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“எண்ணிய முடிதல் வேண்டும்,

நல்லவே எண்ணல் வேண்டும்;

திண்ணிய நெஞ்சம் வேண்டும்,

தெளிந்தநல் லறிவு வேண்டும்;”

        - மகாகவி சி. சுப்பிரமணிய பாரதி

“Let my thoughts bloom into action;

Let me think only noble thoughts;

Let me have valiant heart;

Let me have a clear wisdom;"

         - Mahakavi C. Subramania Bharathiar


Dr. M. Sumathy
Professor & Head
Research Area
  • Accounting
  • Finance & Banking
  • Rural Development



ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS

Research area image

Research Area

  • Accounting
  • Finance & Banking
  • Rural Development
Teaching image

Courses Teaching

  • Cost and Management Accounting
  • Insurance and Risk Management
  • Business Research Methods
  • Financial Derivatives Management
  • Advanced Financial Accounting
  • Communicative Skills
  • Insurance and Risk Management
  • Management Information Systems
  • Applied Cost Accounting
  • Financial Management


Dr. M. Sumathy
Professor & Head
Research Area
  • Accounting
  • Finance & Banking
  • Rural Development



ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS


Subject : Commerce 
Institution : Jamal Mohamed College,Tiruchirapalli
Affiliated University : Bharathidasan University,Tiruchirapalli
Year of Award : 2003

Subject : Commerce 
Institution : H.H. The Rajah’s College,Pudukkottai
Affiliated University : Bharathidasan University,Tiruchirapalli
Year of Award : 1995

Subject:  Commerce
Institution : Seethalakshmi Ramasamy College, Tiruchirapalli
Affiliated University : Bharathidasan University,Tiruchirapalli
Year of Award : 1991

Subject:  Marketing
Institution : Vinayaka Missions University,Salem
Affiliated University : Vinayaka Missions University,Salem
Year of Award : 2008

Subject:  Finance
Institution : Tamilnadu Open University,Chennai
Affiliated University : Tamilnadu Open University,Chennai
Year of Award : 2010

Subject : Computer Applications
Institution : Alagappa University, Karaikudi
Affiliated University : Alagappa University, Karaikudi
Year of Award : 2008

Subject:  Women’s Studies
Institution : Mother Teresa Women’s University,Kodaikanal
Affiliated University : Mother Teresa Women’s University,Kodaikanal
Year of Award : 2013


At Bharathiar University (Reverse Order)
Professor & Head: July 2016 to Till Date *
Professor : February 2015 to June 2016 * 
Associate Professor : February 2012 to February 2015 *
Reader : February 2009 to February 2012 *
Lecturer (Contract Basis) : September 2001 to June 2002 *

Past Experience
Lecturer : July 1991 to June 1998 at Sri Sarada Niketan College Of Science For Women, Karur *
HOD - BBA : February 1999 to February 2001 at Sri Sarada Niketan College Of Science For Women, Karur
Principal : June 1998 to October 2000 at Sri Sarada Niketan College Of Science For Women, Karur
HOD Commerce & Corporate Secretaryship : February 2001 to September 2001 at Vivekananda College of Arts and Sciences for Women, Tiruchengode
HOD Commerce & Corporate Secretaryship : July 2002 to April 2004 at Vivekananda College of Arts and Sciences for Women, Tiruchengode
HOD Commerce : June 2004 to November 2004 at PGP College of Arts and Sciences, Namakkal
Lecturer : 2004 to 2009 at Periyar University, Salem



Dr. M. Sumathy
Professor & Head
Research Area
  • Accounting
  • Finance & Banking
  • Rural Development



ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS

  • Banking & Finance Accounting
  • Gender Issues Consumer Studies
  • Digital Marketing Environmental Accounting
  • Marketing HRM


Dr. M. Sumathy
Professor & Head
Research Area
  • Accounting
  • Finance & Banking
  • Rural Development



ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS


Reverse Chronological Order


146.      Intellectual capital Practices in Higher Education System: A Theoretical Frame work 

            Shaneeb P , Dr. M.Sumathy-International Journal of scientific Research and Engineering Development-Volume 5 Issue 4-377-385 -July-Aug 2022

145.    Issues and Risks of Cryptocurrencies- A case of Bitcoin

           Mohammed Nabeel, Dr. M. Sumathy-International Jouranl of Advanced research in Science, communication and Technology -2(2)-234-237 -March 2022

145.     Crypto Currency- awareness in India

- Aayushi International Interdisciplinary Research Journal -88-286-291 -2022 

144.    Predicting Consumer Intention And Behaviour Towards Organic Food Products-A Consumer Style Inventory (CSI) Approach 

           G.Anitha Rathna and Dr. M. Sumathy--International Journal of Biology, Pharamcy and Allied Sciences-11(1) -January2022

143.   Sustainability Of Over The Top (Ott) Video Platforms In India: Examining The Tam Model On The Adoption Of Ott Video Streaming Platform Among Millennial Consumers

          Sujith.T.S, Dr. M.Sumathy,  Shaneeb  & Mohammed Nabee- International Journal of Biology, Pharamcy and Allied Sciences-11(1)-628-640 -January2022



142.      Anticidence of Buying Behaviour of Parents towards Educational Mobile applications

             Sujith.T.S, Dr. M.Sumathy- SJCC Management research Review-11(3)-1-12-December 2021 -ISSN: 2249-4359 (online)

141.      Impact of Stock Price on GDP in India During Outbreak of Covid 19 Special Reference to BSE

- International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)-7(9)-57-60 -DEC 2021

140.      Consumer Satisfaction towards Ration cards: A study on Tirupur District, India

             Sri Lanka Journal of Marketing University of Kelaniya- Sri Lanka -March 2021

139.      User Perception and satisfaction of OTT media platforms in India

             International Jourmnal of  Social Sciences-7(12) -March 2021

138.      Time Management at CSCS in selected Districts of Tamilnadu

-Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation-32(3) -7208-7214

137.      The Moderating role of Environmental Concerns and trust towards an organic product

- Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government-27(2)-4651-4658 -2021

136.      Social Media Penetration and Product Information Search by College Students

             Dr.M.Sumathy, Vipin KP - IAR Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences-2(6)-30-34-2708-6259-2021

135.      Impact of Intellectual Capital on Firm Performance in Indian IT Companies

             Shaneeb P , Dr. M.Sumathy  -International Journal of Research and Analytical-Reviews-27(2)-2021

