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“எண்ணிய முடிதல் வேண்டும்,

நல்லவே எண்ணல் வேண்டும்;

திண்ணிய நெஞ்சம் வேண்டும்,

தெளிந்தநல் லறிவு வேண்டும்;”

        - மகாகவி சி. சுப்பிரமணிய பாரதி

“Let my thoughts bloom into action;

Let me think only noble thoughts;

Let me have valiant heart;

Let me have a clear wisdom;"

         - Mahakavi C. Subramania Bharathiar


Dr. R. Baskar
Associate Professor
Research Area
  • Geriatric Social Work
  • Tribal Welfare and related areas
  • Industrial Social work



ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS

Research Area

  • Geriatric Social Work
  • Tribal Welfare and related areas
  • Industrial Social work

Featured Publications

Courses Teaching


Dr. R. Baskar
Associate Professor
Research Area
  • Geriatric Social Work
  • Tribal Welfare and related areas
  • Industrial Social work



ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS




Subject: Human Resource Management 

Institution: Bharathiar University

Year of Award: 2022


Subject: Social Work
Institution: PSG College of Arts and Science
Affiliated University: Bharathiar University
Year of Award: 2016

Subject: Law
Institution:  Dr.Ambedkar Law College, Chennai
Affiliated University: Dr.Ambedkar Law University, Chennai

Year of Award: 2007



Subject: Social Work

Year of Award: 2000


Subject: Social Work
Institution: PSG College of Arts and Science
Affiliated University: Bharathiar University
Year of Award: 1997


Subject: English Literature
Institution: Sri Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya College of Arts and Science

Affiliated University: Bharathiar University

Year of Award: 1995





At Bharathiar University (Reverse Order)


Associate Professor: January 18,2022 till date

Assistant Professor : January 2008  to 17.01.2022




Past Experiences

HR-Manager: May 2006  to January 2008 at CPS Textiles, Karur

HR-Executive: January 2005 to May 2006 at Malladi Drugs and Pharmaceuticals, Chennai

Lecturer: September 2001 to January 2005




Dr. R. Baskar
Associate Professor
Research Area
  • Geriatric Social Work
  • Tribal Welfare and related areas
  • Industrial Social work



ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS


Dr. R. Baskar
Associate Professor
Research Area
  • Geriatric Social Work
  • Tribal Welfare and related areas
  • Industrial Social work



ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS

Reverse Chronological Order




30.A Study On Domestic Violence Faced By Women In Unorganized Sector – Selected Blocks Of Nilgiris District
     R Baskar
     Kala Sarovar Art, Social and Religion Research Institute, Public Welfare Trust

29.Impact of modernization on Muthuvan, Paliyar and Eravallan tribes in Tiruppur district
     R Baskar
     Working Papers on Linguistics and Literature

28.A Study on Employee Satisfaction at MAHLE Electric Drives India Private Limited, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India
    R Baskar
    Proteus Journal, ISSN/E-ISSN: 0889-6348

27.Internet users’ Attitude, Psychological Well-being and Happiness
     R Baskar
    Wesleyan Journal, ISSN: 0975-1386

26.A Study on Safety Awareness among the Construction Workers in Coimbatore City
     R Baskar
     Adalya Journal, Volume 8, Issue 10, October 2019, ISSN NO: 1301-2746, UGC Care List Group A – Web of Science – 2

25.A Study on Economic Empowerment of Self-Help Group Women in Vadavalli Panchayat, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu
     R Baskar
     Adalya Journal, Volume 8, Issue 10, October 2019, ISSN NO: 1301-2746, UGC Care List Group A – Web of Science – 2

24.Work Place climate of the Transport Workers working in Tamilnadu State Transport Corporation, Villupuram Unit - I
     R Baskar
     Review of Research, Volume-8, Issue-5, February 2019, ISSN: 2249- 894X, UGC Approved Journal (journal no: 48514)

23.A Study on Health status of Irula Tribes in Mullankadu, Coimbatore District, Tamilnadu, India
     R Baskar
     International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research, Volume 3, Issue 12, December 2018, ISSN: 2455- 8834

22.A Study on Health Hazards of Coimbatore Corporation Sanitary Workers, Tamilnadu, India
     R Baskar
     Review of Research, Volume 8. Issue-3, December 2018, ISSN: 2249- 894X

21.A Study on the Experiences and Coping Mechanisms of Parents with Autistic Children in Selected Panchayats of Kozhikode District, Kerala
     R Baskar
     International Journal of Applied Social Science, Volume 5(10), October (2018): 1595-1605, ISSN: 2394- 1405

20.A Study on Health and Fitness among Women Outpatients in Kongunadu Hospital, Coimbatore
     R Baskar
     International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research, Vol: 02, Issue: 12”December 2017”, ISSN: 2455- 8834


19.Workplace motivation among women professionals working in health sector in Coimbatore
     R Baskar
     International journal of Management and Social Science research review, Vol.1, Issue-25, July- 2016, E-ISSN- 2349-6746 ISSN-2349- 6738

18.Rising South Indian elderly- issues & Challenges
     R Baskar
     International journal of Humanities and social science research, Volume 2; Issue 7; July 2016, ISSN: 2455- 2070

17.Labour turnover and absenteeism among the employees working in Pee Aaa Impex, Karur, Tamilnadu, South India
     R Baskar
     International journal of Multidisciplinary research and development, Volume3; Issue 7; July 2016, Online ISSN: 2349- 4182, Print ISSN: 2349-5979

16.Indian Elderly-an overview
     R Baskar
     International journal of Multidisciplinary research review, vol.1, Issue-17, July- 2016, E-ISSN: 2395-1885 ISSN-2395- 1877

