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“எண்ணிய முடிதல் வேண்டும்,

நல்லவே எண்ணல் வேண்டும்;

திண்ணிய நெஞ்சம் வேண்டும்,

தெளிந்தநல் லறிவு வேண்டும்;”

        - மகாகவி சி. சுப்பிரமணிய பாரதி

“Let my thoughts bloom into action;

Let me think only noble thoughts;

Let me have valiant heart;

Let me have a clear wisdom;"

         - Mahakavi C. Subramania Bharathiar


Dr. M. Ashitha Varghese
Assistant Professor
Research Area
  • English Language Teaching
  • Tribal Studies
  • Literary Theory and Criticism



ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS

Research Area

  • English Language Teaching
  • Tribal Studies
  • Literary Theory and Criticism

Courses Teaching

  • Research Methodology
  • Romantic and Victorian Literature
  • Critical Theories
  • Health Humanities



Dr. M. Ashitha Varghese
Assistant Professor
Research Area
  • English Language Teaching
  • Tribal Studies
  • Literary Theory and Criticism



ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS


Ph. D.
Subject : English
Institution : English & Foreign Languages, Bharathiar University Department, Coimbatore
Affiliated University : Bharathiar University
Year of Award : 2014

Subject : English
Institution : English & Foreign Languages, Bharathiar University Department, Coimbatore
Affiliated University : Bharathiar University
Year of Award : 2010

Subject : English
Institution : English & Foreign Languages, Bharathiar University Department, Coimbatore
Affiliated University : Bharathiar University
Year of Award : 2009

Subject : Applied Psychology
Institution : Psychology Department, Bharathiar University Department, Coimbatore
Affiliated University : Bharathiar University
Year of Award : 2009

P.G.Diploma (Communicative English)
Subject : English
Institution : English & Foreign Languages, Bharathiar University Department, Coimbatore
Affiliated University : Bharathiar University
Year of Award : 2009

Subject: English
Institution: Nirmala College For Women, Coimbatore
Affiliated University: Bharathiar University
Year of Award: 2007


At Bharathiar University (Reverse Order)

Assistant Professor : November 2016 to Till Date

Past Experience
Assistant Professor : October 2015  to October 2016 at Christ University
Guest Faculty : August 2013 to April 2015 at Bharathiar University


Dr. M. Ashitha Varghese
Assistant Professor
Research Area
  • English Language Teaching
  • Tribal Studies
  • Literary Theory and Criticism



ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS


Dr. M. Ashitha Varghese
Assistant Professor
Research Area
  • English Language Teaching
  • Tribal Studies
  • Literary Theory and Criticism



ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS


Reverse Chronological Order








12. Constructivist Pedagogy in English Language Learning and Acquisition 
      BIJRHAS- Bodhi International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Science 
      (E-ISSN: 2456-5571) 2 (2018)

11. Significance of Deschooling Approach in Indian Context’ 
      International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews

10. Tribal Values, Culture and Practices of Attappady
      Pune Research: An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) 2 (2016)

 9. A Study on the Subaltern Values, Culture and Practices of Attappady
     Subaltern Speak - An International Journal of Postcolonial Studies (ISSN 2277-3959) 4 (2016)

 8. Tribalism and English Language Teaching
     International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Review (IJMDRR) ISSN 2395-1885 (2015)

 7. English Language Situation of the Tribal Children in Kerala – A Pilot Study
     International Journal of Management and Development Studies (ISSN 2321-1423) 1 (2013)

 6. Direct Instruction for Tribal Learners
     International Journal of English: Literature, Language and Skills (ISSN 2278-0742) 2 (2013)

 5. Testing and Evaluation of Language Skills 
     IOSR Journal of  Research and Method in Education 1 (2013)

 4. Direct Instruction Method to Enhance the English Language Learning of Tribal Children’ 
     Shanlax International Journal of English (ISSN 2320-2645) 1 (2013)

 3. English Language Teaching and Tribal Learners 
     Modern Journal of Applied Linguistics (ISSN 0974-8741) 5 (2013)

 2. A study on the educational backwardness of tribal learners with special reference to English Language 
     GNOSIS (2012)

 1. A study on the Tribal Culture and Folklore of Attappady
     Galaxy: International Multidisciplinary Research Journal (ISSN 2278-9529) 1 (2012)



Reverse Chronological Order






18. Design thinking Pedagogy in English Language Instruction- A Review’ 
      Journal of English Language and Literature (JOELL) (2019)