134.      Impact Of Intellectual Capital onFinancial Performance in Indian Textile Industries-

             Shaneeb P, Dr. M.Sumathy -Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal-25(3)-1528-2635-25-3-742-2021

133.      Over The Top (OTT) Platforms In India: Issues And Challenges - An Empirical Study

             Sujith T S-Dr. M.Sumathy-Journal of Research and Development-11(11)-pp.77-78-2230-9578-2021

132.      Crpto Currency – Investor’s Awareness in India

             Mohamed Nabeel K Dr.M.Sumathy- Aayushi International Interdisciplinary Research Journal-Special Issue No.88-2349-638x-2021

131.      Blockchain- Awareness among small scale entrepreneurs in India

             Mohamed Nabeel K Dr.M.Sumathy-Journal of Research and Development-11(13)-pp.95-98-2230-9578-May2021

130.     The Relevance of Blockchain Technology in E-Government in India

             Mohamed Nabeel K Dr.M.Sumathy-Utkal Historical Research Journal-XXXIV-pp.39-42-09762132-2021

129.     Impact of Macro Economic Indicators on FDI inflows in Pre & Post implementation of MAKE in India

            Dr.M.Sumathy , S.Shalini-EPRA  International Journal of Research and Development-6(9)-pp.308-314-2455-7838-September 2021

128.     Impact of Foreign Direct Investment and Macro Economic Factors in NSE based on the Influence of Make in India

            Dr.M.Sumathy , V.Shalini- EPRA  International Journal of Research and Development-6(10)-pp.37-41-2455-7838-October 2021

127.     A Study on factors affecting concerns and Obstacles in the effective Implementation of Financial Inclusion Practices of Select Public Sector Banks (PSBS) in Coimbatore District

            Dr.M.Sumathy , M.Bharathi-EPRA  International Journal of Research and Development-6(9)-pp.282287-2455-7838-September-2021

126      .A Study on Level of Awareness and Satisfaction of Financial Inclusion Services among the Select Public Sector Bank Customers in Coimbatore District

             Dr.M.Sumathy , M.Bharathi-EPRA  International Journal of Research and Development-6(9)-pp.288298-2455-7838-September 2021

125.     User perception towards OTT video streaming platforms in Kerala (with special reference to Trissur

            Sujith T S, Dr. M SUMATHY--Analytical Commerce and Economics-Vol 2-Issur(4)-28-32-2582-7936- Aug 2021

124.     Recovery Channels of NPA in Scheduled Commercial Banks

            Dr.M.Sumathy, Akshaya S.Das -International Journal of business and Administration Research Review-8(3)-Pp. 103-108-ISSN 2348-0653-2021



123.      Marketing Strategies for Promoting Organic Products in Coimbatore city-  An Empirical Study

             Dr.M.Suamthy, G. Anitha Rathna-Sambodhi-43,4,(XIX)-142-147-ISSN: 2249-6661-Oct-Dec 2020

122.     A Random Walk Theory On stock Market of Selected SAARC countries Stock market

            Dr.M.Sumathy ,B. Ramya- Sambodhi-43,(4), XIX-148-152-ISSN:2249-6661-Oct-Dec 2020

121.     Awareness of Citizens on E-Governace Services in karur District

            Indian Journal of Adult Education -81(4)-ISSN:0019-5006-Pp no: 52-58 -Oct-Dec 2020

120.     Perception Of Local Authorities TowardsE-Governance Practices In Coimbatore District-

            International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing-13,01-pp. 451-457-ISSN: 2005-4262 IJGDC-2020

119.     Users Satisfaction Towards E-Governance Services in Coimbatore District

            Dr.M.Sumathy-GIS Business-15,5-ISSN no. 1430-3663-May 2020

118.     Assessing The Adoption Of E-Governance Services Of Local Bodies - An Empirical Study

 -international journaL of future generation communication and networking.-13,2- ISSN: 2233-7857 IJFGCN -2020

117.     User’s Perception towards e-governance – A Literature Review

            Dr.M.Sumathy-Journal of Critical Reviews-7,11-2394-5125-June 2020

116.     A Study on influence of behavioural factors on Investment satisfaction of Individual Investors in Kerala

           Dr.M.Sumathy , Mohamed Nabeel K-International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research -9,3-4205-4208 -March 2020

 115.   Student’sIntention Towards entrepreneurship : An exploratory Study

           Dr.M.Sumathy, Dr.S.Arunkumar ,,Purakala,31,4-280-295-Apr 2020

114.    Financial Inclusion and Women Empowerment : A Gender Perspective

           Dr.M.Sumathy, M.Bharathi, S.Shalini

           Our Heritage-68,2-505-512-Jan 2020

113.   Evolution of E-Governace Initiative, Concepts and Insights

          Dr.M.Sumathy - sambodhi-43 No: 4 II-8-14-Oct-Dec 2020

112.    Work life Balance of IT employees in Coimbatore

         Dr.M.Sumathy Dr.R.Velmurugan K.M.Sridhar

          International Journal of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity

         11,l 2)-16-21-2020-Web of Science-ISSN: 2207-6425(Online):2005-4289

111.  Job Transition among school Teachers in Coimbatore City

        Dr.R.Velmurugan,Dr.M.Sumathy ,K.M.Sridhar

        International Journal of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity ,11,1,722-727-2020-ISSN: 2207-6425-(Online):2005-4289

110. Determinants of Capital Structure in Select Pharmaceutical Companies

        Dr.M.Sumathy .Dr.R.Velmurugan 

        Journal of Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, XII,IV,1604 1609-2020-ISSN:1006-7930

109. A Study on operational efficiency of Select Banks listed under NSE based on Sectoral Indices of 
         C. Chaithra and M. Sumathy
         Journal of International Business and Economics XIII, 1-14 (2020)

108. Consumer Adoption of Mobile Wallets :An Empirical Study
        P. Kamala Rathinam and M. Sumathy
        Scientific Journal International Journal Of Interdisciplinary And Multidisciplinary Research 12, 
        82-100 (2020)


107. Skill Sets For Rural Entrepreneurs Sustainability In Central District Of Tamilnadu
        M. Sumathy and R. Velmurugan
        International Journal of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity 10, 75-80 (2019)

106. Customer or Member Satisfaction of Primary Agricultural Credit Societies In kerala
        M. Sumathy and T. S. Sujith
        International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research 8, 2665-2670 (2019)

