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“எண்ணிய முடிதல் வேண்டும்,

நல்லவே எண்ணல் வேண்டும்;

திண்ணிய நெஞ்சம் வேண்டும்,

தெளிந்தநல் லறிவு வேண்டும்;”

        - மகாகவி சி. சுப்பிரமணிய பாரதி

“Let my thoughts bloom into action;

Let me think only noble thoughts;

Let me have valiant heart;

Let me have a clear wisdom;"

         - Mahakavi C. Subramania Bharathiar


Dr. T. Radhakrishnan
Research Area
  • Sports Training 
  • Exercise Physiology
  • Sports Injury and Rehabilitation
  • Yogic Science

0422 2428566

+91 9442918704

ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS

Research Area

  • Sports Training 
  • Exercise Physiology
  • Sports Injury and Rehabilitation
  • Yogic Science

Featured Publications

Courses Teaching


Dr. T. Radhakrishnan
Research Area
  • Sports Training 
  • Exercise Physiology
  • Sports Injury and Rehabilitation
  • Yogic Science

0422 2428566

+91 9442918704

ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS


Subject : Physical Education
Institution : Maruthi college of Physical Education 
Affiliated University : Bharathiar University
Year of Award : 2008

Subject : Physical Education
Institution : Alagappa University
Affiliated University : Alagappa University
Year of Award : 1993

Subject:Physical Education
Institution : Maruthi College of Physical Education
Affiliated University : Bharathiar University
Year of Award : 1989

Subject:Physical Education
Institution : Maruthi College of Physical Education
Affiliated University : Bharathiar University
Year of Award : 1999

Institution : Madurai Kamarajar University
Affiliated University : Madurai Kamarajar University
Year of Award : 2002

Subject: Zoology
Institution: S.Vellaisamy Nadar College, Madurai
Affiliated University: Madurai Kamarajar University
Year of Award: 1986

Subject: Yoga Education
Institution: Bharathiar University
Affiliated University: Bharathiar University
Year of Award: 2006

Subject: Fitness Management
Institution: Bharathiar University
Affiliated University: Bharathiar University
Year of Award: 2007

Subject: Yoga
Institution: Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University
Affiliated University: Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University
Year of Award: 2015

Subject : Physical Education
Year of Passing : 1990
Register Number : 02210034


At Bharathiar University (Reverse Order)

Professor : August 2016 onwards
Registrar : March 2016 to March 2019 at Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University
Associate Professor : August 2013 to August 2016 
Assistant Professor : July 2005 to August 2013

Past Experience
Lecturer : August 2000 to July 2007 at SRMV Maruthi   College of Physical Education. Coimbatore
Teaching Assistant in Physical Education : July 2000 to August 2000 at Madurai Kamaraj University
Physical Director : July 1995 to July 2000 at Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College Madurai
Teaching Assistant in Physical Education : July 1990 to May 1992 & September 1993 to April 1995 at Thiagarajar College, Madurai
Physical Director : June 1989 to March 1990 & 1st June 1990  to 30th June 1990 at Karpagavinayagar Mat. Higher Secondary School


Dr. T. Radhakrishnan
Research Area
  • Sports Training 
  • Exercise Physiology
  • Sports Injury and Rehabilitation
  • Yogic Science

0422 2428566

+91 9442918704

ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS


Dr. T. Radhakrishnan
Research Area
  • Sports Training 
  • Exercise Physiology
  • Sports Injury and Rehabilitation
  • Yogic Science

0422 2428566

+91 9442918704

ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS




14. Effect of asanas and varied pranayama practices on bio motor variables among inter collegiate players
Dr. T.Radhakrishnan
International Journal of Yogic, Human Movement and Sports Sciences, 2018.

13. Impact of skills and drills practice training on positional requirements of defenders midfielders and forwards on kicking ability of high school level football players
Dr. T.Radhakrishnan
International Journal of Applied Research, 2016.

12. Effects of vision training with skill practices on selected motor fitness components among inter collegiate male football players
Dr. T.Radhakrishnan
International Journal of Applied Research, 2016.

11. Effects of saq training on selected physical fitness parameters and kicking ability of high school level football players 
Dr. T.Radhakrishnan
International Journal of Applied Research, 2016.

10. Effects of Asanas and Varied Pranayama Practices on Physical Variables among Inter Collegiate Players
Dr. T.Radhakrishnan
International Journal of Recent Research and Applied Studies, 2016.

9. Effect of asanas and varied pranayama practices on physiological variables among inter collegiate players 
Dr. T.Radhakrishnan
International Journal of Applied Research, 2016.

8. Effects of six weeks of anaerobic training with skill Practice on selected motor fitness components and Skill performance parameters of inter collegiate Football players
Dr. T.Radhakrishnan
Academic Sports Scholar, March 2015.

7. Effect of selected drills and training programme on the development of physical fitness and performance related variables of hill station men football players in nilgiris districts.
Dr. T.Radhakrishnan
Star international journals in Physical Education, March 2015.

6. Effect of multiple set resistance training on strength power and endurance of college sportsmen
Dr. T.Radhakrishnan
Academic Sports Scholar, April 2014.

5. Effect of sports specific drills with meditation on psychomotor components and skill variables of inter collegiate men hockey players
Dr. T.Radhakrishnan
Academic Sports Scholar, April 2014.