17. Deep Ecology and Ecosophy: A Conceptual Analysis of Novels in the Room on the Roof and Vagrants 
      in the Valley, by Ruskin Bond
      GJRA – Global Journal For Research Analysis 10 (2018)

16. The Unyielding Feminine Attributes in the Ice Candy-Man’ 
      Journal of Working Papers on Linguistics and Literature 12 (2018)

15. Tattoo : The Soul of the Human Canvas’ 
      Journal of Working Papers on Linguistics and Literature 12 (2018)

14. The Journey of the White Tiger from Darkness to a Darker Light in Aravind Adiga’s The White Tiger’ 
      Veda’s Journal of English Language and Literature (JOELL) 5 (2018)

13. Indian Culture as Outline by Sir Aurobindo’ 
      Journal of Working Papers on Linguistics and Literature 12 (2018)

12. Transcendental awakening and the significance of abstract feelings in the select poems of Pablo 
      Journal of Working Papers on Linguistics and Literature 12 (2018)

11. Multiculturalism as Tearing Apart the Self and Causing Identity Crisis in Jhumpa Lahari’s 
      The Namesake’ 
      Veda’s Journal of English Language and Literature (JOELL) 5 (2018)

10. Scrutinizing the Realism Behind the Kashmir Valley with the Help of the Novel The Collaborator by 
      Mirza Waheed’ 
      Veda’s Journal of English Language and Literature (JOELL) 5 (2018)

 9. City of Djinns :  A Post colonial Journey to the Historical Delhi by William Darlymple’
     Journal of Working Papers on Linguistics and Literature 12 (2018)

 8. The Fusion of Colours on the Human Body
     Matiz Journal (2018)

 7. Culture Based Language Pedagogy for Tribal Learners – An Experimental Design’ 
     Working Papers on Linguistics and Literature (ISSN 2349-8420) 10 (2017)

 6. Social Exclusion and Linguistic Minority of Attappady - A Qualitative Study
     Indian Journal of Applied Research ISSN (2249-555X) 6 (2016)

 5. A Pilot Study on the English Learning Problems of Rural Learners
     Indian Journal of Scholarly Research (ISSN 2278-8271) 2 (2013)

 4. Wudang Kungfu and Schooling Kungfu
     Indian Journal of Scholarly Research (ISSN 2278-8271) 2 (2013)

 3. A Pilot Study on the English Language Teaching and Learning Problems of Tribal Children of Attappady
     Indian Journal of Applied Research (ISSN – 2249-55X) 3 (2013)

 2. A study on the Tribal Culture of Attappady 
     Half Yearly Research Journal VRJFELL (ISSN 2319- 4715) 1 (2013)

 1. Improving the Reading Achievement of Tribal Learners Through Direct Instruction Method
     Language in India (ISSN 1930-2940) 13 (2013)


Patent Info

Conference Info

Books & Chapters Related Info

Database Related Info



Dr. M. Ashitha Varghese
Assistant Professor
Research Area
  • English Language Teaching
  • Tribal Studies
  • Literary Theory and Criticism



ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS


Dr. M. Ashitha Varghese
Assistant Professor
Research Area
  • English Language Teaching
  • Tribal Studies
  • Literary Theory and Criticism



ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS

Funded Projects(National Level)

1. RUSA 2.0

Title of the project: Cognitive and Culture-based Technological Design to Enhance Reading Comprehension of Post-Graduate Learners

Funding Agency: RUSA 2.0 – BEICH (MHRD, Govt. of India)

Amount: Rs. 4 Lakhs

Duration: Feb 2020 - June 2020



Consultancy Projects







Dr. M. Ashitha Varghese
Assistant Professor
Research Area
  • English Language Teaching
  • Tribal Studies
  • Literary Theory and Criticism



ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS









7. R. Rudresh

Title of thesis: Nature Paradigm to Enhance the Cognitive Interaction of School Dropouts – A Deschooling Approach to English Language Acquisition

6. Roby K Sebastian

Title of thesis: A Study on the Therapeutic Potential of Nature with Reference to Psalms and Gitanjali

5. A. Savitha

Title of thesis: Instructional Design to Enhance English Language Acquisition of Higher Secondary Learners

4. V. Shobiyaa

Title of thesis: A Study on the Impact of Divorce in Select Works of Nicholas Sparks

3. D. Deviga

Title of thesis: Chronicle of Middle Class Life and their Sufferings in the Select Works of Manju Kapur

