- Vision
Bestow globally comparable quality education on youth, embodied with character building, to invoke the University's motto “Educate to Elevate” and uphold the secular ideals of the nation as envisioned by Mahakavi Subramania Bharathiar.
- Mission
- To be innovative and inclusive, committed to excelling in teaching, research and knowledge transfer and to serving the social, cultural and economic needs of the nation.
- To innovate and offer educational programmes in various disciplines through synergistic interaction with the industry and society.
- To impart knowledge and skills and to provide a learning environment to acquire attitudes to students and equip them to face the emerging challenges of the knowledge era.
- To provide equal opportunity to women students, differently abled, and minorities and prepare them to be equal partners in accomplishing the scientific and technological demands of the nation.
- To contribute to the advancement of knowledge through applied research leading to newer products and processes.
- To prepare the students to work for societal transformation with a commitment to justice and equality and emerge as job providers.
- To inculcate in students a global vision with skills of international competence.