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“எண்ணிய முடிதல் வேண்டும்,

நல்லவே எண்ணல் வேண்டும்;

திண்ணிய நெஞ்சம் வேண்டும்,

தெளிந்தநல் லறிவு வேண்டும்;”

        - மகாகவி சி. சுப்பிரமணிய பாரதி

“Let my thoughts bloom into action;

Let me think only noble thoughts;

Let me have valiant heart;

Let me have a clear wisdom;"

         - Mahakavi C. Subramania Bharathiar


Dr. V. Bhuvaneswari
Research Area
  • Big Data Analytics    
  • Semantic Web    
  • Data Analytics

0422 0428346

+91 9894703005

ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS

Research Area

  • Big Data Analytics    
  • Semantic Web    
  • Data Analytics

Courses Teaching

  • Data Mining
  • Principles of Data Science
  • Machine Learning
  • Exploratory Data Analytics
  • Advanced Database Management System
  • .Net Framework


Dr. V. Bhuvaneswari
Research Area
  • Big Data Analytics    
  • Semantic Web    
  • Data Analytics

0422 0428346

+91 9894703005

ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS


Subject : Computer Science
Institution : SNR College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore
Affiliated University : Bharathiar University
Year of Award : 2013

Subject : Computer Science
Institution : Sree Narayana Guru College, Coimbatore
Affiliated University : Bharathiar University
Year of Award : 2005

Year of Award : 2003
Register Number : K091440

Subject:  Computer Application
Institution : IGNOU University, New Delhi
Affiliated University : IGNOU University
Year of Award : 2002

Subject: Applied Science – Computer Technology
Institution: PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore
Affiliated University: Bharathiar University
Year of Award: 1998


At Bharathiar University (Reverse Order)
Associate Professor : April 2018 to Till Date
Assistant Professor : 2006 to 2018

Past Experience
Guest Lecturer : 2002 to 2003 at Dept of Comp Sci Sree Narayana Guru College, Coimbatore
Programmer : 1999 to 2002 at Sree Narayana Guru College, Coimbatore
Junior Programmer : 1998 to 1999 at Sudharsan Software, Coimbatore


Dr. V. Bhuvaneswari
Research Area
  • Big Data Analytics    
  • Semantic Web    
  • Data Analytics

0422 0428346

+91 9894703005

ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS

Data Mining

Data Mining research is used for identifying hidden patterns in large data stores. Data Mining tasks such as classification, clustering, dimensionality reduction are referred as traditional machine learning approaches. Data mining techniques and algorithms are used in identifying patterns from large data sources and has potential applications in data science and data analytics process.

Big Data Analytics

Big Data Analytics a multidisciplinary research area deals with processing massive volumes of data generated in the data era transforming to potential insights. A big data analytics process integrates business domain knowledge in data processing cycles in identifying valuable business insights. Big Data frameworks based research is an upcoming area which focuses on minimizing computational cost processing huge volume of data. Application of big data analytics in domains of Healthcare, Finance, Manufacturing, governance integrating social media data with business data is evolved as potential research area.

Semantic Web

Semantic Web has become inevitable in automated data processing technologies such as AI and Machine Learning. Heterogeneous data generated from disparate data sources requires contextual mapping for relating and associating object where semantic technologies such as taxonomy, ontologies are used for generating knowledge graphs. Semantic Web applications is extensively used for processing unstructured data using NLP in automated intelligent decision support systems.


Dr. V. Bhuvaneswari
Research Area
  • Big Data Analytics    
  • Semantic Web    
  • Data Analytics

0422 0428346

+91 9894703005

ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS


15. An integrated multi-node Hadoop framework to predict high-risk factors of Diabetes Mellitus using a Multilevel Map Reduce based Fuzzy Classifier (MMR-FC) and Modified DBSCAN algorithm
J. Ramsingh, V.Bhuvaneswari,
Applied Soft Computing - Elsevier(2021)

2020 - 1996

14. Exploratory Spatial Analysis of Pavo Cristatus (Peacock) Distribution in Coimbatore District of Tamil Nadu using Local Indicators
P.Mousi, J.Ramsingh, V.Bhuvaneswari
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), 8(12),1905-1912(2019)

13. An efficient map reduce-based hybrid nbc-tfidf algorithm to mine the public sentiment on diabetes mellitus – a big data approach,
J. Ramsingh, V.Bhuvaneswari,
Journal Of King Saud University - Computer And Information Sciences – Elsevier (2018).