105. A Research on Human Capital Management Strategies In Sugar Manufacturing Plant
        M. Vasan, M. Sumathy and M. Sridhar
        International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering 8, 1-4 (2019)

104. Attitude Of Individual Investors towards Commodity Trading In Disruptive Tecnological Era
        R. Gopinath, M. Vasan and M. Sumathy
        International Journal Of Engineering and Advanced Technology 8, 1720-1723 (2019)

103. An Exploratory Analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility of Domestic Retailers In India
        M. Sumathy, M. Vasan and M. Sridhar
        International Journal Of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering 8, 2887-2890 (2019)

102. Financial Performance of Public and Private Life Insurance Companies in India: A Comparative Study
        M. Sumathy and V. Kalyani
        International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research and Management 4, 156-164 (2019)

101. Economic Performance of BRICS Economies: An analysis of Pre and Post BRICS Era
        P. Dhanasekaran and M. Sumathy
        Focus Journal of International Business 5, 68-78 (2018)

100. A study on customer behavior towards organic food and the moderating effects of health 
        M. Sumathy and G. Anitha Rathna

 99. Empirical study on co integration between selected SAARC stock Markets
       M. Sumathy and B. Ramya

 98. Consumers‟ Attitude and Perception towards Short Message Service (SMS) Advertising through 
       Mobile Phones
       K. P. Vipin and M. Sumathy
       RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary 3 (2018)

 97. A Comparative Study on Perception of Customers Toward Service Quality of Canara and ICICI Bank
       M. Sumathy and T. S. Sujith
       Research Review :International Journal of Multidisciplinary 187-190 (2018)

 96. Effect of Brand on Customer Loyalty among SBI Banking Customers
       M. Sumathy and T. S. Sujith
       International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research 6 (2018)

 95. Effect of e-governance in quality of Higher Education
       M. Sumathy and P. Shaneeb
       International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research 6 (2018)

 94. Financial Performance of Spinning Mills in Coimbatore City- A Comparative Study
       M. Sumathy and R. Sindhu
       International Journal of Research in Computer Application & Management 8, 139-147 (2018)

 93. An Evaluation of Determinants of Consumer’s Perception Towards Eco-friendly Products
       M. Sumathy
       International Journal of Research Culture Society 2, 139-147 (2018)

 92. A Study on Marketing Strategies and awareness about Organic Products in Coimbatore
       M. Sumathy, G. Anitha and Rathna
       Zenith International Journal of Business Economics & Management Research 8, 139-147 (2018)

 91. A Co Integration Between Indian Sectoral Indices and Indian Stock Market with special Reference to 
       M. Sumathy and B. Ramya
       Zenith International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research 8, 66-74 (2018)

 90. Prospects of Kerala Tourism an Economic Analysis
       M. Sumathy and K. P. Vipin
       Emerging Trends in Multi disciplinary Research 131-165

 89. Behavioural response towards social media advertisements with special reference to youth purchase 
       M. Sumathy and K. P. Vipin
       Researchers world – Journal of Arts and Commerce Impact Factor 8 (2017)

 88. Attitude and Response towardsDemonitisation of Rs.500 and Rs.1000. A Study with special reference 
       to Rural People of Kerala
       M. Sumathy and K. P. Vipin
       EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review 5, 23-29 (2017)

 87. A study on forecasting modeling on futures and spot prices with special reference to selected NSE 
       L. S. Sridhar and M. Sumathy
       SJCC Management Research Review 7, 61-67 (2017)

 86. Digital Payment Systems: Perceptions and Concerns among urban Consumers
       M. Sumathy and K. P. Vipin
       International Journal of Applied Research 3 (2017)

 85. A Study on Consumer’s Attitude Towards Advertisements Through Social Media with Special 
       Reference to Facebook
       M. Sumathy and K. P. Vipin
       International Journal of Research in Commerce & Management 7 (2016)

 84. Empirical Observations: Expert Opinion About the Indian Stock Market
       L. S. Sridhar and M. Sumathy
       International Journal of Research and Business Innovation 4, 234-241 (2016)

 83. Seasonality Effects on weekly Returns of Index Futures Market in India
       L. S. Sridhar and M. Sumathy
       International Journal of Research and Business Innovation 4, 234-241 (2016)

 82. Forecasting on Commodity Derivatives Market with Special Reference to Gold and Silver
       L. S. Sridhar, M. Sumathy and A. Charles Ambrose
       International Research Journal of Business and Management 8 (2016)

 81. Performance of Foreign Direct Investment in Pre and Post –Period of BRICS Formation
       M. Sumathy and P. Dhanasekaran
       EPRA International Journal of Economics, Business and Management Studies 4 (2016)

 80. Extreme Volatility and Market Testing of Efficiency on Small CAP indices
       L. S. Sridhar and M. Sumathy
       Journal of Commerce and Trade 11, 26-41 (2016)

 79. Forex trading strategy : an empirical study on the currency pair GBP/USD
       L. S. Sridhar, M. Sumathy, A. Charles Ambrose and N. Sudha
       International Journal of Research in Computer Application & Management 6, 20-23 (2016)
 78. Macroeconomic Variables, Firm Characteristics and influence on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) 
       Evidence from India
       L. S. Sridhar, M. Sumathy, N. Sudha and A. Charles Ambrose
       IOSR Journal of Economics and  Finance 7 (2016)

 77. Trend and Growth of Foreign Direct Investment in BRICS Countries
        M. Sumathy and P. Dhanasekaran
        EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research 2 (2016)

 76. Price Discovery in Commodity Market –An Empirical Study on the Silver Market
       L. Sridhar, M. Sumathy, N. Sudha and A. Charles Ambrose
       IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance 7, 88-95 (2016)

 75. A Study on role of Advertisements in Consumer Decision making with special reference to Purchase 
       of LCD/LED Television in Malapuram District of Kerala
       M. Sumathy and K. P. Vipin
       International Journal of Informative & Futuristic Research 3 (2016)

 74. A Discriminate analysis of the Investors’ and clients’ perception on credit rating service quality
       M. Sumathy and PreemaRose Nichlavose
       International Journal of Social Science and Interdisciplinary research 4, 100-105 (2015)

 73. Investors’ and Clients’ perception on Quality Dimensions of Indian Credit Rating Agencies
       M. Sumathy and PreemaRose Nichlavose
       International Journal of Marketing Financial Services and Management Research 4, 94-100 (2015)

