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Bharathiar University PG Extension and Research Centre

Year of Establishment

Knowledge is the Resource for Global Competitiveness. To enrich the research activities of the rural economically backward students and to elevate them through education, the Government of Tamilnadu inaugurated Bharathiar University PG Extension and Research Centre at Erode on 06.05.2013.

This centre contours the youth by affording resourceful education as an effective medium and tool to enhance the social and economic development. The centre has about 250 students enrolled in its six programs: M.A. English and Tamil, M.Sc. Mathematics, M.Sc.Computer Science, MBA and MCA.


Our vision is to provide Internationally comparable quality higher education to the youth. The aim is not only focused on imparting subject knowledge and skills, but also to mould the students with better conduct and character committed to the societal needs and national development.

Enshrined with the motto “Educate to Elevate”. The University strives to realize the vision of India and excel in promoting and protecting the rich heritage of our past and secular ideals of the nation.


  • To be innovative, inclusive and international University committed to excellence in teaching, research and knowledge transfer and to serve the social, cultural and economic needs of the nation.
  • To innovate and offer educational programmes in various disciplines with synergistic
    interaction with the industry and society.
  • To impart knowledge and skills to students equipping them to be ready to face the emerging
    challenges to the knowledge area.
  • To provide equal opportunity to women students and prepare them to be equal partners in
    meeting the scientific and technological demands of the nation.
  • To contribute to the advancement to knowledge through applied research leading to newer
    products and process.
  • To prepare the students to work for societal transformation with commitment to justice and
  • To inculcate among students a global vision with skills of international competence.
Salient Features


Thrust Areas of Research


MileStones of the Department


Roll of Honours - Former Faculty Members