12. Sports analysis of FIFA football world cup tournament using logistic regression,
P.Sudhandradevi, V.Bhuvaneswari,
International Journal Computational Intelligence and Informatics Journal, 8, 2 (2018).

11. A neural network based email classification using tensorflow,
S.Kanimozhi, V.Bhuvaneswari,
International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Science [UGC], 10(1), 121 – 128, (2018).

10. A study and analysis of water audit for domestic household an IoT based prototype model,
M.Gracelin, M.Lissa, V.Bhuvaneswari,
International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Science [UGC], 10(1), 98 – 102, (2018).

9. Data analytics framework and methodology for whatsapp chats transliteration of thanglish and short whatsapp messages,
P.Sudhandradevi, V.Bhuvaneswari,
International Journal Computational Intelligence and Informatics Journal, 6, 3, (2016).

8. Big data insight: data management technologies, applications and challenge,
K.Sandhiya, V.Bhuvaneswari,
International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 9, 46 – 77, (2016).

7. Analysis of diabetic awareness among the general public in tamilnadu using social networking data,
J.Ramsingh, V.Bhuvaneswari,
International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Informatics, 6, 143 – 148, (2016).

6. Data analytics framework: r and hadoop – geo-location based opinion mining of tweets,
K.Santhiya, V.Bhuvaneswari,
International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS), 6, 74 – 81, (2016).

5. Data analytics on institutional repositary logs- perspective,
V.Krishnamurty, V.Bhuvaneswari,
Journal of Library and Information Communication Technologies, 5(1), 91 – 96, (2016).

4. An insight on big data analytics using pig script,
J.Ramsingh, V.Bhuvaneswari,
International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science, 4, 84 – 90, (2015).

3. Semantic web representation in RDF schema: a practical approach,
S.Sangeetha, V.Bhuvaneswari,
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, 6(6), 5216 – 5221, (2015).

2. Ontology model for phylogeny visualization,
M.Sharmila, V.Bhuvaneswari,
International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS), 1, 57 – 65, (2015).

1. A hybrid PSO-GA approach for biomarker discovery,
J. Ramsigh, V.Bhuvaneswari,
Special Issue of Institute of Integrated Omics and Applied Biotechnology Journal, 1, 107 – 119, (2015).


National Publications - Reverse Chronological Order




Patent Info

Conference Info

International Conferences



Editor of the Book

1. Big Data Analytics
V. Bhuvaneswari, T. Devi,
Scitech, (2018), ISBN: 978-93-85983-67-2

2.Data analytics with R Programming
Bhuvaneswari, T. Devi,
Scitech, (2018), ISBN 978-93-85983-68-9

Chapter in Edited Book

1. Semantic Framework and Methodology for Cultural Heritage Data Integration fore-Walkthrough - Scopus,
M Lissa, V Bhuvaneswari, T Devi
ICT for Competitive Strategies CRC Press, 2020, 9, ISBN: 9781003052098

2. Design and Development of Hybridized DBSCAN-NN Approach for Location Prediction to Place Water Treatment Plant
P.Mousi, V.Bhuvaneswari
Advances in Big Data and Cloud Computing. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 645, 237-247(2018)

3.Prediction of heart and kidney risks in diabetic prone population using fuzzy classification,
S. Ananthi, V. Bhuvaneswari,
International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI),
IEEE, (2017), ISBN: 978-1-4673-8856-6

4. Data analytics of library OPAC transactions using hive-a big data approach,
V. Bhuvaneswari, S. Kanimozhi, R. Kiruthika,
Research Methodology for LIBRARIANS Tools and Techniques
Dominant Publishers and Distributors (P) Ltd, 201, (2016), ISBN: 978-93-84207-24-3

5. Data analytics insight library transaction data – a perspective,
V Bhuvaneswari, V Krishnamurthy,
Research Methodology for LIBRARIANS Tools and Techniques
Dominant Publishers and Distributors (P) Ltd, 219, (2016), ISBN: 978-93-84207-24-3

6. Mahout recommender system framework algorithm,
M Guna Sundari, K Santhiya, V Bhuvaneswari,
Communication Techniques & Informatics,
Published in National Conference On Computational Methods, (2016)

