synthetic peptides of WbSXP-1 for the diagnosis of human lymphatic filariasis. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease. 2010, 68:410-415 (Impact Factor: 2.426).
  • Madhumathi J, Prince PR, Anugraha G, Kiran P, Rao DN, Reddy MV, Kaliraj P. Identification and characterization of nematode specific protective epitopes of Brugiamalayi TRX towards development of synthetic vaccine construct for lymphatic filariasis. Vaccine. 2010, 28:5038–5048 (Impact Factor: 3.572).
  • Madhumathi J, Prince P, Rao D N, Kaliraj P. Dominant T cell epitopes of filarial Bm ALT-2 and their cytokine profile in Balb/c mice. Parasite Immunology. 2010, 32:760-763 (Impact Factor: 2.357).
  • Madhumathi J, Prince PR, Gayatri SC, Aparnaa R. and Kaliraj P. Identification of a highly immunoreactive epitope of B.malayiTPx recognized by the endemic sera. Journal of Parasitology.2010, (Impact Factor: 1.208).
  • Madhumathi J, Pradiba D, Prince PR, Rao  DN and  Kaliraj P. Crucial epitopes of Wuchereriabancrofti abundant larval transcript recognized in natural infection. Eur. J. Clin. Microbiol. Infect. Dis. 2010, 29:1481-1486 (Impact Factor: 2.631).
  • Pandiaraja P, Murugan V, Hoti SL and Kaliraj P. Molecular characterization of a truncated antigen (Wb14) of SXP-1 of Wuchereriabancrofti from four endemic regions in India. Exp. Parasitol. 2010, 125:236-243 (Impact Factor: 1.869).
  • Sakthidevi M, Murugan V, Hoti SL and Kaliraj P. Lymphatic Filarial species differentiation using evolutionarily modified tandem repeats: Generation of new genetic markers. Inf. Gen. &Evol.  2010, 10:591-594 (Impact Factor: 3.086).
  • Uma V, Vivek P, Prince R. Prabhu, Gajalakshmi D, MVR Reddy and Kaliraj P. Evaluation of immunoprophylactic efficacy of B.  malayitransglutaminase (BmTGA) in single and multiple antigen vaccination with bmalt-2 and bmtpx for human Lymphatic Filariasis. Am. J Trop. Med. &Hyg. 2009, 80(2): 319-324 (Impact Factor: 2.795).
  • Anand S. B, Murugan. V; Prince R P, Anandharaman V; Reddy M V R; Kaliraj P. Comparison of Immunogenicity, protective efficacy of Single and Cocktail DNA vaccine of B. malayiabundant larval transcript (ALT-2) and thioredoxin (TPX) in Mice. Act. Trop. 2008. 107(2):106-112 (Impact Factor: 1.707).
  • S. Janardhan, P. Pandiaraja, S. Thiruganam, M.N. Balamurali, Kennedy Fernando, S. Meenakshisundaram and P. Kaliraj. Optimization of Production, Purification and Applications of a Diagnostically Important Recombinant Protein WbSXP-1 Expressed inSalt Inducible E.coli. J of Ind. Microbiol& Biotech. 2007, 34: 675-683 (Impact Factor: 2.062).
  • Thirugnanam, S, Pandiaraja, P, Ramaswamy, K, Murugan, V, Gnanasekar, M, Nandakumar, K, Rami Reddy, MV, and Kaliraj, P. B. malayi: Comparison of protective immune responses induced Bm-alt-2 DNA, recombinant Bm-ALT-2 protein and prime boost vaccine Regimens in a jird model, Exp. Parasitol 2007, 116(4): 483-491 (Impact Factor: 1.597).
  • Uma V, Geetha M, V Murugan and Kaliraj P. Isolation and Characterization of recombinant Brugian parasitic Transglutaminase. Ind. J. of Biotech. 2006, Vol 5 (suppl): 317-326 (Impact Factor: 0.510)
  • Vijay Bhaskar, Lakshmi Kanthan, Srikanth T, Suba S, Mody H, Desai P, Kaliraj P, Development and evaluation of a rapid flow through immunofiltration test using recombinant filarial antigen for diagnosis of Brugian and Bancroftianfilariasis. Microbiol. Immunol. 2004, 48(7): 519-525 (Impact Factor: 1.44).
  • Ravi V, Kubofcik J, Bandopadhyaya S, Geetha M, Narayanan RB, Nutman TB, Kaliraj P.W. bancrofti: cloning and characterization of heat shock protein 70 from the filarial parasite. Exp. Parasitol.2004, 106(1-2):1-10 (Impact Factor: 1.347).
