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Year 2021

  • Organized National Road Safety Month – Taking Road Safety Awareness Pledge  on 25th January 2021 at Bharathiar University. University Teaching and non-teaching staff members and students took the pledge.
  • Organized an Covishield and Covaxin Vaccination Campaign  from March 2021 to 30th April 2021 at Govt. Primary Health Centre, Kalveermapalyam and Govt. Primary Health Centre, Pooluvampatti. 400 Faculty Members and Staff Members of Bharathiar University had vaccination and got benefited.

Year 2020

  • Organized distribution of “KABASURA and Nilavembu Kudineer’’ from 20th to 22nd May 2020 at University Premises. 400 Staff Members got benefited out of this event.
  • Organized distribution of immunity booster Arsenicum Album ‘30c’ associated with Coimbatore Homeopathy Doctors Association (CHDA)   on 3rd  June 2020 at 9.30 am to 12.30 pm at Main Gate, Bharathiar University. 400 Members got benefited out of this event. 
  • Organized a Tree Planting Programme on World Environmental Day on 8th June 2020 at NSS Office premises, Bharathiar University. 
  • Organized International Yoga Day with Department of Physical Education on 21st June 2020 between 6:30 am to 9:00 am at Indoor Stadium, Bharathiar University. 200 Members participated in this event.
  • Organized distribution of Kabasura and Nilavembu Kudineer with Rotary Club, Coimbatore from 1st July to 3rd July, 2020 at Vadavalli. University staff members and general public got benefited out of this event.
  • Organized distribution of relief materials on 10th July 2020 for leprosy families at foothill of Maruthamalai. 110 families got benefited on this event.
  • Organized distribution of N-95 Face Mask on 20th July 2020 at Bharathiar University. 1200 masks were distributed on this day.
  • Organized Two Days Fit India National Level Webinar on 31st August 2020 & 1st September 2020. NSS Programme Officers got benefited out of this event.
  • Organized Two Days National Level Webinar on Iodine Deficit with Department of Women’s Studies on 11th November 2020 & 12th November 2020. 500 members got benefited out of this event.
  • Organized an eye Camp with Dr.Agarwal Eye Hospital, Coimbatore on 17th December 2020 at University Hospital, Bharathiar University. 300 numbers of University Staff, Faculty Members and Students got benefited out of this camp.