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Incubation Centre
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About-Incubation Forum

Bharathiar University embarks on an entrepreneurial agenda in Promoting & Creating Institutional Innovative Enterprises (Academic Start-ups) by Promoting, Providing, Guiding, Directing, Facilitating and fulfilling  the essential needs and requirements. Encouraging, Enabling, Ensuring, Enriching and Engaging the Stake-holders and Human Resources, especially the Faculty, Research Scholars and Students create opportunities in order to commercialise and monetise its Knowledge Capital to starting up an enterprise that shall fledge into a sustainable Business Enterprise, which are investable, commercially viable, scalable and sustainable. 

The University adopts and follows the guidelines of the National and State policies and develop a Frame work, Guideline of  protocol and procedures of its own to promote Institutional Innovative Enterprises Ecosystem consisting of Faculty-Student Start-ups. It shall make the framework flexible to be agile in adapting to the evolving, nascent, kinetic and buoyant nature.