4. Effect of yogic exercise with aerobic exercise on selected minimum muscular fitness among high school boys
Dr. T.Radhakrishnan
Academic Sports Scholar, April 2014.

3. Impact of Functional Training with and without Vision Training among College Men Field Hockey Players
Dr. T.Radhakrishnan
Star International Journals In Physical Education, August 2013.

2. Effect of Pre-Season Training on Selected Skill Performance of Inter Collegiate Football Players
Dr. T.Radhakrishnan
Star International Journals In Physical Education, August 2013.

1. Influence of functional training with and without vision training on selected skill Related physical fitness components and performance variables among intercollegiate men field hockey players
Dr. T.Radhakrishnan
Star international journals in physical education, August 2013





18. Effect of weight training with matched plyometric training and plyometric training on bio-motor variables of male inter collegiate football players
Dr. T.Radhakrishnan
Bharathiar national of physical education and exercise science (BNJPEES), Dec 2012.

17. Benefits of Aerobic Exercises
Dr. T.Radhakrishnan
Journal of Adapted Physical Education and Yoga, June 2012.

16. Physically Active Lifestyle for Management of Diabetes Mellitus
Dr. T.Radhakrishnan
Journal of Adapted Physical Education and Yoga, June 2012.

15. Influence of Physical Training and Yogic Practices on Aerobic Fitness Balance and Flexibility of Individuals with Intellectual Disability
Dr. T.Radhakrishnan
Journal of Adapted Physical Education and Yoga, June 2012.

14. Effect of Physical Training and Yogic Practices on Forced Vital Capacity and Forced Expiratory Volume of Individuals with Intellectual Disability
Dr. T.Radhakrishnan
Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, June 2012.

13. Effect of Nadishodhana Pranayama on Selected Cardio respiratory Parameters and Cardio respiratory Fitness among High School Boys
Dr. T.Radhakrishnan
Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, June 2012.

12. Effect of A-12 week physical training on aerobic fitness balance and flexibility of individuals with intellectual disability
Dr. T.Radhakrishnan
Impact of physical education in development wholesome personality among student community.

11. Promoting physical activity towards health lifestyle across lifespan, Alagappa University
Dr. T.Radhakrishnan
Innovative technology in sports and allied sciences, 2012.

10. Effect of selected drills and training programme on the development of physical fitness and performance related variables of hill station women football players in nil iris districts, Alagappa University
Dr. T.Radhakrishnan
Innovative technology in sports and allied sciences, 2012.

9. Effect of resistance training plyometric training of speed, strength and explosive power of college women students
Dr. T.Radhakrishnan
Development of Sports in Rural Areas issues and Challenges, December 2011.

8. Effect of volleyball specific training on explosive power of inter collegiate male male volleyball players page 
Dr. T.Radhakrishnan
Impact of physical education in development wholesome personality among students community.

7. Kinesiology – A  Science of Healing Touch
Dr. T.Radhakrishnan
Bharathiar National Journal of Physical Education and Exercise Science, December 2011.

6. Effect of varied Programme on Selected Fitness Variables of Scholl Level Volleyball players,
Dr. T.Radhakrishnan
Bharathiar National Journal of Physical Education and Exercise Science, December 2011.

5. Comparative effect of two modes of plyometric training on arm strength , leg strength arm explosive power and leg explosive power of inter-collegiate male players
Dr. T.Radhakrishnan
Entire Research – National Quarterly Research Journal, July 2011.

4. Effect of Resistance Training on Explosive Strength and Strength Endurance among Pre-pubescent Pubescent and Post-pubescent Males
Dr. T.Radhakrishnan
Entire Research – National Quarterly Research Journal, Jan 2011.

3. Comparative Study on Selected Physical Fitness Components and Cardiovascular Risk Factors Between Athletes and Non-Athletes
Dr. T.Radhakrishnan
Bharathiar National Journal of Physical Education and Exercise Science, December 2010.

2. Effect of Varied Types of Aerobic Exercise on Health Related Physical Fitness Components of Upper Primary School Boys
Dr. T.Radhakrishnan
Bharathiar National Journal of Physical Education and Exercise Science, April 2010.

1. Effect of Periodized Resistance and Non-periodized Resistance Training with Plyometric Training on Selected Motor Fitness Components of Inter- collegiate Women Volleyball Players.
Dr. T.Radhakrishnan
Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences,  Jan 2009.


Patent Info

Conference Info

Books & Chapters Related Info

Database Related Info


Dr. T. Radhakrishnan
Research Area
  • Sports Training 
  • Exercise Physiology
  • Sports Injury and Rehabilitation
  • Yogic Science

0422 2428566

+91 9442918704

ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS

Course Teaching

Accordion content 1.

Course Materials

Accordion content 2.



Dr. T. Radhakrishnan
Research Area
  • Sports Training 
  • Exercise Physiology
  • Sports Injury and Rehabilitation
  • Yogic Science

0422 2428566

+91 9442918704

ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS

Funded Projects (National Level)
Ongoing Projects List with necessary Information

1. UGC

Title :  A study on determining Cardio respiratory fitness and cardiovascular risk factors among the college players in Tamil Nadu.

Funding agencies : UGC

Amount : Rs.8,20,200/-

Duration : 2010-2013

Consultancy Projects
Ongoing Consultancy Project Informations
Completed Consultancy Project Informations


Dr. T. Radhakrishnan
Research Area
  • Sports Training 
  • Exercise Physiology
  • Sports Injury and Rehabilitation
  • Yogic Science

0422 2428566

+91 9442918704

ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS









Sample Data.


