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Bank of India Bharathiar University Branch is located immediately behind the Administrative Building
The Bank Functions from 10 am to 4 pm with a lunch break from  2pm to 2.30 pm
The bank offers all routine banking services to the students and staff of the university. The bank also provides digital banking opportunities.
The Bank has installed two ATMs for the benefit of students and staff

Contact Number :

Post Office
  • Post office is located immediately behind the administrative building and adjacent to Bank Of India.
  • The Post office offers all routine postal services like mails, stamp selling, registered post and speed post.
  • The post office also offers payment banking services and adhar based ATM service.
University Canteen

There is a canteen functioning behind the administrative building which offers quality vegetarian and non vegetarian food. The canteen has spacious dining halls for students and staff. Canteen functions on all working days. The Canteen functions from 8am to 5.30 pm

Aavin Milk Parlour

An AAVIN parlour  is functioning near the library which serves snacks and beverages. This is  an exclusive AAVIN franchise which sells only AAVIN products.  The parlour functions from 9am to 5.30 pm