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Department of Biotechnology Bharathiar University Coimbatore
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Department of Biotechnology


The Department of Biotechnology at Bharathiar University was established in the year 1990 with 2 faculty exclusively for research under the headship of Prof. R. Boopathy, a Biochemist and Prof. K. Swaminathan, a Microbiologist. In 2001, post-graduate programmes were started, M.Sc. Industrial Biotechnology followed by M.Sc. Biotechnology in the subsequent year. In 2005, six faculty members were appointed with various research expertise like Plant Biotechnology, Animal Biotechnology and Microbial Biotechnology and individually each has established their own group under the mentorship of senior professors. Eventually, 3 more faculty were added in 2016 and currently there are 8 faculty in total. As a tradition, current senior faculty colleagues mentored the newly joined faculty in establishing independent research groups. The next-generation research fields like genome editing technologies, translational genomics, and proteomics, and reproductive immunology are the thrust areas of the newly established groups. All the faculty are continuously receiving extramural research grants from various funding agencies like DST, DBT, DRDO, UGC, ICMR, UKIERI, TANSCHE, TNSCST etc., which included State, National as well as international agencies. Department is known for its high-quality publications and consultancy work in the area of molecular authentication of the herbal plants and their products to the reputed herbal industries. Due to these inclusive rapid growths, DST-FIST (Level - II; 2nd term) and UGC-SAP DRS-1 (2nd term) are supporting the department continuously for establishing and maintaining the high-end research and student laboratory infrastructure facilities. More recently, in 2020, DBT (Govt. of India) has awarded national level PG programme, M.Sc. (Medical Biotechnology) and in the same year 20 students were admitted, 10 through all India exams, Graduate Aptitude Test in Biotechnology (GAT-B) and another 10 students were admitted under the Tamil Nadu State quota.

Salient Features
  • Excellence in Teaching and Research
  • Continuous extramural funding for both individual faculty and Department 
  • A good number of publications in high impact factor journals
  • Revenue generation through the consultancy work from the reputed herbal industries  
  • Organization of annual departmental guest lectures by inviting faculty from academia and industries from national and international acclaimed researchers
  • Journal club presentations 
  • Students are encouraged to participate in advanced training/seminar/workshops both India and abroad
  • Research labs and research scholars support the conduct of the student practical
  • Masters students are allotted mentor faculty as soon as they join the programme for closer interaction 
  • Faculty coordinators and Student class representatives are made the first point of contact for easy coordination of all the activities for each batch of the students 
  • Feedback from students and experts (academia and industries) are considered while revising the syllabus
  • Selection of elective and supportive subjects are offered as per the real student’s choice
  • Students are provided biosafety training and provided with biosafety gadgets during the practical classes
  • Recombinant DNA research are handled with the permission of the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBSC) as per DBT norms
  • Animal-related experiments are handled with the approval of the Institutional Animal Ethics Committee (IAEC)
  • Other research concerning Human subjects are handled with the permission of the Institutional Ethical Committee (IEC)
Thrust Areas
  1. Plant Genetic Engineering laboratory 
  2. Translational Research laboratory     
  3. Molecular Microbiology laboratory      
  4. Plant Biotechnology laboratory      
  5. Molecular Toxicology laboratory      
  6. Translational Genomics & Proteomics laboratory      
  7. Reproductive Immunology and Molecular Pathology      
  8. Plant Molecular Biology laboratory

In the Department of Biotechnology, we are committed to giving the best experience for the students who enroll in our Masters and Research Programmes. We have focused mainly on skill-oriented subjects and training in our curriculum. In accordance with this objective, we are offering M.Sc. Biotechnology and Medical Biotechnology (DBT supported) program by joining with biotechnology, biomedical industries, and hospitals.

1989- Establishment of the department with 2 faculty

2001- M.Sc. Industrial Biotechnology

2002- M.Sc. Biotechnology

2005- 6 Faculty recruited

2007- UGC-SAP (1st phase)

2008- DST-FIST (1st phase)

2014- UGC-SAP (2nd Phase)

2015- DST-FIST (2nd phase)

2017- 3 Faculty recruited

2020- DBT supported M.Sc. Medical Biotechnology program was awarded and initiated immediately.

Roll of Honour
Roll of honour

Dr. R. Boopathy

Founding Professor and Head
Period of Service:1990-2013

Roll of honour

Dr. K. Swaminathan

Period of Service:1990-2008

Roll of honour

Dr. J. Mathivanan

UGC-FRP Assistant Professor
Period of Service:2014-2017