15.Work place stress at CPS textiles, Karur, Tamilnadu, South India
     R Baskar
     International journal of Commerce and Management research, vol 2: Issue 7; July 2016, ISSN: 2455- 1627

14.A Study on social integration and health status of elderly people living in old age homes of Coimbatore
     R Baskar
     International journal of Humanities and social science research, 2016, Volume: 2, Issue: 3, ISSN: 2455- 2070

13.A study on coping mechanism of wives of Alcoholic addicts in Coimbatore, Tamilnadu
     R Baskar
     Shanlax International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities, Vol.3 No.4 April 2016, ISSN: 2321- 788X

12.A study on Team building attitude among women self help group members in Coimbatore, Tamilnadu
     R Baskar
     Shanlax International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities, Vol.3 No.3 January 2016, ISSN: 2321- 788X

11.A Study on the status of High risk group for HIV in Coimbatore
     R Baskar
     Shanlax International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities, Vol.3 No.2 October 2015, ISSN: 2321- 788X

10.A study on team building attitude among BPO professionals in Coimbatore
     R Baskar
     Indian journal of applied research, Edition 2, Volume 5, Issue 12 12/1/2015, ISSN- 2249- 555X

9.  A Study on Educational awareness among Irula parents in Tholampalayam & Velliangadu Panchayat in Coimbatore District, Tamilnadu
     R Baskar
     Indian journal of applied research, Edition 1, Volume 5, Issue 12 12/1/2015, ISSN- 2249- 555X

8.  A Study on health awareness and health practices among Paniya tribes in Gudalur taluk, Nilgiris District
     R Baskar
     Wide Spectrum, Vol.3 No.5, December, 2014, ISSN 2250- 2815

7.  Competency building through training in industries
     R Baskar
     Shanlax International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities, Vol.2.No.1, July 2014, ISSN: 2321- 788x

6.  Training for Organizational development
     R Baskar
     Shanlax International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities, Vol.2.No.1, July 2014, ISSN: 2321- 788x

5.  Juvenile delinquency: An issue of social concern
     R Baskar
     Samaja Karyada Hejjagalu (Social Work Foot- Prints), March 2013, Volume III, issue 4, ISSN: 2230- 8830



4.  A study on Psycho Social wellbeing of juvenile delinquents in Coimbatore observation home (Tamilnadu)
     R Baskar
     Progressive outlook, Volume V, Issue 12, May 2009, Vol.III.No.1-A (Special issue- Jan.2013), ISSN: 2231- 2358

3.  Food and health
     R Baskar
    Journal of School Social Work

2. Parental intervention with latch key children
    R Baskar
    Journal of School Social Work, Volume V, Issue 7, December 2008

1.  Skill learning climate for children
     R Baskar
     Journal of School Social Work, Volume IV, Issue 11, April 2008


National Publications - Reverse Chronological Order

Patent Info

Conference Info

Books Year Wise Edited

1. Professional Social Work in India-Rhetoric and the reality
    A study on empowerment of women through SHG's-A Case study
    R Baskar
    ISBN 978-81-9074-896-4

2. Social development in India-retrospect and prospects
    Prospects in social work with older people
    R Baskar
    ISBN 978-81-7273-607-1

3. Health and development, occupational hazards, food security and community development
    A Study on occupational hazards in C&W Mills, Coimbatore
    R Baskar
    ISBN 978-81-7273-624-8

4. Working with youth, women and children with HIV/AIDS, strategic intervention for inclusive development
    A Study on Health awareness among Paliyar tribal women in Sirumalai hills, Dindigal District
    R Baskar
    ISBN 978-81-7273-723-8

5. Benefits of Training and Development
    R Baskar
    Shri.Garuda Graphics-ISBN 978-93-80769-80-6

6. Competency Building through Training
    R Baskar
    Shri.Garuda Graphics-ISBN- 978-93-80769-77-6

7. Employee Development through Training
    R Baskar
    Shri.Garuda Graphics-ISBN- 978-93-80769-79-0

8. Organizational Development through Training
    R Baskar
    Shri. Garuda Graphics-ISBN- 978-93-80769-78-3

Chapter Wise Edited

Accordion content 2.


Database Related Info



Dr. R. Baskar
Associate Professor
Research Area
  • Geriatric Social Work
  • Tribal Welfare and related areas
  • Industrial Social work



ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS


Dr. R. Baskar
Associate Professor
Research Area
  • Geriatric Social Work
  • Tribal Welfare and related areas
  • Industrial Social work



ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS

Funded Projects (National Level)
Ongoing Projects List with necessary Information
Completed Projects List with necessary Information


Consultancy Projects
Ongoing Consultancy Project Informations
Completed Consultancy Project Informations



Dr. R. Baskar
Associate Professor
Research Area
  • Geriatric Social Work
  • Tribal Welfare and related areas
  • Industrial Social work



ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS









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Sample Data.


Sample Data.



Sample Data.


Sample Data.


Dr. R. Baskar
Associate Professor
Research Area
  • Geriatric Social Work
  • Tribal Welfare and related areas
  • Industrial Social work



ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS


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Dr. R. Baskar
Associate Professor
Research Area
  • Geriatric Social Work
  • Tribal Welfare and related areas
  • Industrial Social work



ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS


Dr. R. Baskar
Associate Professor
Research Area
  • Geriatric Social Work
  • Tribal Welfare and related areas
  • Industrial Social work



ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS






Dr. R. Baskar
Associate Professor
Research Area
  • Geriatric Social Work
  • Tribal Welfare and related areas
  • Industrial Social work



ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS




