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The Director

Bharathiar University – Centre for University and Industry Collaboration (BU-CUIC)

Bharathiar University, Coimbatore - 641046,Tamil Nadu, India.

Phone No: +91-422-2424600, +91-422-2428239, +91-422-2428237



Bharathiar University has established the Centre for University and Industry Collaboration (BU-CUIC) unique of its nature, an innovative approach to have a joint venture with industries to offer industry relevant course for immediate employment, collaborative arrangement between HEIs and industries, to implement effective, goal-oriented and mutually-enriching learning mechanism with mutual sharing of knowledge and expertise with industries and institutes.

UPSC will work for students in the hub of Education to Employment. The aim of the cell is to assist and guide the students for placements by identifying prospective recruiters, building association and maintaining continuous relationship with corporate houses through Industry-Institute partnerships.UPSC alsoorganises career readiness programmes and What Next career counselling and caters to the needs of the students for gaining useful insights intocareer prospects and early career preparation.

The University Signed MoU with the followingsectors for job role assessment and skillcertification. The SSCAs of BU-CUIC are:

  • Media and Entertainment Sector
  • IT and ITeS Sector
  • Management and Entrepreneurship Sector
  • Electronic Sector Skill Council

IIP fastens the University and Industries for skilldevelopment, academic resource andknowledge sharing, exchange of faculty andstudents, provision of internships, researchcollaboration, training and placements, offering industry-oriented courses forbetter employment.Currently BU-CUIC is working with thefollowing industries for skill development,capacity building, and placements. TheIndustry partners of BU-CUIC are:


Bharathiar University Centre for University and Industry Collaboration was established as per the announcement in the Floor of Assembly, Government of Tamil Nadu order no. 5595/H2/2020-1 dated 17.04.2020, and includes the regulations given by the UGC letter no. D.O.No.F.1-14/2015/(CCP-II) dated 29.09.2015 in XII five-year plan.

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