  • Eswaran Devarajan, Pankaj Kumar Mishra, Shiva Thirugnanam, Kapil Mehta, RamaswamyChandrasekar and Kaliraj Perumal. Molecular characterization of a Brugiamalayitransglutaminase. Parasitology research. 2004, 93:145-150 (Impact Factor: 1.06).
  • Lalitha P, Eswaran D, Gnanasekar M, Rao KVN, Narayanan RB, Scott AL, Nutman TB and Kaliraj P.  Development of antigen detection ELISA for diagnosis of brugian and bancroftianfilariasis using antibodies to recombinant filarial antigens BmSXP-1 and Wb-SXP-1, Microbiol&Immunol. 2002, 46(5):327-332 (Impact Factor: 1.17) .
  • Gnanasekar M, Rao, KVN, Chen L, Narayanan, RB, Geetha M, Scott, AL, Ramaswamy K and Kaliraj P. Molecular characterization of a calcium binding translationally controlled tumor protein homologue from the filarial parasites., Mol. &Biochem. Parasitol. 2002, 121:107-118 (Impact Factor: 2.882).
  • Bhuvanesh S, Arunkumar C, Kaliraj P, Ramalingam S., Production and single-step purification of Brugiamalayi abundant larval transcript (ALT-2) using hydrophobic interaction chromatography. J. Ind. Microbiol. Biotechnol.2010, 37:1053-1059 (Impact Factor: 2.416).
  • Janardhan S, Srinivasa Babu K, Kaliraj P, Meenakshisundaram S. Optimization of Media for Expression and Economic Production of Recombinant Proteins of Therapeutic and Diagnostic Interest in a Novel Osmotically Inducible E.coli GJ1158. Res. J Biotech. (2007) 2(1):49-55 (Impact Factor: 1.07).
  • Setty Balakrishnan Anand, MunirathinamGnanasekar, Mani Thangadurai, Prince R. P, Kaliraj P and Ramaswamy K. Immune response studies with Wuchereriabancroftivespid allergen homologue (WbVAH) in human lymphatic filariasis, Parasitol. Res. 2007. 10.1007/s00436-007-0571-2 (Impact Factor: 1.437).
  • Sasisekhar B, AparnaaM, Augustin DJ, Kaliraj P, Kar SK, Nutman TB and Narayanan RB. Diminished Monocyte function in microfilaremic patients with lymphatic filariasis and its relationship to altered lymphoproliferative responses. Infect. Imm. 2005.Vol. 73(6): 3385 –3393 (Impact Factor: 4.004).
  • Gnanasekar M, Rao KVN, Mishra PK, Kaliraj Pet al. Novel pahge display-based subtractive screening to identify vaccine candidates of Brugiamalayi. Infection and immunity. 2004, 72(8): 4707-4715 (Impact Factor: 4.004).
  • Nookala S, Srinivasan S, Kaliraj P, Narayanan RB, Nutman TB. Impairment of tetanus-specific cellular and humoral responses following tetanus vaccination in filariasis. Infect. and Immun. 2004, 72 (5):2598-2604 (Impact Factor: 4.004).
  • Lammie PJ, Gary W, Rahmah N, Kaliraj P, et al “Recombinant antigen-based antibody assays for the diagnosis and surveillance of lymphatic filariasis – a multicenter trial” Fil. J 2004.3(9): 1-5 (Impact Factor: 1.371).
  • S Ramachandran, MP Kumar, RMV Rami, HB Chinnaiah, T Nutman, P Kaliraj and J   McCarthy. The larval specific lymphatic filarial ALT-2: induction of protection using protein or DNA vaccination. Microbiol. Immunol. 2004, 48 (12): 945-955 (Impact Factor: 1.44).
  • Fred Engelbrecht, Tobias Oettl, Usrula Herter, Claudia Link, Diana Philipp, Henry Edeghere, Kaliraj P, Felicia Enwezor, Analysis of Wuchereriabancrofti infections in a Village community in northern Nigeria: Increased prevalence in individuals infected with Onchocerca volvulus”, Parasitol. Int. 2003, 52: 13-20 (Impact Factor: 1.205).
  • Kannan Kunchithapautham, B. Padmavathi, R.B. Narayanan, P. Kaliraj and Alan L. Scott. Thioredoxin from Brugiamalayi: Defining a 16-Kilodalton class of thioredoxins from nematodes. Infection and immunity. 2003, 71(7): 4119-4126 (Impact Factor: 4.004).
  • Rao KVN, Eswaran M, Ravi V, P Kaliraj et al. The Wuchereriabancroftiorthologue of BrugiamalayiSXP1 and the diagnosis of bancroftianfilariasis. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 2000, 107:71-80 (Impact Factor: 2.397).
  • Steve Williams, Mark Blaxter, P Kaliraj et al. Deep within the filarial genome: Progress of filarial genome project.  Parasitology Today. 1999, 15(6):219-224 (Impact Factor: 4.94).
