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Research Institutes

Recognized Research Institutes of Bharathiar University(Click the link to visit the respective Institute Website)

  1. Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology & Natural History
  2. Pasteur Institute of India
  3. Centre for Research in Social, Tech.& Culture (GRD Trust)
  4. Dalmia Centre for Research and Development
  5. Defence Institute of Psychological Research
  6. PSG Centre for Genetics and Molecular Biology
  7. Central Institute for Cotton Research
  8. T.Stanes Research & Development Centre
  9. Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences
  10. UPASI Tea Research Foundation Tea Research Institute
  11. Institute of Nuclear Medicine & Allied Sciences
  12. Solid State Physics Laboratory - DRDO
  13. Defence Research & Development Establishment
  14. Indian Institute of Spices Research
  15. International Institute of Ayurvedha
  16. South India Textile Research Association
  17. Botanical Survey of India
  18. Sugarcane Breeding Institute
  19. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Instt. of Textile Management
  20. Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding
  21. Defence Institute of High Altitude Research (DIHAR)
  22. PSG Institute of Advanced Studies
  23. Tamil Nadu Institute of Urban Studies
  24. Defence Bio-Engineering and Electromedical Laboratory
  25. Defence Food Research Laboratory
  26. Radio Astronomy Centre
  27. Defence Institute of Bio-Energy Research
  28. WCSC-Vision Sky Research Center
  29. Defence Laboratory DRDO - Jodhpur
  30. Defence Research & Development Organization - Timarpur
  31. Cosmic Ray Laboratory
  32. Defence Research Laboratory-DRDO-Tezpur
  33. Centre for Bioscience and Nanoscience Research
  34. Ganga Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation
  35. Centre for Fire, Explosive and Environment Safety