Recognized Research Institutes of Bharathiar University(Click the link to visit the respective Institute Website)
- Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology & Natural History
- Pasteur Institute of India
- Centre for Research in Social, Tech.& Culture (GRD Trust)
- Dalmia Centre for Research and Development
- Defence Institute of Psychological Research
- PSG Centre for Genetics and Molecular Biology
- Central Institute for Cotton Research
- T.Stanes Research & Development Centre
- Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences
- UPASI Tea Research Foundation Tea Research Institute
- Institute of Nuclear Medicine & Allied Sciences
- Solid State Physics Laboratory - DRDO
- Defence Research & Development Establishment
- Indian Institute of Spices Research
- International Institute of Ayurvedha
- South India Textile Research Association
- Botanical Survey of India
- Sugarcane Breeding Institute
- Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Instt. of Textile Management
- Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding
- Defence Institute of High Altitude Research (DIHAR)
- PSG Institute of Advanced Studies
- Tamil Nadu Institute of Urban Studies
- Defence Bio-Engineering and Electromedical Laboratory
- Defence Food Research Laboratory
- Radio Astronomy Centre
- Defence Institute of Bio-Energy Research
- WCSC-Vision Sky Research Center
- Defence Laboratory DRDO - Jodhpur
- Defence Research & Development Organization - Timarpur
- Cosmic Ray Laboratory
- Defence Research Laboratory-DRDO-Tezpur
- Centre for Bioscience and Nanoscience Research
- Ganga Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation
- Centre for Fire, Explosive and Environment Safety