Sl. No. : 1
Name of the  candidate : K.Saravanan
Title of the Thesis : Effect of varied combination of yogic practices aerobic resistance training on selected physical fitness, physiological and bio chemical variables pf college male students
Year of Award: 2012

Sl. No. : 2
Name of the  candidate : J.Udaya Kumar
Title of the Thesis : Effect of volleyball specific training on performance variables an sill performance of men inter colligate players
Year of Award: 2012

Sl. No. : 3
Name of the  candidate : R.Gridharan
Title of the Thesis : Combined and individualized effect of physical training and yogic practices on selected physical fitness and physiological variables of individuals with intellectual disability
Year of Award: 2013

Sl. No. : 4
Name of the  candidate : D.Sathia Kumar
Title of the Thesis : Effect of Varied forms of Complex Training on selected motor fitness components of university Sports Men.
Year of Award: 2013

Sl. No. : 5
Name of the  candidate : R.Saravanan
Title of the Thesis : Effect of circuit training and cardio aerobic circuit training on selected motor fitness components of university sportsmen
Year of Award: 2014

Sl. No. : 6
Name of the  candidate : J.Shanmugasara
Title of the Thesis : Effect of functional training with and without vision training on selected fitness and performance variables among inter collegiate hockey players
Year of Award: 2014

Sl. No. : 7
Name of the  candidate : C.Lakshmanan
Title of the Thesis : Effect of single set and multiple set resistance training in coimbination with aerobic training on strength, power and endurance of university sportsmen
Year of Award: 2014

Sl. No. : 8
Name of the  candidate : S.Kishore Kumar
Title of the Thesis : Effect of vision training on selected skill performance and co-coordinative abilities of football players
Year of Award: 2015

Sl. No. : 9
Name of the  candidate : Senthil Rajkumar
Title of the Thesis : Effect of proprioceptive training, PNF stretching and combination of proprioceptive training and PNF stretching on selected motor fitness components and skill performance variables of junior hockey players
Year of Award: 2017

Sl. No. : 10
Name of the  candidate : M.Karthik
Title of the Thesis : Isolated and combined effect of SAQ and circuit based skill training on selected fitness and performance related variables of male inter collegiate football players 
Year of Award: 2017

Sl. No. : 11
Name of the  candidate : S.Palpandi
Title of the Thesis : Effect of asanas and varied pranayama practices on bio-motor variables among inter collegiate players
Year of Award: 2016

Sl. No. : 12
Name of the  candidate : G.Balasundar
Title of the Thesis : Effect of Yogic Practices with Resistance Training on health-Related Physical Fitness and bio-chemical variable of obese boys
Year of Award: 2018



Sample Data.


Sl. No. : 1
Name of the  candidate : P.S.Edward Paul
Title of the Thesis : Effect  of selected yogasanas on law back pain for middle aged group women
Year of Award: 2004

Sl. No. : 2
Name of the  candidate : D.Chockalingam
Title of the Thesis : Effect of specific drill on selected skill of soccer players at inert-collegiate level
Year of Award: 2004

Sl. No. : 3
Name of the  candidate : K.Senthil Kumar
Title of the Thesis : Effect  of specific drills on selected offensive and defensive skill o kabaddi players at inter- collegiate level 
Year of Award: 2004

Sl. No. : 4
Name of the  candidate : Aruna Kumari Gurreddygari
Title of the Thesis : Construction of physical fitness norms for higher secondary school boys in Kadapa district
Year of Award: 2005

Sl. No. : 5
Name of the  candidate : M.Srinivasa Reddy
Title of the Thesis : Construction of norms for selection of volleyball players in Jawaharlal Nehru technological university
Year of Award: 2005

Sl. No. : 6
Name of the  candidate : S.T.Kavitha
Title of the Thesis : Effect of fartlek training programme on flexibility, muscular and cardio respiratory endurance among school girls
Year of Award: 2005

Sl. No. : 7
Name of the  candidate : T.Venkata.K.K.L.Prasad
Title of the Thesis : A study on relationship between anthropometric variables and motor state level prarticipants
Year of Award: 2005

Sl. No. : 8
Name of the  candidate : P.Pratheesh Kumar
Title of the Thesis : Effect of selected skill and skill with drill practice on skill performance of high school volleyball players
Year of Award:     2006

Sl. No. : 9
Name of the  candidate : R.Sumathi
Title of the Thesis : Effect of specific pre-season training on selected physical fitness and skill performance variables of high school volleyball girls 
Year of Award: 2006 

Sl. No. : 10
Name of the  candidate : A.Helen Lourdu
Title of the Thesis : A comparative study on motor fitness variables on private teaching training institute boys with government teacher training institute boys 
Year of Award: 2006

Sl. No. : 11
Name of the  candidate : M.S.Lijoe
Title of the Thesis : A critical analysis on physical education programme of selected of manonmaniam sundaranar university in Kanyakumari district 
Year of Award: 2006

Sl. No. : 12
Name of the  candidate : S.Devadoss
Title of the Thesis : Effect of regimen of skill and drill training on selected skill performance variables of adolescent volleyball players
Year of Award: 2006

Sl. No. : 13
Name of the  candidate : S.Parani Ramalingam
Title of the Thesis : Effect of weight training and selected drills practice on the leg strength, arm strength and selected skill performance of inter collegiate men volleyball players
Year of Award: 2006

Sl. No. : 14
Name of the  candidate : S.Gunavathi
Title of the Thesis : Effect of varied aerobic and Indian aerobic exercise programme on selected physical and physiological variables of adolescent boys
Year of Award: 2006 

Sl. No. : 15
Name of the  candidate : P.Pratheesh kumar
Title of the Thesis : Effect of selected skill and skill with drill practice on skill performance of high school volleyball players
Year of Award: 2006

Sl. No. : 16
Name of the  candidate : L.Lohith
Title of the Thesis : A comparative study of reaction time among offensive, defensive and all-round players in Kho-Kho
Year of Award: 2007

Sl. No. : 17
Name of the  candidate : S.Sairam
Title of the Thesis : Effect of PNF stretching on the development of flexibility and selected skill performance of college man basketball players
Year of Award: 2007

Sl. No. : 18
Name of the  candidate : M.Saravanan
Title of the Thesis : Effect of specific training pragramme on the development on skill ability and physical 
Year of Award: 2007

Sl. No. : 19
Name of the  candidate : M.Murugesan
Title of the Thesis : A comparative study on physical fitness components between rural and urban high school boys in Coimbatore district
Year of Award: 2007

Sl. No. : 20
Name of the  candidate : S. Anadrew Chandrakumar
Title of the Thesis : A Survey study on the selected physical fitness components of rural school boys in Tuticorin district
Year of Award: 2007

Sl. No. : 21
Name of the  candidate : S.Justin
Title of the Thesis : Effect of specific training package on the development of skill ability and physical fitness componets of higher secondary school level basketball players
Year of Award: 2007

Sl. No. : 22
Name of the  candidate : D.Sathiakumar
Title of the Thesis : Effect of selected physical training and combination of physical and yogic training on physical fitness and performance related components of volleyball players
Year of Award: 2007

Sl. No. : 23
Name of the  candidate : J.Raghunatha
Title of the Thesis : A case study on stri thiperudra swamy an internation coach in wrestling
Year of Award: 2007

Sl. No. : 24
Name of the  candidate : G.T.Mahesh Deepak
Title of the Thesis : Comaparative study of reaction time, speed & agility between wicket keeper and football goal keepers
Year of Award: 2007

Sl. No. : 25
Name of the  candidate : R.Kalpana
Title of the Thesis : Effect of resistance training and plyometric training on speed, strength and explosive power of college women students
Year of Award: 2007

Sl. No. : 26
Name of the  candidate : K.A.Eshwara
Title of the Thesis : Mental toughness of cricket and badminton players. A comparative study
Year of Award: 2007

Sl. No. : 27
Name of the  candidate : S.Muthu Samy
Title of the Thesis : Effect of step training on selected physical fitness components and the skill performance variables of football players
Year of Award: 2007

Sl. No. : 28
Name of the  candidate : P.Rajendra Prasath
Title of the Thesis : Effect of specific training package on selected motor fitness components of high school level ball badminton players
Year of Award: 2007

Sl. No. : 29
Name of the  candidate : B.Rajpal
Title of the Thesis : A comparative stidy on cardiovascular efficiency on university representative and non-representative of mangalore university
Year of Award: 2007

Sl. No. : 30
Name of the  candidate : C.A.Stanley Arun
Title of the Thesis : A case study on Mr. Markose Bristow an international badminton player
Year of Award: 2007

Sl. No. : 31
Name of the  candidate : M.Krishnam Raju
Title of the Thesis : A Critical Analysis of Common sports injuries dung the district level girls kabaddi tournament at Guntur district, Andhra Pradesh
Year of Award: 2007

Sl. No. : 32
Name of the  candidate : T.Sivaprasad
Title of the Thesis : A study on sports injuries during the south- west zone and all India- Inter university women kabaddi tournaments 2006-2007
Year of Award: 2007

Sl. No. : 33
Name of the  candidate : V.Dharmaraju
Title of the Thesis : Effect of selected yogic exercise programme on physical and physiological variables of adolescents volleyball players
Year of Award: 2007

Sl. No. : 34
Name of the  candidate : A.Gnanasekar
Title of the Thesis : Effect of specific pakage of training on selected offensive & defensive skill of inter collegiate kabaddi players
Year of Award: 2007

Sl. No. : 35
Name of the  candidate : M.Sekar
Title of the Thesis :  Effect of selected yogic exercise on pulse rate and blood pressure
Year of Award:     2007

Sl. No. : 36
Name of the  candidate : G.Sam Kennedy
Title of the Thesis : Effect of varied aerobic and rhythmic exercise programme on selected physical and physiological variables of adolescent boys
Year of Award: 2007

Sl. No. : 37
Name of the  candidate : K.Jayashree
Title of the Thesis : Comparative study on self- confidence of sports women belonging to individual and team sports
Year of Award: 2007

Sl. No. : 38
Name of the  candidate : M.Nandagopalan
Title of the Thesis : Effect of selected advanced skill training on selected offensive and defensive skill of inter collegiate kabaddi players
Year of Award: 2007

Sl. No. : 39
Name of the  candidate : K.Pavan
Title of the Thesis : A study on intelligence, academic achievement and sports achimenes of physical education teacher trainers
Year of Award: 2007

Sl. No. : 40
Name of the  candidate : M.Hariharasubramanian
Title of the Thesis : Effect of fartlek training and staircase running on selected physical fitness variables and performance variables of male long distance runners
Year of Award: 2007

Sl. No. : 41
Name of the  candidate : A.Antony Bedwin Rajesh
Title of the Thesis : A comparative study on physical fitness and motor fitness components among rural and urban high school boys in Tuticorin district
Year of Award: 2007

Sl. No. : 42
Name of the  candidate : Jay Shankar Singh Yadav
Title of the Thesis : Effect on skill performance of hockey players by physical practice and mental practice
Year of Award: 2007

Sl. No. : 43
Name of the  candidate : J.Edwin Jose
Title of the Thesis : The comparative study of selected health related and performance related physical fitness of rural and urban pre-pubescents boys at the coastal area of Kanyakumari district
Year of Award: 2007

Sl. No. : 44
Name of the  candidate : K.C.Kumarasamy
Title of the Thesis : Relationship between lean body mass in relation to leg explosive power and sprinting performance of inter-collegiate men sprinters
Year of Award: 2007

Sl. No. : 45
Name of the  candidate : P.Sathya Prabha
Title of the Thesis : A comparative analysis of motor ability components volleyball, basketball and athletic high school boys
Year of Award: 2008

Sl. No. : 46
Name of the  candidate : S.Karthikeyan
Title of the Thesis : Comparative study on physical fitness components among urban high school boys in Coimbatore district
Year of Award: 2008

Sl. No. : 47
Name of the  candidate : S.Karthikeyan
Title of the Thesis : Effect of varied training and relaxation technique on selected physical, physiological and psychological variables of Bharathiar University inter collegiate Football players
Year of Award: 2008

Sl. No. : 48
Name of the  candidate : C.Rajapandian
Title of the Thesis : Effect of proprioceptive rehabilitation exercise programme for the knee injuryed players
Year of Award: 2008

Sl. No. : 49
Name of the  candidate : S.Sumathi
Title of the Thesis : The effect of circuit training programme on selected physical fitness componentsamong the higher secondary school girls volleyball players
Year of Award: 2008

Sl. No. : 50
Name of the  candidate : Bachina Ramesh Babu
Title of the Thesis : Effect of Specific pacakage of training on selected offensive & Defensive skill of intercollegiate level kabaddi players 
Year of Award: 2008

Sl. No. : 51
Name of the  candidate : K.J Kuriakose
Title of the Thesis : A study on Coimbatore district volleyball association officials 
Year of Award: 2008

Sl. No. : 52
Name of the  candidate : S.Jeyaseelan
Title of the Thesis : The effect of calisthenic exercise on selected physical fitness components of government higher secondary school and international school students
Year of Award: 2008

Sl. No. : 53
Name of the  candidate : C.Rajapandian
Title of the Thesis : Effect of proprioceptive rehabilitation exercise programme for the knee injured players
Year of Award: 2008

Sl. No. : 54
Name of the  candidate : Kandala V Krishna Mohan
Title of the Thesis : Effect of selected yogic exercise on vital capacity and body composition of higher secondary school boys
Year of Award: 2008

Sl. No. : 55
Name of the  candidate : K.Sarija
Title of the Thesis : Effect of calisthenics and light apparatus activity on speed, muscular strength and endurance, cardio respiratory endurance and body composition of high school boys
Year of Award: 2008

Sl. No. : 56
Name of the  candidate : N.Chandrakala
Title of the Thesis : A study on monitoring six weeks exercise programme on type II diabetes for middle aged women
Year of Award: 2009

Sl. No. : 57
Name of the  candidate : M.G.Chethana
Title of the Thesis : Effect of Nadishodhana pranayama on selected cardiorespiratory parameters and cardio respiratory fitness among high school boys
Year of Award: 2009

Sl. No. : 58
Name of the  candidate : S.Poongodi
Title of the Thesis : Effect of plyometric training on strength and power of male intercollegiate volleyball players
Year of Award: 2009

Sl. No. : 59
Name of the  candidate : N.Ravichandran
Title of the Thesis : Effect of specific drill on the development of selected skill in high school football players
Year of Award: 2009

Sl. No. : 60
Name of the  candidate : V.Gokulan
Title of the Thesis : Effect varied frequencies of circuit training on selected motor ability components college level boys
Year of Award: 2010

Sl. No. : 61
Name of the  candidate : A.Kannan
Title of the Thesis : Effect of vision training on selected skill performance of inter collegegiate men hockey players
Year of Award: 2010

Sl. No. : 62
Name of the  candidate : K.Krishnaveni
Title of the Thesis : Effect of various types of fartlek training on the development of physical and physiological parameters of athletes
Year of Award: 2010

Sl. No. : 63
Name of the  candidate : R.N.Ashok Kumar
Title of the Thesis : Effect of high and low altitude training on selected motor fitness components and skill performance of men hockey players
Year of Award: 2010

Sl. No. : 64
Name of the  candidate : P.Arivarasan
Title of the Thesis : Effect of circuit-based resistance and plyometric training on selected motor fitness components of male sprinters
Year of Award: 2011

Sl. No. : 65
Name of the  candidate : P.Elakkiya
Title of the Thesis : Effect of core strength training and core strength training with swiss ball on core strength flexibility and balance among inter collegiate women athletes 
Year of Award: 2011