2. Niveda Sebastian

Title of thesis: The Spatio-Temporal Elements of Mirza Ghalib’s Delhi: A Historiographic Study

1. Elna Raj


Noorul Hasan

Title of thesis: The Search for Self in the Select Novels of Toni Morrison: A Psychological Study

Year of award: 2021





4. M. Abinaya Sudha

Title of the thesis: Photographing the History: A Conceptual Study on Historiophoty with Reference to Marisa Silver’s Mary Coin

Year of award: 2018

3. Anu Chandran

Title of the thesis: Engraving on the Human Canvas: The Somaesthetic Psychospiritual Sociocultural Attributes of Tattooing with reference to Sarah Hall’s The Electric Michealngelo

Year of award: 2017

2. R. Karthick

Title of the thesis: Ecosophical Wisdom: A Conceptual Analysis on the Select Works of Ruskin Bond

Year of award: 2017

1. Y. Kayalvizhi

Title of the thesis: The Portrayal of Trauma in Abdullah Hussain’s The Weary Generations

Year of award: 2017




Sample Data.


13. A. Aruna

Title of the thesis: A study on the impact of technology in the English language learning of visually impaired learners

Year of award: 2019

12. J. Rajeshwari

Title of the thesis: A study on the English language learning of Don Bosco Anbu Illam

Year of award: 2019

11. Saranya Lakshmanan

Title of the thesis: A study on human trafficking with reference to Nancy Deville’s ‘Karma’

Year of award: 2019

10. S. Steffy

Title of the thesis: A psychological study on schizophrenia with reference to Paulo Coelho’s ‘Veronica Decides to Die’

Year of award: 2019

9. K. Harini Nitharsana

Title of the thesis: Deterministic chaos of technology over the human intellectuality – A cognitive analysis of an individual in the novel, ‘The Circle’ by Dave Eggers

Year of award: 2019

8. M. Muhammad Saleh Arkkam

Title of the thesis: Disproportionality of body image to self-discrepancy and debunking of body politics in Roxane Gay’s ‘Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body

Year of award: 2018

7. S. Anuradha

Title of the thesis: A study on communication breakdown in the classroom instruction of middle school learner

Year of award: 2018

6. C. Joy Hepzibah

Title of the thesis: Homicidal anthropophagism: Transgression of humanity, a true crime in John Borowski’s ‘Albert Fish: In His Own Words’

Year of award: 2018

5. V. Ramya

Title of the thesis: Disability in Discourse: Viewing ‘All the Light We cannot See’ by Anthony Doerr in the light of narrative prosthesis

Year of award: 2018

4. M. Sasikala

Title of the thesis: A study on the existential traits in the select characters of Khaled Hosseini’s ‘A Thousand Splendid Suns’

Year of award: 2017

3. C. Mazhali

Title of the thesis: Alteraction and harmony of the culture: A study on transegnders with reference to the select novels of Living Smile Vidya and Janet Mock

Year of award: 2017

2. M. Ilango

Title of the thesis: The Illogical Verity between racism and kinship with reference to attachment theory in Paul Beatty’s ‘The Sellout’

Year of award: 2017

1. M. Anushya

Title of the thesis: Portrait to Poetry: A study on synesthetic sensory perception

Year of award: 2017


Dr. M. Ashitha Varghese
Assistant Professor
Research Area
  • English Language Teaching
  • Tribal Studies
  • Literary Theory and Criticism



ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS


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Period : {from Date - to Date}
Nature of Responsibility: *****************

{Posting Name}
Period : {from Date - to Date}
Nature of Responsibility: *****************


Dr. M. Ashitha Varghese
Assistant Professor
Research Area
  • English Language Teaching
  • Tribal Studies
  • Literary Theory and Criticism



ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS


Dr. M. Ashitha Varghese
Assistant Professor
Research Area
  • English Language Teaching
  • Tribal Studies
  • Literary Theory and Criticism



ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS




Academic Bodies

 1. Bharathiar University
     Member: Board of Studies
     Period: 10-05-2017

2. Bharathiar University
    Member: Board of Studies
    Period: 26-07-2017

3. Bharathiar University
    Member: Chairperson of Board of Studies
    Period: 3 years from 01-01-2018

4. Bharathiar University
    Member: Board of Studies
    Period: 12-02-2019




Dr. M. Ashitha Varghese
Assistant Professor
Research Area
  • English Language Teaching
  • Tribal Studies
  • Literary Theory and Criticism



ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS




