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Research Projects

AI based Predictive Maintenance of Wind Turbines

Company: Netcon Technologies, Coimbatore

Identified Researchers: Prof. V. Bhuvaneswari, Prof. R. Rajeswari,Prof. T. Devi Former Professor

University / Institute: Bharathiar University

Status / Remark: Kickstarted on 17th May

Present Status: The team has been set up and the AI Model for the predictive maintenance of wind turbines is being developed.

Development of Universal Controller for 2-Wheeler EV Motor

Company:  Unicon Engineers, Coimbatore

Identified Researchers:  Prof. Kanthalakshmi, Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department.

University / Institute:  PSG Tech

Status / Remark:  Kickstarted on 17th May

Present Status:  Currently a converter is being used which is controlled through gate drive based on input we feed. We are attempting to use Indian Drive Cycle as reference, sense speed and torque, compare and modify the duty cycle to generate the required voltage.

Genome editing for increased dietary fiber and resistant starch in rice for management of Diabetes Mellitus

Company:  Texcity Biosciences, Coimbatore

Identified Researchers:  Dr. R Sathishkumar, Plant Genetic Engineering Lab.

University / Institute:  Bharathiar University

Status / Remark:  Kickstarted on 10th Jul

Present Status:  1. Plant expression vector to be used for the project is being worked on. 2. Submitted official letter to Bharathiar University about the project. 3. Manpower recruitment exclusively for the project funded byIndustry and Texcity Biosciences to be initiated shortly.

The Execution Capacity Challenge: Finding $10M

Company:  Celonis India, Coimbatore

Identified Researchers:  Dr. Rupa Gunaseelan, Director i/c &Professor, Bharathiar School of Management and Entrepreneurship Development (BSMED)

University / Institute:  Bharathiar University

Status / Remark:  --

Present Status:  Problem statement is being redefined after two follow-up meetings held with Celonis German team in Jul and Aug.

Sustainable Disposal of Foundry Spent Sand Dust

Company:  Bradken India Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore

Identified Researchers:  TBD

University / Institute: TBD

Status / Remark:  Company is expecting off-the-self solution than a research solution

Present Status:  --