 72. Client’s perception and satisfaction towards quality dimensions of credit rating agency
       M. Sumathy and PreemaRose Nichlavose
       Intercontinental Journal of Finance Research Review 3, 1-6 (2015)

 71. A Study on Stock Market Return, Volatility and Correlation Analysis Among Indian & Asian Stock 
       M. Sumathy and B. Ramya
       Zenith International Journal of Business and Management Research
       ZIJBEMR 56, 21-29 (2015)

 70. Working Capital Structure and Liquidity Analysis of Oil and Gas Industry
       M. Sumathy and S. Seethalakshmi
       Zenith International Journal of Business and Management Research
       ZIJBEMR 5, 11-20 (2015)

 69. Value Creation in Select manufacturing Companies Listed in BSE 100 Index
       M. Sumathy, Mohamed Talha and E.Nixon Amirtharaj
       Sci. Int.(Lahore) 831- 845 (2014)

 68. Awareness, Behaviour, perceive risk attitude of Investors in derivatives market
       M. Sumathy and R. Narmadha
       International Journal of World Research 1, 9-14 (2014)

 67. FDI Flows in Service Sector: Evidence from India
       M. Sumathy and L. S. Sridhar
       International Research Journal of Business and Management 7 (2014)

 66. An analysis of Liquidity Efficiency of Select Aluminium Industries
       M. Sumathy and R. Narmadha
       SUMEDHA Journal of Management 3, 73-87 (2014)

 65. Effect of Globalisation on Socio-Economic indicators in Asian Countries
       M. Sumathy and PreemaRose Nichlavose
       InternationalResearch Journal of Business and Management 7 (2014)

 64. Commodity Channel Index on Commodity Derivatives –An Analysis with reference to Crude oil
       M. Sumathy and E.Nixon Amirtharaj
       Kaveripakkam College Journal of Management Research 1, 56-68 (2014)

 63. India’s Macro Economic Challenges
       M. Sumathy and G. Venkatesan
       SELP Journal of Social Science 5, 27-30 (2014)

 62. Technological Risks in Banking
       M. Sumathy and G. Venkatesan
       THAVAN International Journal of Research in Economics and Banking 4, 47-49 (2014)

 61. E-Banking in Rural Areas –An Analysis
       M. Sumathy and R. Narmadha
       THAVAN International Journal of Research in Economics and Banking 4, 43-46 (2014)

 60. Corporate Social Responsibility in the Indian Banking Sector
       M. Sumathy and K. M. Anitha
       Business and Economic Facts For You 34, 42-44 (2014)
 59. Analysing the Perception on Credit Rating Quality-A theoretical Framework
       M. Sumathy and PreemaRose Nichlavose
       IFRSA Business Review 3, 305-310 (2013)

 58. Impact of Media Advertisement of Gold Jewellery
       M. Sumathy and A. Maragathamani
       International Journal of Management and Development Studies 1, 9 (2013)

 57. Relevance of sovereign credit risk rating on foreign direct investment
       M. Sumathy and PreemaRose Nichlavose
       Asian journal of research in Banking and Finance 3, 170-178 (2013)

 56. Technology and E-Governance in Modern Banking
        M. Sumathy
        Indian Economic Panorama 23, 1-2 (2013)

 55. Empowering of women through entrepreneurship and gender equality in India
       M. Sumathy and K. M. Anitha
       Zenith international journal of multi disciplinary research 3, 120-125 (2013)

 54. Labours job satisfaction in textile and garment industry with special reference to Coimbatore and 
       M. Sumathy and N. Vijayalakshmi
       Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management 3, 18-23 (2013)

 53. An empirical study on entrepreneurship with reference to Madurai city
       M. Sumathy and E. Nixon Amirtharaj
       Asian journal of research and social sciences and humanities 3, 41-43 (2013)

 52. Financial Inclusion :An Overview
       M. Sumathy
       The Economic Challenger 15, 68-71 (2013)

 51. Dealers Attitude On Packaged Drinking Water
       M. Sumathy and N. Vijayalakshmi
       International Management Research Review 2, 43-53 (2013)

 50. A Study on perceptions of customers and marketing of services provided by state bank of India and 
       M. Sumathy and E. Nixon Amirtharaj
       Research Explorer 2, 7-9 (2013)
 49. Pricing Risky Assets in Indian Market under unconditional value weighted method
       M. Sumathy and M. Tamilselvan
       Peer Reviewed International Journal of Scientific Research 1, 26-31 (2012)

 48. Job satisfaction of Matriculation School Teachers in Kannyakumari District
       M. Sumathy and A. Vijayalekshmi
       South Asian Academic Research Journals 2, 73-85 (2012)

 47. Investor Knowledge and Preference towards Mutual Fund
       M. Sumathy and E. Nixon Amirtharaj
       SELP Journal of Social Science 3, 40-41 (2012)

 46. Characteristics and Financial Problems affecting the repayment of Priority Sector Loans Amid 
       Economic Globalisation
       M. Sumathy and D. Amirthavalli
       DBJC Journal of Business Research Jain Spire 1 (2012)

 45. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in ICICI Bank In Nagercoil Town
       M. Sumathy and A. Vijayalekshmi
       Managerial Herald 1, 3-10 (2012)

 44. Impact of Micro Finance through SHG bank linkage programme in Salem District, Tamilnadu
       M. Sumathy, E. Nixon Amirtharaj
       Indian Journal of Applied research 1, 32-33 (2012)

 43. Trading Problems of stock Dealers/Brokers in India
       M. Sumathy and PreemaRose Nichlavose
       Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management 2, 54-57 (2012)

 42. Buyer’s behavior on Gingelly oil- A study with reference to Madurai city
       M. Sumathy and N. Vijayalakshmi
       Journal of Management and Science 2, 33-41 (2012)

 41. Influence of advertisement on sales promotional strategies
       M. Sumathy and D. Amirthavalli
       SELP Journal of Social Science 3, 63-65 (2012)

 40. The Welfare Facilities Available ToThe Workers In Paper Mills In Madurai
       M. Sumathy and A. Vijayalekshmi
       Indian Journal of Applied research 1, 20-23 (2012)

 39. Customer Service Management in select Public Sector Banks in Cuddalore district, Tamilnadu, India
       K. Sundar and M. Sumathy
       International Journal of Current Research 2, 109-120 (2011)