7. Data analytic on diabetic awareness with hadoop streaming using map reduce in python,
J. RamSingh, V. Bhuvaneswari,
International Conference on Advances in Computing Applications (ICACA), (2016)
IEEE, ISBN: 978-1-5090-3768-1

8. Map reduce programming model,
K Santhiya, V Bhuvaneswari,
IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computer Applications (ICACA), (2016)
IEEE, ISBN: 978-1-5090-3771-1

9. Spatial data mining approaches for GIS – a brief review,
P Mousi, V Bhuvaneswari, J Ananathi, R Kalpana,
Advances in Intelligent Systems and computing book series (AISC), volume 338
Published in Springer Advanced Intelligent Systems and Computing Series, (2015)

10. A genetic algorithm optimization for significant gene prediction,
J. Ram Singh, V. Bhuvaneswari, K. Dheenathayalan
Research and Trends in Data Mining and Image Processing Technologies and Applications
Bloomsbury Publishing India Private Ltd, ISBN: 978-93-84-052-11-9, 1, 104 -112 (2014)



Dr. V. Bhuvaneswari
Research Area
  • Big Data Analytics    
  • Semantic Web    
  • Data Analytics

0422 0428346

+91 9894703005

ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS

Courses Teaching
  • Data Mining
  • Principles of Data Science
  • Machine Learning
  • Exploratory Data Analytics
  • Advanced Database Management System
  • .Net Framework
Course Materials

Accordion content 2.



Dr. V. Bhuvaneswari
Research Area
  • Big Data Analytics    
  • Semantic Web    
  • Data Analytics

0422 0428346

+91 9894703005

ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS

Funded Projects (National Level)



Intelligent Support system to Physicians for cancer diagnosis and personalized treatment planning 
Principal Investigator
February – June 2020
Rs. 21,52,000 (Twenty one Lakhs)


Smart technological framework for auditing public toilets: swachh bharat
Principal Investigator
February – June 2020
Rs. 6,00,000 (Six Lakhs)


Design and development of an integrated data model knowledge base and dissemination for digital Poompuhar
Co-Principal Investigator
2018 onwards
Rs. 60,00,000 (Sixty Lakhs)

4. DST –Big Data Division

Training programme for 10 days on big data technologies, big data division,
Principal Investigator
DST –Big Data Division
Rs. 2,00,000 (Two Lakhs)

5. UGC

Developing methodology for mining biological databases
Principal Investigator
2008 – 2010
Rs. 55,000 (Zero Five five lakhs)


Consultancy Projects
Ongoing Consultancy Project Informations
Completed Consultancy Project Informations



Dr. V. Bhuvaneswari
Research Area
  • Big Data Analytics    
  • Semantic Web    
  • Data Analytics

0422 0428346

+91 9894703005

ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS









Name of the candidate : P.Mousi
Title of the Thesis : Design and Development of Spatial Data Model for Water Treatment
Status: Ongoing

Name of the candidate : K.Vijayakumar
Title of the Thesis : Development of Iot Wearable device for Health care
Status: Ongoing

Name of the candidate : Koras
Title of the Thesis : Title of Thesis: Development of Machine Learning Models for Lung cancer Diagnosis
Status: Ongoing

Name of the candidate : M.Lissa
Title of the Thesis : Title of Thesis: Development of Semantic Models for Heterogeneous data Integration
Status: Ongoing


Name of the candidate : J Ramsingh
Title of the Thesis : Design And Development Of An Integrated Big Data Model To Analyse Risk Factors Of Mellitus
Year of Award : 2019

Name of the candidate : K Santhiya
Title of the Thesis : Development of Novel Efficient Multilevel Mapreduce Classifiers for Crime Categorization Using Big Data Framework
Year of Award : 2020



Sample Data.


