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Choice Based Credit System

Bharathiar University Post Graduate programmes have core, elective and supportive courses/papers with credits ranging from 2 to 5 depending on the lecture hours per week. Core and elective paper are exclusively offered in the parent department, the supportive papers are offered by other departments. Bharathiar University has also introduced value added courses and job oriented certificate courses in all the programs to improve the student's skill sets.

I) The minimum number of credits 90 to be earned for the successful completion of the 2 year full time, PG program which shall include supportive and elective courses.

All the students require to undertake online course offered by SWAYAM, MOOCS and NPTEL before the end of the 3rd semester.

Outcome Based Education (OBE) is followed in the university. OBE is a student-centric teaching and learning methodology in which the course delivery and assessment is designed to achieve the stated objectives and outcomes.

Course-wise grading of students in CBCS

Passing minimum is 50% in the end semester examination and 50% in the continuous assessment for that paper/course.

Marks and Grades: The marks, grade points, letter grades and classification to indicate the performance of the candidate are given in the following table:

Range of Marks Grade Points Letter Grade Description
90-100 9.0-10.0 O Outstanding
80-89 8.0-8.9 D+ Excellent
75-79 7.5-7.9 D Distinction
70-74 7.0-7.4 A+ Very Good
60-69 6.0-6.9 A Good
50-59 5.0-5.9 B Average
00-49 0-4.9 U Re-appear
Absent 0 AAA Absent


Dr. P. Shanmughavel,
CBCS Coordinator,
Mobile: 9486446101