 38. Railway Budget 2010- 11:An Overview
       M. Sumathy and K. Revathi
       Southern Economist 48, 51 (2010)

 37. Value based score card- a tool of performance appraisal
       M. Sumathy
       SP@RK international online E-journal 2, 212- 223 (2010)

 36. Pomegranate and its Power
       G. Jayalakshmi, M. K. Durgamani and M. Sumathy
       Kisan World 37, 24-27 (2010)

 35. Cash Management in Indian Software Industry
       M. Sumathy
       Journal of Management and Technology 2, 6-20 (2010)

 34. Uses of coconut Oil
       M. K. Durgamani, G. Jayalakshmi and M. Sumathy
       Kisan World 36, 29-31 (2009)

 33. Organic food: Issues and challenges
       G. Jayalakshmi, M. K. Durgamani and M. Sumathy
       Kisan World 36, 9-11 (2009)

 32. Noise Pollution: Effects, Causes and Control
       G. Jayalakshmi and M. Sumathy
       The Journal of Business Studies 6, 23-25 (2009)

 31. E-Commerce and its Application in Indian Industries
       M. Sumathy
       Srels Journal of Information Management 46, 37-42 (2009)

 30. Environment Management accounting(EMA) :An Overview
       M. Sumathy
       Journal of Environmental Science Research International 1, 55-60 (2009)

 29. Corporate Governance and its Possibility for Business Practice
       M. Sumathy and K. N. Kalaivani
       Journal of Business Management 1, 127-132 (2009)

 28. Onslaught of Global Brands –Indian Brands Fight Back
       M. Sumathy
       Journal of Business Management 1, 105-110 (2009)

 27. Indian Strategies for Global Competitiveness
       M. Sumathy
       Journal of Business Management 1, 99-104 (2009)

 26. Indian Global Corps – Strategies and & Global Realities
       P. Natesan and M. Sumathy
       Journal of Asian Business Management 1, 93-97 (2009)

 25. Indian Economy and Global Competitiveness
       M. Sumathy and K. N. Kalaivani
       Journal of Asian Business Management 1, 79-84 (2009)

 24. Foreign Direct Investment: Problems & Challenges in present corporate World
       M. Sumathy
       Journal of Asian Business Management 67-787 (2009)

 23. Motivation in Banking Sector-Need of the Hour
       M. Sumathy and P. K. Anjani
       Indian Economic Panorama 18, 5-7 (2009)

 22. Marketing of Small Scale Cement Based Industries in Namakkal District-Tamilnadu
       M. Sumathy and C. Paramasivan
       Small Enterprises Development, Management & Extension Journal 35, 17-24 (2008)

 21. Employment Generation Through SHG in Pappiredttipatti Taluk – Dharmapuri District.
       M. Sumathy and C. Paramasivan
       Live stock line 2, 19-23 (2008)

 20. Impact of Globalization on Indian Banking Sector
       M. Sumathy
       Professional Banker 8, 36-40 (2008)

 19. Time Management Need of the Hour
       M. Sumathy
       HRD Times 10, 20-21 (2008)

 18. Basel –II and Credit Risk Management
       M. Sumathy
       Banking Finance 10-12 (2008)

 17. Rural Development Through Self-Help Group in Pappireddipatti Taluk, Dharmapuri District, Tamilnadu
       M. Sumathy and C. Paramasivan
       Livestock Line 1, 25-32 (2008)

 16. A Study on Financial health of Sugar Industry :Z Score Analysis
       M. Sumathy
       ISDA Journal 17, 397-404 (2007)

 15. Creative Thinking in Service Sector
       M. Sumathy
       PR Communication Age 10, 5-6 (2007)

 14. Motivation –key to Success
       M. Sumathy
       Life Insurance Today 3, 5-6 (2007)

 13. Social Banking-Achievement and Changes
       M. Sumathy and C. Paramasivan
       Banking Finance 5-6 (2007)

 12. Ulavar Santhai –The Dynamics of Farmers’ Market
       M. Sumathy and C. Paramasivan
       Kisan World 34, 21-23 (2007)

 11. Socio-Economic Development through Poultry Farming
       M. Sumathy and C. Paramasivan
       The Journal of Business Studies 4, 22-27 (2007)

 10. Women Empowerment- Ethics and Logics
       M. Sumathy and K. Nagendran
       Southern Economist 46, 5-6 (2007)

  9. Banking Sector Under Globalisation
      M. Sumathy
      The Journal of World Intellectual Property Rights

  8. Bank Marketing Challenges-2006
      M. Sumathy
      Indian Economic Panorama 16, 5 (2007)

  7. Marketing Strategies for Self Financing Educational Institutions
      M. Sumathy
      International Educator 18, 42-46 (2006)

  6. Cellular Phone Services-usage and Problems
      M. Sumathy
      Business Analyst 1, 79-75 (2006)

  5. Outsourcing of Bank’s Services
      M. Sumathy and K. P. Rajkumar
      Journal of Banking Studies 23, 1-4 (2006)

  4. Emerging Trends in SME Sector
      M. Sumathy and K. P. Rajkumar
      Third Concept 20, 46-48 (2006)

  3. Indian Banking Industry-Challenges Ahead
      M. Sumathy
      Indian Economic Panorama 16, 13-14 (2006)

  2. Market Research in Distribution Network Analysis of Cement Industry in Tamilnadu
      M. Sumathy and D. Mahesh
      Indian Journal of Marketing 27-37 (2006)

  1. Preference Attributes for two Wheelers
      M. Sumathy
      The Economic Challenger 8, 73-73 (2006)



Reverse Chronological Order


4. Problems and Prospects of Dairy Co-operatives in India
    G. Jayalakshmi and M. Sumathy
    Co-operative Perspective 45, 2 (2010)

3. NPA Management in Cooperative Banks in India
    G. Jayalakshmi and M. Sumathy
    Tamilnadu Journal of Co- operation 9, 12 (2009)

2. Retail Banking Scene in India-A Holistic Approach
    M. Sumathy and K. P. Rajkumar
    Management Trends 4, 1 (2007)

1. Banking Industry Vision-2010
    M. Sumathy
    The Indian Banker 2, 1 (2007)



2. L-101847/2021 12.04.2021,M.Sumathy,Professor & Head,Department of Commerce,

Bharathiar University,Coimbatore-641046,,Literary Work/Dramatic Work,A Hand Book  of e-Governance Practices in India 4857/2021-CO/L,24.02.2021

1. L-101348/2021 dated 5.4.2021 ,M.Sumathy,Professor & Head,Department of Commerce, Bharathiar University,Coimbatore-641046,Literary Work/Dramatic Work,Evaluative Model on Perception of Users towards E-Governance Practices,2699/2021-O/L,03.02.2021


L-96289/2020 ,M.Sumathy,Professor & Head,Department of Commerce,Bharathiar University,Coimbatore-641046 Literary Work/Dramatic, Work Perception of Women on New Economic Policy 12199/2020-CO/L 28.08.2020


4. Dr.M.Sumathy & Mohammed Nabeel K

Financial Inclusion in India: The Role of Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana

E-National Conference  on Promoting Financial and Inclusive Growth supported by NABARD (National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development) )/ International Jounal of Multidisciplinary Research and Technology-ISBN : 2582-7359, Impact Factor: 6.328-76-79-April 2022-Taran Publication

3. Dr.M.Sumathy &Akshaya S Das

Performance of Private Sector babks in Self-Help Groups-

E-National Conference  on Promoting Financial and Inclusive Growth supported by NABARD (National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development)/ International Jounal of Multidisciplinary Research and Technology-ISBN : 2582-7359 Impact Factor: 6.328-166-172-April 2022-Taran Publication



2.Dr.M.Sumathy, N.Vijayalakshmi

Awareness of Consumer ProtectionACT among Rural Consumers:Acase Study of Coimbatore

Empowering Rural Consumers, Opportunities,Challenges and Strategies-ISBN.13:978-93-86682-27-7-53-62

1.Dr. M.Sumathy & Sujith T.S

A Study on Problems and Factors Influencing Women Entrepreneurs in Kerala with Special Reference to Thrissur District

Significance of Joint Liability Group as Saviours of Rural Poor Students.



19.   Technology and Commerce : Prospects and Challenges

         Dr.M.Sumathy -Sujith T S-Maya Publications , Kancheepuram-2022

18.   Management Information system and cyber security

        Dr.M.Sumathy -School of Distance Education for Post Graduate Degree Programme-M.B.A-2020-21

17.   Environment Management

        Dr.M.Sumathy -School of Distance Education for Post Graduate Degree Programme-M.B.A-Sep 2021-Semetser-III-Course code:MGT-301

16.    A Handbook on e-governance

       Dr.M.Sumathy -Abhijeet Publications, New Delhi 110002-2020

15.  Financial Accounting

       Dr.M.Sumathy-Couse Material for MBA in Waste Management and Social Entrepreneurship, Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education-2019

14. Marketing Management
     M. Sumathy - Self Learning Material for CBCS (B.Com) CO1651.1
 13. Accounting for Specialsied Institutions
     M. Sumathy - Self Learning Material for CBCS (B.Com) (2019) CO1543     

 12. Financial Markets and Services
     M. Sumathy
     Self Learning Material for CBCS (B.Com) (2019) CO156.1

 11. Price discovery of equity index futures and spot market in India
     M. Sumathy, L. S. Sridhar
     Scholars Press Mauritius (2017) ISBN: 978-3-639-66955-8

 10. Principles of Accountancy
     M. Sumathy, G. Sasikumar and K. Senthilkumar
     Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai (2018) ISBN: 978-93-5273-436-8

 9. Consumers in Digital Era Issues and Concerns
     M. Sumathy and Suresh Misra Padmasani
     Vijay Nicole Imprints Private Limited, Chennai (2017) ISBN: 978-81-8209-494-9

 8. Marketing of Packaged Drinking Water in Coimbatore
     M. Sumathy and S. Vijayalakshmi

 7. Teaching of Commerce
     M. Sumathy and C. Manoharan
     Regal Publications, New Delhi (2014) ISBN: 978-81-8484-364-4

 6. Research Dimensions in Commerce and Management
     M. Sumathy, G. Ganesan and P. Chellasamy
     Sakthi Press Coimbatore (2014) 7881923306935

5. Research Dimensions in Commerce and Management
      M. Sumathy, G. Ganesan and P. Chellasamy
      Bloomsbury Publishing India PVT LTD, London, New Delhi, Newyork Sydney (2014) 
      ISBN: 978-93-84052-36-2

4. Emerging Research Paradigms in Social Sciences
      M. Sumathy, G. Ganesan and Preema Rose Nichlavose
      Bloomsbury Publishing India PVT LTD, London, New Delhi, Newyork Sydney (2013) 
      ISBN: 978-93-82951-33-9

3. Consumer awareness, welfare and protection Problems and Prospects
      M. Sumathy and G. Ganesan
      Regal Publications, New Delhi (2012) ISBN:978-81-8484-143-5

2. Globalisation and Consumerism –issues and challenges
      M. Sumathy and G. Ganesan
      Regal Publications, New Delhi (2012) ISBN:978-81-8484-133-6

1. Banking Industry in India
      M. Sumathy
      Regal Publications, New Delhi (2011) ISBN:978-81-8484-098-8

The EXFOR library contains an extensive compilation of experimental nuclear reaction data, maintained by NDS-IAEA. (Click the Entry number to see details)
  1. G.Pandikumar, S. Ganesan,  M.Balasubramaniam, Joseph Jermiah      
    IAEA-NDS  EXFOR    D6021    2009
  2. K. Manimaran, Megha Bhike, C. Karthik and M. Balasubramaniam         
    IAEA-NDS    EXFOR    D6089    2009
  3. K. Manimaran, Megha Bhike,  C. Karthik and M. Balasubramaniam     
    IAEA-NDS    EXFOR    D6022    2009
  4. G.Pandikumar, S. Ganesan,  M.Balasubramaniam Joseph Jermiah     
    IAEA-NDS    EXFOR    D6039    2009
  5. G.Pandikumar, S. Ganesan,  M.Balasubramaniam Joseph Jermiah     
    IAEA-NDS    EXFOR    D6051    2009
  6. G.Pandikumar, S.Ganesan, S.Kailas, J Joseph Jeremiah, M.Balasubramaniam,      
    IAEA-NDS    EXFOR    D6085    2009
  7. S.Mahadevan, S.Subramanian, M.Balasubramaniam, G.Pandikumar
    IAEA-NDS    EXFOR    D6151    2011
  8. K. .R.Vijayaraghavan, M.Balasubramaniam,C.Karthikraj, A.Nandakumar, G.Pandikumar, R.Kumar     
    IAEA-NDS    EXFOR    D6147    2011
  9. M.Balasubramaniam, C.Karthikraj , S.Subramanian    
    IAEA-NDS    EXFOR    D6241    2015