Name of the candidate : P Sudhandradevi
Title of the Thesis : Design and Development of Multilayered framework for Categorization of Cyber Vulnerabilities and Cyber Laws
Year of Award : May 2019

Name of the candidate : T Vijayakumar
Title of the Thesis : Design and Development of Prototypes using Block Chain Smart Contracts Network for Auditing Data As A Service
Year of Award : May  2019

Name of the candidate : P Elanchezlian
Title of the Thesis : A Methodological Review on data security awareness in Public Clouds and Analysis of Cyber Vulnerabilities
Year of Award : May  2019

Name of the candidate : S Kanimozhi
Title of the Thesis : Design and Development of Neural Networks for e-mail subject categories using Tensor Flow
Year of Award : May 2018

Name of the candidate : R Kalpana
Title of the Thesis : Design and Development of Semantic Ontology and Location Prediction using Genetic Algorithm for Solid Waste Management
Year of Award : March 2017

Name of the candidate : S Ananthi
Title of the Thesis : Design and Development of Fuzzy classification framework for Prediction of Heart and Kidney Risks in Diabetic Prone Population
Year of Award : March 2017

Name of the candidate : K C Arathi
Title of the Thesis : Design and Development of Semantic Integration Framework of IoT Component in Smart Vehicle Closed Parking System
Year of Award : August 2015

Name of the candidate : P Mousi
Title of the Thesis : Design  and  Development  of  Hybridized  DB-Scan  NN Approach for Location Prediction to place Water Treatment Plant in Noyyal river Basin
Year of Award : August 2015

Name of the candidate : J Ramsingh
Title of the Thesis : A Study and Development of Genetic Algorithm Approach for Identifying Gene Signature for Microarray
Year of Award : May 2014

Name of the candidate : K Dheenathayalan
Title of the Thesis : Design and Development of Hybridized Approach PSO-GA  for Biomarker Discovery
Year of Award : May 2014

Name of the candidate : M Selvi
Title of the Thesis : Study on various Biclustering Approaches and Development of Biclustering Algorithm based on Attribute Interdependency
Year of Award : May 2014

Name of the candidate : D Surendren
Title of the Thesis : A  Framework  for  Analysis  of  Cognitive  Dissonance  in Recommender system using Association rule Mining
Year of Award : May 2014

Name of the candidate : B Kirithika
Title of the Thesis : An  Association  rule  mining  approach  for  extracting Interactions  between  Biological  entities  from  Pubmed Abstract
Year of Award : June 2014

Name of the candidate : K Vijayakumar
Title of the Thesis : A  Framework  for  Detect  Correction  Effort  Analysis  in Software Bug Reports using Association Rule Mining
Year of Award : March 2014

Name of the candidate : M Sharmila
Title of the Thesis : A Framework for Phylogeny Visualization using Ontology Approach
Year of Award : March, 2014

Name of the candidate : Booma Shanthini
Title of the Thesis : Design  and  Development  of  DAG  based  Gene  Ontology Similarity  metrics  for  hierarchical  clustering  of  Diabetic Genes
Year of Award : October 2013

Name of the candidate : Uma Jothy
Title of the Thesis : A Framework for Mining Temporal Association Rules from the Time series Microarray using Apriori Algorithm
Year of Award : February  2013

Name of the candidate : K Vanitha
Title of the Thesis : Classification of Microarray Gene Expression Data by Gene Combination using Fuzzy Logic
Year of Award : July 2012

Name of the candidate : S J Brintha
Title of the Thesis : Clustering   of   Microarray   data   using   Type2   Fuzzy Association Patterns
Year of Award : April  2012

Name of the candidate : Poongodi
Title of the Thesis : A Study and Analysis of Feature set selection in Genomic Databases for Text Clustering using Filter Based Approach (FBA)
Year of Award : April 2012

Name of the candidate : R Priyadarshini
Title of the Thesis : A  Framework  for   Integrating  and   Classifying  Gene Information using Concept Ontology
Year of Award : January 2011

Name of the candidate : Annalakshmi
Title of the Thesis : Automatic Extraction of Protein/Gene names from Medline Abstracts using N-Gram Approach
Year of Award : January 2011

Name of the candidate : Selvanayaki
Title of the Thesis : Clustering of Microarray data using GO Ontology to Find Association of Genes
Year of Award : June 2010

Name of the candidate : Esther Tamilselvi
Title of the Thesis : Students Placement Competency Analysis – An Apriori Framework    
Year of Award : March 2010

Name of the candidate : Premavathy
Title of the Thesis : Analysis of Clustering algorithms
Year of Award : March 2010

Name of the candidate : Sindhu
Title of the Thesis : Implementation  and  Analysis  of  BIRCH  Algorithm  for constructing Phylogeny Tree
Year of Award : August 2008

