6. Governance, Leadership and Management
- 6.1: Institutional Vision and Leadership
6.1.1: The institution has a clearly stated vision and mission which are reflected in its academic and administrative governance.
6. Governance, Leadership and Management
6.1.1: The institution has a clearly stated vision and mission which are reflected in its academic and administrative governance.
5. Student support and Progression:
5.1.1: Average percentage of students benefited by scholarships and freeships provided by the institution, Government, and non-government agencies (NGOs) during the last five years (other than the students receiving scholarships under the government schemes for reserved categories).
4. Infrastructure and Learning resources:
4.1.1: The institution has adequate facilities for teaching - learning. viz., classrooms, laboratories, computing equipment, etc.
3. Research Innovations and Extension
3.1.1: The institution's Research facilities are frequently updated and there is a well defined policy for promotion of research which is uploaded on the institutional website and implemented
3.1.2: The institution provides seed money to its teachers for research (average per year, INR in Lakhs)
2. Teaching Learning and Evaluation
2.1.1: Demand Ratio (Average of last five years)
Supporting Documents - Applications Received & Intake Number of seats available year wise during the last five years
1. Curricular Aspects
1.1.1: Curricula developed and implemented have relevance to the local, national, regional and global developmental needs which is reflected in Programme outcomes (POs), Programme Specific Outcomes(PSOs) and Course Outcomes(COs) of the Programmes offered by the Institution.