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Bharathiar University Help Desk

Bharathiar University Help Desk is a mechanism to resolve the issues and concerns of various stake holders of the University. This Help Desk will serve as a single window system for the stake holders for lodging complaints /grievances/ suggestions related to issues of the University. This system intends to speed up the redressal mechanism. The Grievances Redressal has always been a top priority of Bharathiar University. It is a digital platform for Stake holders to apply for grievances/suggestions/queries. This platform ensures a time-bound mechanism for redressal of the grievances.

For Exam, Result related clarifications contact the following numbers:

CPP, CCII & Distance Education: 0422-2428189, 0422-2428199

Affiliated Colleges & University Department related exam/result clarifications:

UG(Arts Courses): 0422-2428178

UG(Science Courses): 0422-2428179

PG Courses: 0422-2428187

Submit Your Grievance / Query