Name of the candidate : Nusurath
Title of the Thesis : Implementation  and  Analysis  of  Genetic  Algorithm  for Motif   Prediction   using   Bayesian   and   NonBayesian Functions
Year of Award : September 2008

Name of the candidate : Poongothai
Title of the Thesis : An  Implementation  of  Apriori  Algorithm  for  Detecting Duplicates in Biological Databases
Year of Award : January 2008

Name of the candidate : Kavitha Rajalakshmi
Title of the Thesis : A   Study   and   Comparison   of   Sequence   Alignment Techniques
Year of Award : February 2008

Name of the candidate : Kalaivani
Title of the Thesis : Implementation of Efficient Pairwise Sequence Alignment using Dynamic Programming and Genetic Algorithm
Year of Award : January 2007



Sample Data.


1. Name of the candidate :Arul Jesu Balan R,
Title of the Thesis : Sensor Based Prototype Model for Automated Parking Management Interface with Smart Parking App,
Year of Award :Apr-2016.

2. Name of the candidate :Gnanapriya N,
Title of the Thesis : Deep Insight on Data Analytics Using KNIME,
Year of Award :Apr-2016.

3. Name of the candidate :Gokul Raju R,
Title of the Thesis : Image Processing Based Prototype Model for Automated Parking Management Interface with Smart Parking App,
Year of Award :Apr-2016.

4. Name of the candidate :Gopinath D,
Title of the Thesis : Prototype Model for Android Application Emergency App,
Year of Award :Apr-2016.

5.Name of the candidate : Hema R,
Title of the Thesis : Application Modeling for E-Plant Organic Manure,
Year of Award :Apr-2016.

6. Name of the candidate :Hepziba A,
Title of the Thesis : Web Job Portal for IT Concern,
Year of Award :Apr-2016.

7. Name of the candidate :Jaya Bharathi D,
Title of the Thesis : Study and Implementation of Data Mining Task Using ORANGE Tool,
Year of Award :Apr-2016.

8.Name of the candidate : Karthika P,
Title of the Thesis : Study and Analysis of the HIVE Optimization Technique,
Year of Award :Apr-2016.

9.Name of the candidate : Kiruthika D,
Title of the Thesis : Study and Implementation of Gene Expression Profile Analysis Using Orange Bioinformatics Extension,
Year of Award :Apr-2016.

10.Name of the candidate : Kiruthika R,
Title of the Thesis : Deriving a Social Insight by Performing Societal System Analysis Using KNIME,
Year of Award :Apr-2016

11.Name of the candidate : Arul Jesu Balan R,
Title of the Thesis : Prototype Model for Android Application Smart Parking-Server Architecture,
Year of Award :Nov-2015

12.Name of the candidate : Gopinath D,
Title of the Thesis : Prototype Model for Android Application Emergency Apps,
Year of Award :Nov-2015

13.Name of the candidate : Hema R,
Title of the Thesis : App Modeling for E- Gardening,
Year of Award :Nov-2015

14. Name of the candidate :Hepziba A,
Title of the Thesis : Architectural Design for An Organic App,
Year of Award :Nov-2015

15. Name of the candidate :Jaya Bharathi D,
Title of the Thesis : A Data Integration Model for Smart Fluid Monitoring System,
Year of Award :Nov-2015

16.Name of the candidate : Kanimozhi S,
Title of the Thesis : Design of An Inclusion Tool for OPAC on Book Transaction Analytics A Big-Data-Analytics,
Year of Award :Nov-2015

17.Name of the candidate : Karthika P,
Title of the Thesis : Analyzing Diabetic Dataset Using Association Rule Mining Approach,
Year of Award :Nov-2015

18.Name of the candidate : Kiruthika D,
Title of the Thesis : Data Analytics on Diabetes using PIG,
Year of Award :Nov-2015

19.Name of the candidate : Kiruthika R,
Title of the Thesis : User Preferences on Book Issues Using Dataset A Tool for OPAC,
Year of Award :Nov-2015

20.Name of the candidate : Bharanitharan C,
Title of the Thesis : Online Web Application Portal-Reporting System,
Year of Award :Apr-2017

21.Name of the candidate : Meena R,
Title of the Thesis : Design and Implementation of Spark MLib Library Decision Tree Classifier for Sport Articles,
Year of Award :Apr-2017