  • Uma R, Eswaran D, Narayan RB, Jayaraman K and Kaliraj P. Proinflammatory cytokines secreted by monocytes of filarial patients. Microbiol. Immunol. 1999, 43(3): 279-283 (Impact Factor: 1.17).
  • Regunathan J, Jayaraman K and Kaliraj P. Cellular immune response studies in bancroftianfilariasis. Journal of Helminthology. 1997, 71(3):265-267 (Impact Factor: 0.491).
  • P Lathila, M Ravichandran, S. Suba, P. Kaliraj, R.B. Narayanan and KunthalaJayaraman. Quantitative assessment of circulating antigens in human lymphatic filariasis: a field evaluation of monoclonal antibody-based ELISA using blood collected on filter strips. Tropical medicine and international health. 1998, 3(1): 41-45 (Impact Factor: 0.997).
  • JG Theodore, P Kaliraj, S Jayachandran and K Jayaraman. Cloning, over-expression and evaluation of a recombinant fusion protein of Wuchereriabancroftitowards its application as a diadnostic agent for bancroftianfilariasis. Parasitology. 1993, 106: 413-420 (Impact Factor: 2.01).
  • Kannan K, Latitha P, Rao KV, Narayanan RB and Kaliraj P. Optimisation of immunoaffinity purification of Wuchereriabancroftispecific antibodies from human sera. Indian J Exp Biol. 1997, 35(10):1076-1079 (Impact Factor: 0.93).
  • Usha Jain, Patel MT, Desai PK and Kaliraj P. Development of simple and stable ELISA for detection of copro antigen in intestinal amoebiasis. Indian J Exp Biol. 1990, 28: 671-675 (Impact Factor: 0.93).
  • J.G. Theodore and P. Kaliraj. Wuchereriabancroftirecombinant antigen-derived poly- and monoclonal antibodies for the detection of circulating antigen(s) in the sera of lymphatic filarial patients. Journal of Helminthology. 1996, 70:69-74 (Impact Factor: 0.491).
  • J.G. Theodore and P. Kaliraj. Isolation, purification and characterization of surface antigens of the bovine filarial parasite Setariadigitatafor the immunodiagnosis of bancroftianfilariasis. Journal of Helminthology. 1990, 64(2):105-114 (Impact Factor: 0.491).
  • P Kaliraj, SN Ghirnikar and BC Harinath. Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for bancroftianfilariasis. Trans Roy. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. 1981, 75:119-120 (Impact Factor: 1.931).
  • P Kaliraj, Indira Kharat, SN Ghirnikar and BC Harinath. The utility of human filarial serum in the detection of circulating antigen. Journal of Helminthology. 1981, 55:133-139 (Impact Factor: 0.491)
  • P Kaliraj, SN Ghirhikar and BC Harinath. Immunodiagnosis of bancroftianfilariasis: comparative efficiency of the indirect hemagglutination test, indirect fluorescent antibody test and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay done with Wuchereriabancroftimicrofilarial antigens.  Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 1981, 30(5): 982-987 (Impact Factor: 1.931).
  • Usha Jain, PK Desai, MT Patel, DK Joshi and P Kaliraj. Purification and characterization of E.histolyticaantigen for diagnosis of amoebiasis. Indian J Exp Biol. 1990, 28:1118-1123 (Impact Factor: 0.93).
  • Usha Jain, Parul Desai, Kaliraj Pet al. Evaluation of Tri-iodide resin for bacterial purification of drinking water. J Indian water works association. 1986, 18:301-307 (Impact Factor: 0.528).
  • Kaliraj P, Madhu T Patel, Gaurang Desai, RekhaMegha and Pradeep K Desai. Utility of human anti-hepatitis B surface antigen serum in purification and detection of hepatitis B surface antigen. Indian J Exp Biol. 1983, 21: 487-493 (Impact Factor: 0.93).
  • Malathi S and Kaliraj P. A study on the acetylcholinesterase activity at the neuromuscular junctions in tibialis anterior and soleus muscles of the dog. Current science. 1981. 50 (10): 443-447 (Impact Factor: 0.834).
  • Kaliraj P, Ghirnikar SN and Harinath BC. Indirect fluorescent antibody technique using sonicated Wuchereriabamcroftimicrofilaria for immunodiagnosis of bancroftianfilariasis. Indian J Exp Biol. 1979, 17: 332-335 (Impact Factor: 0.93).
  • Kaliraj P, Rao KN, Harinath BC and Ghirnikar SN. Immunization studies in rabbits with human-filarial parasite. Indian J Exp Biol. 1978, 16: 994-995 (Impact Factor: 0.93).





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