- Abstract Submission & Registration
Abstracts must be prepared in a MS Word format (Abstract Template) and submitted by email buplasma2022@buc.edu.in on or before 28-Aug-2022. Notification on the acceptance of the abstract will be sent you by email on 31st Aug. 2022. Efforts are being taken to publish selected papers in the proceedings indexed by Scopus after the conference.
The last date for the registration is 05th Sep. 2022. No separate registration for pre-conference workshop. All the participants are requested to confirm their participation through online registration on or before 05th Sep. 2022.
The registration fee details are as follows:
Research scholar/Students: Rs. 500/.
Faculty :Rs. 1000/.
Industry participants: Rs. 5000/.
Accompanying Person: Rs. 1000/.The registration is free for students and research scholars, who are not availing any fellowship and who would be presenting papers at the conference.
Payment Details:
Account Number 822610210000025 Account Name THE CONVENOR BU PLASMA 2022 Bank Bank of India Branch Bharathiar University IFSC Code BKID0008226 -