22.Name of the candidate : Sudhandradevi P,
Title of the Thesis : Design and Development of Data Analytics Framework for WhatsApp Chat Transliteration,
Year of Award :Apr-2017

23.Name of the candidate : Vidhya S,
Title of the Thesis : Quantitative Analysis of Satellite Data Using Data Mining  Technique,
Year of Award :Apr-2017

24.Name of the candidate : Gana Priya M,
Title of the Thesis : Development of Web Portal for Performance Evaluation of Teacher by Student,
Year of Award :Apr-2017

25. Name of the candidate :Ganeshan A,
Title of the Thesis : Online Web Application Portal-Dashboard Analysis,
Year of Award :Apr-2017

26.Name of the candidate : Chitra M,
Title of the Thesis : Data Analytics Tool for Teaching Performance Evaluation with Feed Forward Learning,
Year of Award :Apr-2017

27. Name of the candidate :Guna Sundari M,
Title of the Thesis : A Study and Implementation of Collaborative Filtering Recommender System Using Machine Learning Framework in Mahout,
Year of Award :Nov-2016

28.Name of the candidate : Meena R,
Title of the Thesis : Design and Development of Incremental MapReduce Approach Using MongoDB,
Year of Award :Nov-2016

29. Name of the candidate :Sudhandradevi P,
Title of the Thesis : Design and Development of Semantic Matching Using MapReduce Framework for WhatsApp Data in MongoDB,
Year of Award :Nov-2016

30. Name of the candidate :Gana Priya M,
Title of the Thesis : A Study and design of Graph Model for Employee Information,
Year of Award :Nov-2016

31. Name of the candidate :Ganeshan A,
Title of the Thesis : A Study on Recommendation System Using R Package,
Year of Award :Nov-2016

32. Name of the candidate :Indhumathi J,
Title of the Thesis : An Implementation of Forecasting Time Series Model of Air Quality Sothern State of India,
Year of Award :Nov-2016

33.Name of the candidate : Jijendra Kumar S,
Title of the Thesis : A Study and Implement Association Rule mining Using R Package,
Year of Award :Nov-2016

34. Name of the candidate :Chitra M,
Title of the Thesis : A Study and Design of Graph Model for Credit Card Information,
Year of Award :Nov-2016

35.Name of the candidate : Arul Prakash K,
Title of the Thesis : A case study and Spatial Database creation for Lake interconnection along the Noyal River Basian,
Year of Award :Nov-2017

36.Name of the candidate : Balaji S,
Title of the Thesis : Coimbatore Rivers in R,
Year of Award :Nov-2017

37. Name of the candidate :Gracelin M,
Title of the Thesis : A Study and Analysis of Water Audit for Domestic Household an IoT Based Prototype Model,
Year of Award :Nov-2017

38.Name of the candidate : Keerthika P,
Title of the Thesis : Blog Creation for Perur Pateeswarar Temple with Word Press,
Year of Award :Nov-2017

39. Name of the candidate :Lissa M,
Title of the Thesis : Unified Generic Framework for Smart Apps: Be Connect – Complaint Chat(KM),
Year of Award :Nov-2017

40.Name of the candidate : Livi Angel V,
Title of the Thesis : Study and Design of Graduate Registration E- Voting System,
Year of Award :Nov-2017

41.Name of the candidate : Mohanasundaram N,
Title of the Thesis : E-Walk Through,
Year of Award :Nov-2017

42. Name of the candidate :Arul Prakash K,
Title of the Thesis : Android Application for Emergency,
Year of Award :Apr-2018

43.Name of the candidate : Balaji S,
Title of the Thesis : Bank Locker Security System,
Year of Award :Apr-2018

44.Name of the candidate : Gracelin M,
Title of the Thesis : Design and Development of Ontology Model for Perur Pateeswarar Temple,
Year of Award :Apr-2018

45. Name of the candidate :Keerthika P,
Title of the Thesis : Development of Web Portal for Managing Research Publications,
Year of Award :Apr-2018

46. Name of the candidate :Lissa M,
Title of the Thesis : Development of Knowledge map: Semantic Web Portal for Perur Pateeswarar Temple,
Year of Award :Apr-2018