Sl. No. : 66
Name of the  candidate : S.Palpandi
Title of the Thesis : Effect of short term stretching, plyometric and resistance training on selected stretching and power parameters of collegiate men sports participants
Year of Award: 2012

Sl. No. : 67
Name of the  candidate : N.Suresh
Title of the Thesis : Effect of pre-season training on selected physical fitness components and skill performance variables of male inter-collegiate football players
Year of Award: 2012

Sl. No. : 68
Name of the  candidate : D.Saravana Pandian
Title of the Thesis : Effect of SAQ training programme on selected physical fitness variables and skill performance of junior volleyball players
Year of Award: 2012

Sl. No. : 69
Name of the  candidate : M.Manikandan
Title of the Thesis : Performance effect of six weeks of anaerobic training with skill practice on selected physical fitness components of inter collegiate man football players 
Year of Award: 2013

Sl. No. : 70
Name of the  candidate : C.Vignesh
Title of the Thesis : Effect of complex and contrast training with skill practice on selected physiological, bio motor and skill performance variables of male inter collegiate football players
Year of Award: 2013

Sl. No. : 71
Name of the  candidate : S.Prathap
Title of the Thesis : Effect of aerobic training and plyometric training on selected physical fitness variables among inter colligate hockey players
Year of Award: 2013

Sl. No. : 72
Name of the  candidate : R.Muniyapan
Title of the Thesis : Comparative study on selected motor fitness components and physiological parameters among different body conduct team game
Year of Award: 2014

Sl. No. : 73
Name of the  candidate : M.K.Prasanth
Title of the Thesis : Effect of skill based endurance training and specific skill training on selected skill performance variables of male inter collegiate football players
Year of Award: 2017


Sample Data.


Sl. No. : 1
Name of the candidate : G.Rajakumar
Title of the Dissertation : Construction of norms for selected physical fitness components of Tirupur education district high school boys
Year of Award: 2001

Sl. No. : 2
Name of the  candidate : S.Gunavathi
Title of the Dissertation : Relationship of selected anthropometric measure and athletics related physical fitness of high school girls
Year of Award: 2001

Sl. No. : 3
Name of the  candidate : A.Kannan
Title of the Dissertation : The Effect of selected exercise programme in the improvement of jumping ability of high school boys
Year of Award: 2002

Sl. No. : 4
Name of the  candidate : T.Kannan
Title of the Dissertation : The effect of practice of the specific skill in kabaddi on the development of selected physical components 
Year of Award: 2002

Sl. No. : 5
Name of the  candidate : J.Kesanaperumal
Title of the Dissertation : Effect of selected exercise programme on the development of agility and leg explosive power of college level handball players 
Year of Award: 2003

Sl. No. : 6
Name of the  candidate : S.Sankar
Title of the Dissertation : A study on incidence of sports injuries in hundred hours of football play
Year of Award: 2003

Sl. No. : 7
Name of the  candidate : D.D.Nandhakumar
Title of the Dissertation : Relationship between jumping ability and agility for offensive and defensive football players
Year of Award: 2004

Sl. No. : 8
Name of the  candidate : V.N.Baskaran
Title of the Dissertation : The effect of sprint training on speed improvement of the strikers in football
Year of Award: 2005

Sl. No. : 9
Name of the  candidate : A.Mani
Title of the Dissertation : The effect of selected drills and training on the performance of high football players
Year of Award: 2005

Sl. No. : 10
Name of the  candidate : H.C.Pradeep
Title of the Dissertation : The effect of medicine ball exercise in the performance of selected skill in football 
Year of Award: 2005

Sl. No. : 11
Name of the  candidate : S.Kalidasan
Title of the Dissertation : A Critical analysis of physical, physiological parameters and skill performance of inter university level handball players in different playing position
Year of Award: 2006

Sl. No. : 12
Name of the  candidate : C.Rajavignesh
Title of the Dissertation : A Comparative study on physical, physiological and anthropometric variables of triple jumpers and sprinters 
Year of Award: 2006

Sl. No. : 13
Name of the  candidate : M.Kalaichezhian
Title of the Dissertation : A critical analysis of physical education programme in the high school’s and higher secondary school’s in south Chennai district 
Year of Award: 2006

Sl. No. : 14
Name of the  candidate : S.Shanthi
Title of the Dissertation : Effect of fartlek training and staircase training program on selected physical variables on the performance of male long distance runners
Year of Award: 2006

Sl. No. : 15
Name of the  candidate : C.Saravananraj
Title of the Dissertation : Effect of agility and speed exercise on the development of reaction time, agility and speed of high school level badminton players
Year of Award: 2006

Sl. No. : 16
Name of the  candidate : J.Santhakumar
Title of the Dissertation : A critical analysis of selected physicl fitness and skill performance of various playing position of district football players
Year of Award: 2006

Sl. No. : 17
Name of the  candidate : C.Baby
Title of the Dissertation : The Effect of Aerobic and Lezium exercise with music on selected health related physical fitness components of Bharathiar University girls
Year of Award: 2007

Sl. No. : 18
Name of the  candidate : S.Karthikeyan
Title of the Dissertation : A study on a relationship between personality and football skill performance among the Bharathiar University inter collegiate men football players
Year of Award: 2007