Dr. M. Sumathy
Professor & Head
Research Area
  • Accounting
  • Finance & Banking
  • Rural Development



ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS


  • Cost and Management Accounting
  • Insurance and Risk Management
  • Business Research Methods
  • Financial Derivatives Management
  • Advanced Financial Accounting
  • Communicative Skills
  • Insurance and Risk Management
  • Management Information Systems
  • Applied Cost Accounting
  • Financial Management


Dr. M. Sumathy
Professor & Head
Research Area
  • Accounting
  • Finance & Banking
  • Rural Development



ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS

Funded Projects

National Level

1. UGC, New Delhi
    Title of the project: Role of Banks in Rural Development in Karur District
    Funding Agency: University Grants Commission, New Delhi
    Amount: Rs.17,000/

 2. UGC, New Delhi
     Title of the project: Impact of New Economic Policies on Women Empowerment with reference to Self  
     Employment and Employment Generation in Small Business Units 
     Amount: Rs.5,66,100

 3. Malcolm Elizabeth Adisheshiah Trust Chennai
     Title of the project: Global Financial Crisis on Employment and Growth of Textile Industries in India
     (with Special Reference to Textiles and Garment Units in Coimbatore and Tirupur districts, Tamilnadu)
      Funding Agency: Malcolm Elizabeth Adisheshiah Trust Chennai
      Amount: Rs.1,02,785

 4. Indian Institute of Public Administration, Ministry of Consumer Affairs New Delhi
     Title of the project: Comparative Study of the Working of District Consumer Disputes Redressal forum 
     (DCDRF) in Tamilnadu and Karnataka
     Funding Agency: Indian Institute of Public Administration, Ministry of Consumer Affairs New Delhi
     Amount: Rs.4,00,000

 5. Indian Council of Social Sciences Research, New Delhi
     Title of the project: An Evaluation Study on the Performance of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural 
     Employment Guarantee Act Scheme in Tamilnadu With a Special Focus on Dindigul, Karur, 
     Tiruchirapalli and Ramanathapuram District
     Funding Agency: Indian Council of Social Sciences Research, New Delhi
     Amount: Rs.7,12,725,

 6. NTS India
     Title of the project: Evaluation of Compulsory Education Scheme with Reference to Tribal Children In 
     Yercard Hill, Salem District, Tamilnadu, National Testing Service India, Mysore
     Funding Agency: NTS India, Centre for Testing and Evaluation Ministry of HRD Mysore
     Amount: Rs.1,25,000

 7. Tamilnadu State Council For Science & Technology, Chennai
     Title of the project: Future of Retail Banking In India: An Analysis
     Funding Agency: Tamilnadu State Council For Science & Technology, Chennai
     Amount: Rs.5,000

 8. Ministry of Consumer Affairs, New Delhi
     Title of the project: Capacity Building for Stakeholders (Empowering Rural Consumers) 
     Funding Agency: Ministry of Consumer Affairs, New Delhi
     Amount: Rs.12,50,000

 9. Tamilnadu Rural Development
     Title of the project: Third Party Impact Assessment Study on Computer Training
     Funding Agency: Tamilnadu Rural Development
     Amount: Rs.95000

10. Tamilnadu Rural Development
      Title of the project: Third Party Impact Assessment Study on Sanitation
      Funding Agency: Tamilnadu Rural Development
      Amount: Rs.90000

11. National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Limited, New Delhi
      Title of the project: Third Party Impact Assessment Study on Turmeric Assaying Lab, 
      Gobichettipalayam Block, Erode District
      Funding Agency: National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Limited, New Delhi
      Amount: Rs.1,25,000


Department Level Projects-02

    Title of the project: Environmental Accounting & Audit for Sustainable Development
    Funding Agency: UGC-SAP
    Amount: Rs. 41,00,000

    Title of the project: Two Week Capacity Building Programme for faculties of Social Science
    Funding Agecny: ICSSR
    Amount: Rs. 7,28,000
    Duration: 01.11.2019 to 14.11.2019

Consultancy Projects




Dr. M. Sumathy
Professor & Head
Research Area
  • Accounting
  • Finance & Banking
  • Rural Development



ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS








  1. Ramya
  2. T. S. Sujith
  3. P. Shaneeb
  4. K. Mohammed Nabeel
  5. Sneha Jayalakshmi
  6. Jisha TP

20 . Dr. G.Anitha Rathna

       Predicting Consumer intention and Behaviour Towards organic Food Products- A consumer Style Inventory (CSI)Approach

       Year of award :2021

19. Dr. K. P. Vipin

      Title of the thesis: Effect of Social Media Advertisements on Consumer Behaviour With Special Reference to
      Information Technology Professionals in Kerala

      Year of award: 2018

18. Dr. P. Dhanasekaran

      Title of the thesis: Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Growth of BRICS Countries

      Year of award: 2018

17. Dr. R. Narmadha

     Title of the thesis: A Study on Investor Behaviour in Equity Derivatives market with Special Reference to Coimbatore

     Year of award: 2018

16. Dr. P. Jayakumar

      Title of the thesis: Analysis of Financial Structure of Select companies listed in BSE sensex and NSE Nifty Indices

      Year of award: 2018

15. Dr. L. S. Sridhar

      Title of the thesis: A Study on Return, Volatitlity and Price discovery of Equity index futures and spot market in India

     Year of award: 2017

14. Dr. Preema Rose Nichlavose

      Title of the thesis: Investors and Clients Perception on Quality Dimensions of Indian Credit Rating Agencies

      Year of award: 2016

13. Dr. D. Amirthavalli

      Title of the thesis: A study on priority sector lending of public sector banks in Chennai city

      Year of award: 2014

11. Dr. A. Vijeyalakshmi

      Title of the thesis: A study on job satisfaction of self financing teachers in arts and science colleges in Kanyakumari

      Year of award: 2014

12. Dr. E. Nixon Amirtharaj

      Title of the thesis: A study on the value creation of select manufacturing companies listed in BSE 100 Index

      Year of award: 2014

10. Dr. N. Vijayalakshmi

      Title of the thesis: Marketing of packaged drinking water in Coimbatore city

       Year of award: 2014

9. Dr. C. Shoba

    Title of the thesis: Perception of the Policy holders towards service quality of the Life Insurance Corporation of India In
    Bangalore City