47.Name of the candidate : Livi Angel V,
Title of the Thesis : Generic Web Portal Framework for E-Governance Academic Schemes,
Year of Award :Apr-2018

48. Name of the candidate :Mohanasundaram N,
Title of the Thesis : Web portal Examination System,
Year of Award :Apr-2018

49.Name of the candidate : Mohana B,
Title of the Thesis : Analysis on Video Game Sales,
Year of Award :Nov-2018

50.Name of the candidate : Rachana R G,
Title of the Thesis : Calorie Calculator,
Year of Award :Nov-2018

51.Name of the candidate : Selvakumar P,
Title of the Thesis : Car Service Center Management System,
Year of Award :Apr-2019

52.Name of the candidate : Mohana B,
Title of the Thesis : A Methodological EDA for Empirical Data Analysis for Toilet Infrastructure,
Year of Award :Apr-2019

53.Name of the candidate : Reshmin Nikitha C,
Title of the Thesis : Design and Development of Toilet Infrastructure and Sanitation Using Dashboard,
Year of Award :Apr-2019

54. Name of the candidate :Sudha S,
Title of the Thesis : Development of Explanatory Data Analysis for Clusters and Regression Model(TIS),
Year of Award :Apr-2019

55. Name of the candidate :Balamuthu D,
Title of the Thesis :Mobile Shop Management System,
Year of Award :Apr-2019

56.Name of the candidate : Karuppusamy E,
Title of the Thesis : Online Shopping with Chatbot,
Year of Award :Apr-2019

57.Name of the candidate : Rachana R G,
Title of the Thesis : Web Centric Commodity Information Retrader,
Year of Award :Apr-2019

58. Name of the candidate :Navaneetha Krishnan A,
Title of the Thesis : Descriptive Analysis of Cotton Dataset using R,
Year of Award :Nov-2019

59. Name of the candidate :Jawahar V,
Title of the Thesis : Diabetic Management and Decision Support,
Year of Award :Nov-2019

60. Name of the candidate :Jubit S,
Title of the Thesis : BU Challan Entry System,
Year of Award :Nov-2019

61. Name of the candidate :Shobika S,
Title of the Thesis : Student Result Management System,
Year of Award :Nov-2019

62.Name of the candidate : Ajithkumar M,
Title of the Thesis : Design and Development of Cotton Price Prediction using Regression Models,
Year of Award :Nov-2019

63. Name of the candidate :Selvarani A,
Title of the Thesis : Project Management System,
Year of Award : Nov-2019

MSc Data Analytics

1. Name of the candidate :Jeevitha B,
Title of the Thesis : Readmission Risk Prediction In Diabetes Healthcare System,
Year of Award :Nov-2018

2.Name of the candidate : Venkata Rao M,
Title of the Thesis : Methodological Walkthrough of Olympics Dataset and Analysis using Classification Models,
Year of Award :Nov-2018

3. Name of the candidate :Shree Divya G,
Title of the Thesis : Analysis of Socio Economic Data on India using Machine Learning Models,
Year of Award :Nov-2018

4.Name of the candidate : Jeevitha B
Title of the Thesis : Analysis of Amazon Food Product Reviews using Sentiment Analysis and Topic Summarization,
Year of Award :Apr-2019

5.Name of the candidate : Venkata Rao M,
Title of the Thesis : A Methodological Framework for Mapping PUBMED Abstracts with Gene Expression Profiles,
Year of Award :Apr-2019

6. Name of the candidate :Shree Divya G,
Title of the Thesis : Microsoft Partner Centre API: Billing Solution Integration,
Year of Award :Apr-2019

7.Name of the candidate : Anusree T R,
Title of the Thesis : Sentiment Analysis on Trump Tweets – A detailed study,
Year of Award :Nov-2019

8.Name of the candidate : Chakridhar Reddy K,
Title of the Thesis : Design and Development of Framework of Student Mess Bill Challan Image to Text using OpenCV,
Year of Award :Nov-2019

9.Name of the candidate : Nandhini M,
Title of the Thesis : Design and Development of Methodology for Automatic E-Mail alert for Academic Circular(Bot),
Year of Award :Nov-2019


Dr. V. Bhuvaneswari
Research Area
  • Big Data Analytics    
  • Semantic Web    
  • Data Analytics