Sl. No. : 19
Name of the  candidate : P.Senthil Raja
Title of the Dissertation : Comparative study on self-concept and pre competition anxiety of inter collegiate handball and hockey players  
Year of Award: 2007

Sl. No. : 20
Name of the  candidate : P.Ramyadhanalakshmi
Title of the Dissertation : The effect of concurrent training on motor components and skill performance of women high school football players
Year of Award: 2008

Sl. No. : 21
Name of the  candidate : P.Ramyadhanalakshmi
Title of the Dissertation : The effect of concurrent training on motor components and skill performance of womrn high school football players
Year of Award: 2008

Sl. No. : 22
Name of the  candidate : M.Kandasamy
Title of the Dissertation : A comparative study on physical fitness variables and skill performance of offensive and defensive male inter collegiate hockey players in Tamil Nadu
Year of Award: 2008

Sl. No. : 23
Name of the  candidate : S.Suthakar
Title of the Dissertation : Effect of silambam practice on the development of selected physical fitness components of Bharathiar University students
Year of Award: 2008

Sl. No. : 24
Name of the  candidate : A.Kannan
Title of the Dissertation : A study on wellness status of physical education and education students in Coimbatore district 
Year of Award: 2009

Sl. No. : 25
Name of the  candidate : A.Kalarani
Title of the Dissertation : A study on relationship between blood pressure and cardio respiratory fitness among college girls
Year of Award: 2009

Sl. No. : 26
Name of the  candidate : S.Jayachanthiran
Title of the Dissertation : Comparative study on motor ability Between cricket and hockey players
Year of Award: 2009

Sl. No. : 27
Name of the  candidate : N. Gopakumar
Title of the Dissertation : Relationship between anthropometric variables and skill performance of inter collegiate level football players
Year of Award: 2009

Sl. No. : 28
Name of the  candidate : M.Govindaraj
Title of the Dissertation : Comparative study on selected physical fitness variables between kabaddi and Kho-Kho players
Year of Award: 2009

Sl. No. : 29
Name of the  candidate : M.Kodeshwari
Title of the Dissertation : A study on selected physical and physiological profiles between senior girls Kho-Kho
Year of Award: 2009

Sl. No. : 30
Name of the  candidate : P.Gunasekaran
Title of the Dissertation : A study on selected physical and physiological variables among various categories of kabaddi players
Year of Award: 2009

Sl. No. : 31
Name of the  candidate : N.Kaviyarasan
Title of the Dissertation : Study on wellness status of working men and male students of Bharathiar university
Year of Award: 2010

Sl. No. : 32
Name of the  candidate : C.Kala
Title of the Dissertation : Study on wellness status of working women and women students of Bharathiar University Coimbatore
Year of Award: 2010

Sl. No. : 33
Name of the  candidate : Kamesh
Title of the Dissertation : Study on quantitative match analysis of top four team in all India inter university football tournament for men 
Year of Award: 2010

Sl. No. : 34
Name of the  candidate : J.Josephin Mary Nancy
Title of the Dissertation : Study on video analysis of the skill performance of seme finalst the world cup hockey 2040
Year of Award: 2010

Sl. No. : 35
Name of the  candidate : S.K.Kalaimahal
Title of the Dissertation : Comparative study on muscular strength, flexibility and cardio respiratory endurance among university players, inter collegiate players and non-sportsmen of Bharathi university department men students 
Year of Award: 2010

Sl. No. : 36
Name of the  candidate : P.Kamalam    
Title of the Dissertation : Study on determining the standard on selected physical and physiological variables of inter collegiate women hockey players
Year of Award: 2011

Sl. No. : 37
Name of the  candidate : M.Kaleeswari
Title of the Dissertation : Study on strength , power speed and agility of inter collegiate women basketball players
Year of Award: 2011

Sl. No. : 38
Name of the  candidate : R.Karanan
Title of the Dissertation : Effect of Plyometric training on strength and power paraments of male volleyball players
Year of Award: 2011

Sl. No. : 39
Name of the  candidate : S.Kalidoss
Title of the Dissertation : Effect of Circuit based weight training on strength, explosive power and cardiorespiratory endurance of intercollege college level male players
Year of Award: 2011

Sl. No. : 40
Name of the  candidate : M.Karthick
Title of the Dissertation : Comparative study on   health-related physical fitness components between Nilgiris and Coimbatore district male adolescent football players
Year of Award: 2012

Sl. No. : 41
Name of the  candidate : G.Kannan
Title of the Dissertation : Effect of PNF stretching on flexibility of inter collegiate men players
Year of Award: 2012

Sl. No. : 42
Name of the  candidate : B.Krishnaveni
Title of the Dissertation : Effect of Bench step aerobics on health-related physical fitness components of Bharathair University female students
Year of Award: 2012

Sl. No. : 43
Name of the  candidate : R.Kalirajan
Title of the Dissertation : Effect of short-term circuit based plyometric training on selected and power parameters of inter collegiate players
Year of Award: 2012

Sl. No. : 44
Name of the  candidate : G.Kalaivanan
Title of the Dissertation : Comparisons between twice a day and once in a day training session in male power lifters
Year of Award: 2012

Sl. No. : 45
Name of the  candidate : A.Karthik
Title of the Dissertation : Effect of six-week progressive weight training programme on selected soccer skill among inter collegiate players
Year of Award: 2012

