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  1. Department of Physical Education - International Conference on "Practical Wisdom of Yogic Science; Applications in Health, Education and Research" - Notification
  2. Department of History and Tourism - Ten Days Research Methodology Course for M.Phil/Ph.D/PDF Research scholars in Social sciences sponsored by ICSSR
  3. Department of Biotechnology - Hands on Training Program on "Anaerobic Culture Techniques"
  4. Department of Computer Science - International Conference on Advanced Computing(ICAC - 2024)
  5. Department of History and Tourism - Ten Days Research Methodology Course for M.Phil/Ph.D/PDF Research scholars in Social sciences sponsored by ICSSR
  6. Department of Human Genetics and Molecular Biology - Hands-on Training in Cytogenetic Technique - Notification
  7. Department of Environmental Sciences - Science Academies’ Refresher Course on “Bioprospection of bioresources: Present Scenario"
  8. National Conference on "Multinomics & Structural Biology in Redefining Therapeutics" organized by Department of Bioinformatics
  9. Department of Botany - 9th Asian PGPR National Conference on “The Beneficial Microbes as Integrated Approach for Sustainable Agriculture: Opportunities and Challenges”
  10. Tender - purchase of Chemicals for the Department of Environmental Sciences
  11. Department of Microbial Biotechnology - National Conference on "Natural Product Research on Sustainable Health Care(Biogalaxia 2023-24)" - Notification
  12. Department of Biochemistry - Workshop on Quantitative Real Time PCR by SYBR Green Chemistry
  13. Department of Applied Mathematics - workshop on “Quantum Leap: Transitioning to Quantum Computing” (QLEAP - 2024)
  14. Department of Linguistics - National Level Training Programme on 'Dravidian Semantics'
  15. International Conference on Mathematical Modelling, Simulation and Nonlinear Dynamics 2024 (ICMMSND-2024)
  16. மகாகவி பாரதியார் பிறந்தநாள் விழா
  17. Department of Botany - National Conference on Millet Cultivation and Conservation of Plants in Herbal Garden
  18. IWWA 56th Annual Convention - Department of Environmental Sciences
  19. National Conference on “Environment and Ecology” organized by Department of Environmental Sciences
  20. Department of Microbial Biotechnology - Training Programme
  21. National Workshop On 3D Bioprinting Technology for Tissue Engineering and Organ Printing (BPTEOP)
  22. Department of Commerce - ICSSR Sponsored International Conference on Fintech: Digital Transformation of Financial Services
  23. Kurinji Summer Camp 2023
  24. NAAC 4th Cycle - Peer Team Visit
  25. Department of Microbial Biotechnology - One week National workshop-PTCGET-2023
  1. Tender - Purchase of pH/EC/DO Multiparameter Portable, Senior Rotary Microtome and Digital pH for the Department of Zoology
  2. Tender - Purchase of Semi-Micro Analytical Balance for the Department of Environmental Sciences
  3. Tender - Purchase of Ice Flaker for the Department of Biochemistry
  4. Tender - Purchase of Midi 2D Page Gel Electrophoresis with Power Pack for the Department of Zoology
  5. Tender - Purchase of Shelf type lyophilizer for the Department of Zoology
  6. Tender - Purchase of Benchtop automated nucleic acid extractor for the Department of Zoology
  7. Tender - Purchase of Adobe Creative Cloud and Adobe Captivate Software
  8. Tender - Purchase of Office Chair to Biomedical and Microbial Research Laboratory in the Department of Biochemistry
  9. Tender - Purchase of Desk for PG Class room in the Department of Information Technology
  10. Tender - Purchase of Conference Table for Computer Lab in the Department of Environmental Sciences
  11. Tender - Various Civil Works
  12. Tender - Purchase of Filing Cabinets, Table, Chair and Foldable table top for the Department of Linguistics
  13. Tender - Purchase of Filing Cabinet for the Department of Environmental Sciences
  14. Tender - Purchase of TU43 Mitsubhishi Brush Cutter Machine
  15. Tender Time Extension - purchase of Dual Hand UHF Wireless Microphone to the BSMED
  16. Tender - purchase of SPSS Software to the Department of Psychology
  17. Tender - Purchase of Drone to the Department of Information Technology
  18. Tender - Purchase of Computer System to the Department of Information Technology
  19. Tender - Purchase of Laptop to the Department of Applied Mathematics
  20. Tender - Purchase of Laptop to the Centre for Internet & Website Services
  21. Tender Time Extension II - purchase of Multimode Plate Reader
  22. Tender Time Extension - Deuterium Lamp for JASCO-V-730 UV Visible Spectrophotometer
  23. Tender - Purchase of Tretinoin for the Department of Biotechnology
  24. Tender - Purchase of Rambazole for the Department of Biotechnology
  25. Tender - Purchase of ATRA- Talarzole Conjugate for the Department of Biotechnology
  1. Applications are invited for the post of Junior Research Fellow - Department of Nanoscience and Technology
  2. Applications are invited for the post of Junior Research Fellow - Department of Botany - Notification
  3. Applications are invited for the Post of Director, Centre for Distance and Online Education
  4. Applications are invited from eligible candidates for engaging temporary Guest Faculties on Consolidated Pay basis
  5. Department of Environmental Sciences - Advertisement for the Project Assistant position in the Fish Diversity Project
  6. Applications are invited for the post of Registrar
  7. Applications are invited for the post of Controller of Examinations
  8. Advertisement for the post of Project Fellow - Department of Biotechnology Notification
  9. மகாகவி பாரதியார் உயராய்வு மையத்தில் இணை ஆய்வறிஞர், இளம் ஆய்வறிஞர் பணி அறிவிப்பு
  10. Department of Nanoscience & Technology - Applications are invited for the post of Project Associate
  11. Recruitment of Technical Assistant, Laboratory Assistant & Technical/ Support staff - Notification
  12. Department of Nanoscience and Technology - Recruitment of Project Research Scientist-II(Non Medical) & Project Technical Support Staff-III - Notification
  13. Department of Social Work - Applications are invited for the post of Field Investigator
  14. Department of Chemistry - Applications are invited for the post of Project Fellow
  15. Department of Biochemistry - Applications are invited for the position of Senior Project Assistant
  16. Recruitment of Project Assistant - Department of Nanoscience and Technology
  17. Department of Psychology - TNSCPS Project Vacancy Notification
  18. Central Instrumentation Centre - Technical Assistants Position Notification
  19. Department of Educational Technology - Research Assistant position in TANSCHE Project
  20. Department of Biotechnology - Advertisement for the post of Project Fellow
  21. Department of Chemistry - Applications are invited for the post of Project Assistant (PA) for a DST-SERB-SURE funded project - Notification
  22. Department of Human Genetics and Molecular Biology - Guest faculty vacancy notification
  23. Department of Biotechnology - Applications are invited for the post of Project Assistant (PA) for a DST-SERB SURE sponsored research project - Notification
  24. Department of Electronics and Instrumentation - Project Assistant Vacancy Notification
  25. Department of Psychology - Project Fellow & Project Assistant Vacancy Notification