0422 0428346

+91 9894703005

ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS


Name of the Responsibility : Warden for Chellamal Ladies Hostel 
Designation : Warden
Institution : Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
Period : Since April 2012
Nature of Responsibility :

Name of the Responsibility : Warden for Kasturibai Ladies Hostel
Designation : Warden
Institution : Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
Period : April 2012 - April 2015
Nature of Responsibility : *

Name of the Responsibility : Coordinating with COE to Upload data of Degree and Mark certificates to NAD Depository National Academic Depository (NAD) – MHRD 
Designation : Nodal Officer
Institution : Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
Period : *
Nature of Responsibility : *

Name of the Responsibility : Coordinating with COE for online verification of certificates through eSanad Portal 
Designation : Nodal Officer 
Institution : Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, 
Period : *
Nature of Responsibility : *

Name of the Responsibility : Project Implementation Group - DST PURSE  Phase II
Designation : Member
Institution : Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
Period : 2017
Nature of Responsibility : *

Name of the Responsibility : EPF- Employee UAN Generation
Designation : *
Institution : Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
Period : 2017
Nature of Responsibility : *

Name of the Responsibility : Placement Officer
Designation : Placement Officer
Institution : Dept of Computer Applications, Bharathiar university since 2014
Period : Since 2014
Nature of Responsibility : Arrange Placements for Students

Name of the Responsibility : Swayam Co-ordinator/NAD Coordiantor
Designation : *
Institution : Dept of Computer Applications, Bharathiar university since 2014
Period : 2018
Nature of Responsibility : Register Students of DCA to coordinate to register in SWAYAM and NAD

Name of the Responsibility : Alumini Co-ordiantor
Designation : *
Institution : Dept of Computer Applications, Bharathiar university since 2014
Period : 2015
Nature of Responsibility : *


Dr. V. Bhuvaneswari
Research Area
  • Big Data Analytics    
  • Semantic Web    
  • Data Analytics

0422 0428346

+91 9894703005

ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS


Dr. V. Bhuvaneswari
Research Area
  • Big Data Analytics    
  • Semantic Web    
  • Data Analytics

0422 0428346

+91 9894703005

ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS


Awarding agency : VISAKA
Country : India
Purpose of award : Best Volunteer – Digital Literacy Campaign - MHRD    
Date of Award : 2018


Membership in Professional Bodies

Organization : Computer Society of India
Type of Membership : Life Member
Period : 2007

Organization : International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology
Type of Membership : Member
Period : 2008

Membership in Academic Bodies

Organization : Dr. SNS Rajalakshmi College of Arts & Science  
Type of Membership : University BoS Member 
Period : 12.05.2016

Organization : Nirmala College for Women
Type of Membership : University BoS Member 
Period : 21.11.2016

Organization : Sri G.V.G. Visalakshi College for Women
Type of Membership : University BoS Member 
Period : 27.07.2016

Organization : Rathnavel Subramaniam College of Arts and Science
Type of Membership : University BoS Member 
Period : 25.5.2016

Organization : Sri Krishna Arts and Science College
Type of Membership : University BoS Member 
Period : 06.05.2017

Organization : PSGR Krishnammal College for Women
Type of Membership : University BoS Member 
Period : 03.10.2017

Organization : P.K.R Arts College for Women
Type of Membership : University BoS Member 
Period : 12.08.2017

Organization : Dr. SNS Rajalakshmi College of Arts & Science
Type of Membership : University BoS Member 
Period : 18.11.2017

Organization : PSGR Krishnammal College for Women
Type of Membership : University BoS Member 
Period : 27.10.2017

Organization : Sri Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya College of Arts and Science
Type of Membership : University BoS Member 
Period : 28.10.2017

Organization : Kongunadu Arts & Science College
Type of Membership : Member of Inspection Commission
Period : 19.12.2016

Organization : PSGR Krishnammal College for Women
Type of Membership : Doctoral Committee Member
Period : 27.08.2016

Organization : Hindusthan College of Arts & Science
Type of Membership : Member of Inspection Commission
Period : 23-01-2017

Organization : Hindusthan College of Arts & Science
Type of Membership : Member of Inspection Commission
Period : 08-08-2017



Dr. V. Bhuvaneswari
Research Area
  • Big Data Analytics    
  • Semantic Web    
  • Data Analytics

0422 0428346

+91 9894703005

ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS




