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Patent Granted - Dr. K. Preethi - Department of Microbial Biotechnology

Dr. K. Preethi, Assistant Professor from the Department of Microbial Biotechnology along with Mr. P. Satheesh, were granted a patent for their research on developing a Purification process for Pheomelanin from the culture supernatant of streptomyces spinoverrucosus. The organism Streptomyces spinoverrucosus was isolated from marine source was grown in a culture medium ,the purification of pheomelanin was obtained from the supernatant left over after acid precipitation of eumelanin. Pheomelanin has not been purified and characterized from a bacterial source till date and this is the first study to report on this regard. Pheomelanin is not available commercially and this process can be used to produce pheomelanin in high quantities.