Sl. No. : 46
Name of the  candidate : K.Karunambigai
Title of the Dissertation : Effect of callisthenic exercise on health related physical fitness in obese women students
Year of Award: 2012

Sl. No. : 47
Name of the  candidate : V.Nithiyakala
Title of the Dissertation : A survey study on body composition of Bharathiar university women students
Year of Award: 2013

Sl. No. : 48
Name of the  candidate : S.Yuvaraj
Title of the Dissertation : Effect of short-term sprint training on speed and explosive power of Bharathiar university sports participants
Year of Award: 2013

Sl. No. : 49
Name of the  candidate : S.Chandran
Title of the Dissertation : Effect of speed-based resistance training on agility stretching and explosive power of high school boys 
Year of Award: 2013

Sl. No. : 50
Name of the  candidate : S.Senthil Kumar
Title of the Dissertation : Effect of short term plyometric training on speed, sbility and explosive power of inter collegiate sports participants 
Year of Award: 2013

Sl. No. : 51
Name of the  candidate : P.R.Neethu
Title of the Dissertation : Study on physical and physiological parameters related to distance running performance in female athletes at variate level
Year of Award: 2014

Sl. No. : 52
Name of the  candidate : A.Mahalingam
Title of the Dissertation : Effect of static and dynamic stretching exercise on kicking performance and led explosive power of football players
Year of Award: 2014

Sl. No. : 53
Name of the  candidate : R.Sridhar
Title of the Dissertation : Effect of specific package of shooting drills on the performance of shooting accuracy of male inter collegiate football players 
Year of Award: 2014

Sl. No. : 54
Name of the  candidate : S.Arulraj
Title of the Dissertation : Effect of six weeks plyometric training on arm and leg explosive power of inter collegiate sports men
Year of Award: 2014

Sl. No. : 55
Name of the  candidate : M.Manikandan
Title of the Dissertation : Performance effect of six weeks of anaerobic training with skill practice on selected physical fitness components on inter collegiate man football players
Year of Award: 2014

Sl. No. : 56
Name of the  candidate : G.Ashwini
Title of the Dissertation : Effect of cross training programme on selected motor fitness components of inter collegiate women handball players
Year of Award: 2015

Sl. No. : 57
Name of the  candidate : M.Suman
Title of the Dissertation : Effect of stretching exercise progremme on knee injured players of Bharathiar University
Year of Award: 2015

Sl. No. : 58
Name of the  candidate : C.Nandhakumar
Title of the Dissertation : The effect of high-intensity plyometric training program on running and jumping ability of inter collegiate men handball players
Year of Award: 2015

Sl. No. : 59
Name of the  candidate : K.Premnath
Title of the Dissertation : Effect of resistance training on selected muscle group of male inter-collegiate kabaddi players
Year of Award: 2015

Sl. No. : 60
Name of the  candidate : R.Jamunamani
Title of the Dissertation : Study on incidents of sports injuries for physical education students
Year of Award: 2015


Dr. T. Radhakrishnan
Research Area
  • Sports Training 
  • Exercise Physiology
  • Sports Injury and Rehabilitation
  • Yogic Science

0422 2428566

+91 9442918704

ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS


Sl. No. : 1
Name of the Responsibility : Research Scholar Hostel    
Designation : Warden
Institution : Bharathiar University
Period : 01.05.2012 - 10.03.2016

Sl. No. : 2
Name of the Responsibility : National service scheme
Designation : Programme Officer
Institution : Bharathiar University
Period : 17.04.2005 - 10.03.2016

Sl. No. : 3
Name of the Responsibility : National service scheme
Designation : NSS  Co-ordinate i/c
Institution : Bharathiar University
Period : 23.08.2013 - 15.11.2012

Sl. No. : 4
Name of the Responsibility : National service scheme
Designation : NSS  Co-ordinate i/c 
Institution : Bharathiar University
Period : 13.03.2013 - 10.03.2016

Sl. No. : 5
Name of the Responsibility : Registrar 
Designation : Registrar
Institution : Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University- Chennai
Period : 11.03.2016 - 10.03.2019


Dr. T. Radhakrishnan
Research Area
  • Sports Training 
  • Exercise Physiology
  • Sports Injury and Rehabilitation
  • Yogic Science

0422 2428566

+91 9442918704

ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS


Dr. T. Radhakrishnan
Research Area
  • Sports Training 
  • Exercise Physiology
  • Sports Injury and Rehabilitation
  • Yogic Science

0422 2428566

+91 9442918704

ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS




Membership in Professional Bodies

Sl. No. : 1
Organization : Tamil Nadu Amauture Athletic Association
Type of Membership : Qualified Official 

Sl. No. : 2
Organization : Tamil Nadu Handball Association
Type of Membership : Qualified Official

Sl. No. : 3
Organization : Department of Physical Educatuion, Bharathiat University
Type of Membership : Editorial Board,  Bharathiar National Journal of Physical Education and Sports Science

Membership in Academic Bodies

Sl. No. : 1
Organization :
SRMV Maruthi College of Physical Education
Type of Membership : College Committee Member

Sl. No. : 2
Organization :
PSG College of Arts & Science
Type of Membership : Member-Board od Studies


Dr. T. Radhakrishnan
Research Area
  • Sports Training 
  • Exercise Physiology
  • Sports Injury and Rehabilitation
  • Yogic Science

0422 2428566

+91 9442918704

ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS




