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Library -BU
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The University Library is kept open on all the days of the year (approximately 340 days) from 8.00A.M. to 8.00 P.M. during weekdays and from 10.00 A.M. to 4.30 P.M. During Saturdays and Sundays. However, the library is kept closed on public holidays. As on August 2006, the manpower strength of the library is 5, which includes one University Librarian,one Assistant Librarian, one professional staff and two supporting staff.

The Library is open access library and presently occupies an area of 11,230sq.fts. and has a seating capacity of 330. On monthly, on an average there are about 4,000+ to the library and about 3000+books are issued/returned by RFID Technology.The library caters mainly to the needs of Students, Scholars , Officers, Non Teaching Staff Members and Faculties of the University. The library provides long range and short-range references to the users such as Current Awareness Service, Selective Dissemination of Information Service, Subject bibliography etc. Library also extends its facilities to the students and faculties of affiliated colleges and as well as to the students of other universities located in Coimbatore City as well as other Universities.

Library operations are mostly automated with RFID Technology especially books circulation and OPAC. We have RFID coded our document collections. Provisions are being made to provide internet access to our library users so as to enable them to access the various learning resources available in the academic websites.

Traditional Services

Ready Reference Service

Reprographic Services

Current Awareness Service

SDI Service

Inter – Library Loan Service

ICT Services

Automated Transaction (RFID)

Web - OPAC Service

E-Resources Access Service

Database Access Service

Literature Searching Service

Other Services Provided By AACL

Orientation and Awareness Training Programme

E-Leaning and E-Education

Best Reader Award

Competitive Examinations Collection

Style Manuals Guidance