    Year of award: 2013

 8. Dr. T. Arockia Sagayaraj

     Title of the thesis: Quality of Work life of Employees in Salem Steel Plant, Salem

     Year of award: 2013

 7. Dr. M. Tamilselvan

     Title of the thesis: Risk Return Relationship using Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) with Special reference to National
     Stock Exchange (NSE) of India

     Year of award: 2012

 6. Dr. G. Jayalakshmi

     Title of the thesis: Operational and Financial performance of State Bank of India and its Associates Bank

      Year of award: 2011

 5. Dr. M. K. Durgamani
     Title of the thesis: A study on employees’ attitude towards human resource management practices in Indian railways
     (with special reference to Southern Railway, Tiruchirapalli Division)
     Year of award: 2011

 4. Dr. K. N. Kalaivani
     Title of the thesis: A study on the performance analysis of factoring services in India
     Year of award: 2011

 3. Dr. M. Chandrasekaran
     Title of the thesis: A Study on marketing of Insurance i


Dr. M. Sumathy
Professor & Head
Research Area
  • Accounting
  • Finance & Banking
  • Rural Development



ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS


Warden, Periyar Hostel
Period: 21.03.2014 to 21.12.2015
Nature of responsibility: Administration of Hostel

Chief Superintendent - University Examinations
Period: 2009 to 2018
Nature of responsibility: Conduct of University Examinations

IQAC - Department Coordinator
Period: 2011 to 2016 
Nature of responsibility: Data Filing & Presentation

University Representative for CPP /COP Exam
Period: 2013 to Till Date 
Nature of responsibility: Act as observer for smooth Conduct of University Examinations

UGC-SAP-DRS -I Co-coordinator
Period: 2015 to Till Date 
Nature of responsibility: Department Research Support Co-ordinator

Member-Standing Committee on Academic Affairs
Period: 2016-17 to Till Date
Nature of responsibility: Curriculum Development and Updation

Member-Anti Ragging Committee
Period: 2014-15 to Till Date 
Nature of responsibility: Enquiry about Ragging If any

Member-Academic Calendar Committee
Period: 2015-16, 2017-18, 2018-19 
Nature of responsibility: Preparation of Academic Calendar

Member -Ethics and Grievance Committee for M.Phil/Ph.D
Period: 2018 
Nature of responsibility: Respond to the Grievances of the Scholars

Member-Guest faculty appointment committee
Nature of responsibility: As Professor & Head Capacity & Subject Expert

Member-Deans Committee 
Nature of responsibility: Administrative Decisions if Any – As Member

Member - Doctoral Committee 
Nature of responsibility: Research Work Progress

Member-professional courses 
Period: 30.04.2018 
Nature of responsibility: Curriculum Development

Member -Selection Committee 
Period: 28.06.2018 
Nature of responsibility: As Expert & as HOD

Member - Scrutiny Committee for CAS 
Period: 04.10.2018 
Nature of responsibility: Verification of Documents and Assessment

Member D.Litt.Viva Voce Examination Committee
Period: 2017
Nature of responsibility: As University Nominee

Period: 2017
Nature of responsibility: Curriculum Development

Convener Inspection Commission 
Nature of responsibility: Inspection of the Entire Campus as per BU Norms


Dr. M. Sumathy
Professor & Head
Research Area
  • Accounting
  • Finance & Banking
  • Rural Development



ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS


Dr. M. Sumathy
Professor & Head
Research Area
  • Accounting
  • Finance & Banking
  • Rural Development



ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS


New accordion content


7.     Certificate of AppreciationArignar Anna Government Arts College, Namakkal ,India 

        Best paper award in the one day online national Seminar Titled “ Impact on Export, Import in India Respect to Russia- UkraineWar”  12.05.2022



6.     Certificate of Appreciation for the copyrights registered entitled”Assessment model- Perceptions of Employees toward E-governance Practices”

        Bharathiar university  , National Science day  India  for the copyrights registered 25.11.2021

5.     Certificate of Appreciation for the copyrights registered entitled” A hand of E-Governance in India”

        Bharathiar university , National Science day  India  for the copyrights registered 12.04.2021

4.     Certificate of Appreciation for the copyrights registered entitled” Swot analysis model on E-Governance Practice

        Bharathiar university  National Science day , India , for the copyrights registered-5.11.2021 

3.    TANSA Award 2019 - Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology ,Chennai , India

       Tamilnadu Scientist Award (TANSA) Social Sciences Category -2021

2.   Certificate of Appreciation-Bharathiar University National Science Day, India

       For Receiving Research Project during 2019-20-1.3.2021

1.   Certificate of Appreciation -Bharathiar University National Science Day,India

       For Receiving Innovative Awards & Notable Recognition during 2019-2020,1.3.2021


1.    Best Social Scientist Award-2016-Indian academic Researchers Association, Tiruchirapalli- India-

       Academic Performance-21.05.2016 


Professional Bodies

Member: All India Commerce Association (ICA)
Period: Life Member

Member: Association of Economist of Tamil Nadu (AET) 
Period: Life Member

Member: All India Accounting Association 
Period: Life Member

Member: Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi (IIPA)

Member: Regional Association for women Studies (RAWS)

Member: Indian Academic Researchers Association (IARA) 



Dr. M. Sumathy
Professor & Head
Research Area
  • Accounting
  • Finance & Banking
  • Rural Development



ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS


Country Visited  : Hanoi, Vietnam
Duration of Visit : 3 days
Month and Year  : December 2019
Purpose of Visit : Session Chair & Paper presentation

Country Visited  : Bangkok, Thailand
Duration of Visit : 3 days
Month and Year  : May, June 2018
Purpose of Visit : International Conference

Country Visited  : Singapore
Duration of Visit : 4 days
Month and Year  : December 2017
Purpose of Visit : International Conference

Country Visited  : Thailand
Duration of Visit : 2 days
Month and Year  : October 2014
Purpose of Visit : International Conference

Country Visited  : Sharjah (UAE)
Duration of Visit : 2 days
Month and Year  : May 2012
Purpose of Visit : International Conference

Country Visited  : Sri Lanka
Duration of Visit : 1 day
Month and Year  : October 2011
Purpose of Visit : International Conference

Country Visited  : Malaysia
Duration of Visit : 2 days 
Month and Year  : June 2010
Purpose of Visit : International Conference


