- 1. Fostering Academic Resilience Among Rural Low Socio Economic College Students.
Name of the Principal Investigator: Dr . N. Annalakshmi,
Department of Psychology.Executive Summary: Download
- 2. Capacity Building and Skill Development of Tribal People in Nilgiris District of Tamilnadu.
Name of the Principal Investigator: Dr.K.Malarmathi, Associate Professor, Bharathiar School of Management and Entrepreneur Development.
Executive Summary: Download
- 3. A Study of heavy ion collisions in the heavy and superheavy mass region and the related phenomena.
Name of the Principal Investigator: Dr.M.Balasubramaniam,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Physics.Executive Summary: Download
- 4. Robust Statistics and its applications in Computer Vision
Name of the Principal Investigator: Dr.R.Muthukrishnan,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Statistics.Executive Summary: Download
- 5.Quantum Mechanical and Molecular Mechanical studies on the reactions of pollutants in atmosphere and in water
Name of the Principal Investigator: Dr. K. Senthilkumar,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Physics.Executive Summary: Download
- 6. Development of an efficient bio-inspired, agent based algorithmic technique for dynamic task allocation in industrial settings
Name of the Principal Investigator: Dr. T.Amudha,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Computer Application.Executive Summary: Download
- 7. A Protocol for Reliable Routing in Mobile Ad-hoc Network's(MANET)
Name of the Principal Investigator: Dr. R.Vadivel,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Information Technology.Executive Summary: Download
- 8. Synthetic and Biological Studies of naphthyridine alkaloid analogues and fused naphthyridines
Name of the Principal Investigator: Dr.S.P.Rajendran,
Department of Chemistry.Executive Summary: Download
- 9. Design and Development of efficient data cleaning Algorithm for biological databases
Name of the Principal Investigator: Dr. V.Bhuvaneswari,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Computer Applications.Executive Summary: Download
- 10. A Model of Defects Detection in Object Oriented Programming Languages and Console Based Application
Name of the Principal Investigator: Dr. S.Sarala,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Information Technology.Executive Summary: Download
- 11. An efficient scheduling strategy for protein sequence analysis on the grid
Name of the Principal Investigator: Dr. D.Ramyachitra,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Computer Science.Executive Summary: Download
- 12. Investigation on the Ultrasound assisted control of nucleation, separation, shape, size and single crystalline growth of Alpha- lactose monohydrate (α-LM) polymorphs for food and pharmaceutical applications.
Name of the Principal Investigator: Dr.K.Srinivasan,
Department of Physics.Executive Summary: Download
- 13. An Extended Architecture from E-learning to Mobile learning For Learners Assessment System using SMS
Name of the Principal Investigator: Mr. T.Ramesh,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Information Technology.Executive Summary: Download
- 14. Skill Streaming: Social Skills Intervention among Rural Adolescents
Name of the Principal Investigator: Dr. A.Velayudhan,
Professor and Head,
Department of Psychology.Executive Summary: Download
- 15.Toxicity assessment of engineered nonoparticles to fresh water fish: A comparison of nanometals versus metal ions using certain biomarkers as endpoints
Name of the Principal Investigator: Dr.M.Ramesh,
Department of Zoology.Executive Summary: Download
- 16.An Efficient Technique for Privacy Preserving Data Mining
Name of the Principal Investigator: Dr.S.Vijayarani,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Computer Science.Executive Summary: Download
- 17. Shape and Size-Controlled Synthesis of Co2AO4@C (A = Sn, Ti, V and Si) Nanocomposites as an Anodes for Li-ion Batteries
Name of the Principal Investigator: Dr.R.Kalaiselvan,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Physics.Executive Summary: Download
- 18. Effects of Co2 Driven Acidification on Biological and Physiological Responses of the Shrimp Litopenaeus Vannamei
Name of the Principal Investigator: Dr.T.Muralisankar,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Zoology.Executive Summary: Download
- 19. Up regulating the flavonoid biosynthetic pathway of soybean using myb transcription factor for enhanced production of pharmacologically important antioxidants
Name of the Principal Investigator: Dr. M. Arun,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Biotechnology.Executive Summary: Download