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“எண்ணிய முடிதல் வேண்டும்,

நல்லவே எண்ணல் வேண்டும்;

திண்ணிய நெஞ்சம் வேண்டும்,

தெளிந்தநல் லறிவு வேண்டும்;”

        - மகாகவி சி. சுப்பிரமணிய பாரதி

“Let my thoughts bloom into action;

Let me think only noble thoughts;

Let me have valiant heart;

Let me have a clear wisdom;"

         - Mahakavi C. Subramania Bharathiar


Dr. S. Sampath Kumar
Professor & Head
Research Area
  • Gender Studies
  • Sociology of Health
  • Sociology of Disability



ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS

Research Area

  • Gender Studies
  • Sociology of Health
  • Sociology of Disability

Featured Publications

  1. Pitchaimani Govindharaj,& Sampath Kumar Srinivasan & Joydeepa Darlong, “Disclosure of the Disease among People Affected by Leprosy” Indian Journal of Leprosy 93:361-367, 2021
  2. Pitchaimani Govindharaj,& Sampath Kumar Srinivasan & Joydeepa Darlong, “A New Instrument to Measure Family Support among People Affected with Leprosy: Leprosy Family Support Scale (LFSS)” Indian Journal of Leprosy 93: 157-165, 2021.
  3. Pitchaimani Govindharaj & Sampath Kumar, A New Instrument to Measure Leprosy Internalized Stigma: the Leprosy Internalized stigma Scale (LISS), Leprosy Review89: 242–255, November, 2018.

Courses Teaching

  1. Research Methodology
  2. Gender and Society
  3. Social Demography
  4. Medical Sociology
  5. Industrial Sociology
  6. Science, Technology  and Society
  7. Foundation of Sociology
  8. Sociology of Aging


Dr. S. Sampath Kumar
Professor & Head
Research Area
  • Gender Studies
  • Sociology of Health
  • Sociology of Disability



ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS


Subject:  Sociology
Institution : Department of Sociology, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University
Affiliated University : Manonmaniam Sundaranar University
Year of Award : 2010

Subject:  Sociology
Institution : Bharathiar University
Affiliated University : Bharathiar University
Year of Award : 1992

Subject:  Sociology
Institution : Bharathiar University
Affiliated University : Bharathiar University
Year of Award : 1990

Subject: Sociology
Institution: P.S.G. College of Arts & Science
Affiliated University: Bharathiar University
Year of Award: 1988


At Bharathiar University (Reverse Order)
Professor &Head : March 2017 to Till Date
Professor : December 2016 to March 2017

Past Experience
Assistant Professor: March 2011 to December 2016 at Bharathidasan University
Assistant Professor(senior): July 2010 to March 2011 at Vellore Institute of Technology University, vellore
Assistant Professor: Feb 1995 to July 2010 at Sri Ramakrishna College of Nursing, Coimbatore


Dr. S. Sampath Kumar
Professor & Head
Research Area
  • Gender Studies
  • Sociology of Health
  • Sociology of Disability



ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS

  • Gender Studies
  • Sociology of Health
  • Sociology of Disability


Dr. S. Sampath Kumar
Professor & Head
Research Area
  • Gender Studies
  • Sociology of Health
  • Sociology of Disability



ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS

  1. Akhila Johnson & S.Sampath Kumar (2022). Influence of Child's Autism on Relationships: A Phenomological study among Maternal Caregivers in Kerala. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(S8), 3088-3103. 
  2. Yasir Ashraf & S. Sampath Kumar. (2021). Cultural Constriants of Muslim Girl’s Access to Higher Education in Bandipora District, Jammu And Kashmir India. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 17(9), 4957-4969, 2021.
  3. Pitchaimani Govindharaj,& Sampathkumar Srinivasan & Joydeepa Darlong, “Awareness of Leprosy-Knowledge and Perception among people affected by Leprosy in an Endemic District, West Bengal, India” Indian Journal of Leprosy 93:29-39, 2021
  4. Pitchaimani Govindharaj,& Sampath Kumar Srinivasan & Joydeepa Darlong, “A New Instrument to Measure Family Support among People Affected with Leprosy: Leprosy Family Support Scale (LFSS)” Indian Journal of Leprosy 93: 157-165, 2021.
  5. Pitchaimani Govindharaj,& Sampath Kumar Srinivasan & Joydeepa Darlong, “Disclosure of the Disease among People Affected by Leprosy” Indian Journal of Leprosy 93:361-367, 2021
  6. Pitchaimani Govindharaj,& Sampathkumar Srinivasan & Joydeepa Darlong, Activity Limitation of People Affected by Leprosy in an Endemic District West Bengal, India, Journal of Disability, CBR & Inclusive Development 31(3): 46-63, 2020
  7. Yasir Ashraf & Sampath Kumar, Academic Constrains Affecting Muslim Girls in Higher Education: A Cross Sectional Study of Bandipora District in Kashmir Division, Mukt Shabd Journal 9 (4):279-290, April, 2020
  8. Yasir Ashraf & Sampath Kumar, Personal Problems Faced By Muslim Girls In Higher Education, Think India Journal 22 (14):846-852, December, 2019.
  9. Pitchaimani Govindharaj,& Sampathkumar Srinivasan & Joydeepa Darlong,Social Participation of Persons affected by Leprosy in an Endemic District, West Bengal, India, Leprosy Review 90: 105–112, 2019.
  10. Pitchaimani Govindharaj & Sampath Kumar, A New Instrument to Measure Leprosy Internalized Stigma: the Leprosy Internalized stigma Scale (LISS), Leprosy Review89: 242–255, November, 2018.
  11. Pitchaimani Govindharaj,& Sampathkumar Srinivasan & Joydeepa Darlong, Quality of life of Persons Affected by Leprosy in an endemic district, West Bengal, India, Indian Journal of Dermatology, 63(6) : 459-64, September, 2018
  12. Pitchaimani Govindharaj & Sampath Kumar, Perception towards the Disease of the People Affected by Leprosy, International Journal of Mycobacteriology,7(3):247-50 September,2018
  13. Nishanthi & Sampath Kumar, Social Exclusion of Visually Challenged Women in Tiruchirappalli City, Tamil Nadu,Indian Journal of Applied Research, 8(7):394-395 July, 2018
  14. Rasheedha Banu& Sampath Kumar, Health Issues of Women Construction Workers: An Evidence From Trichirappalli, Tamilnadu, Indian Journal of Applied Research, 8(7):372-373 July, 2018
  15. Rasheedha Banu& Sampath Kumar, Working Condition and Issues of Women Workers in an Unorganized Sector- Special Reference to Construction Sector of Thuraiyur Taluk, Tiruchirappalli, International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 2 (3): 1369-1374. March-April, 2018
  16. Nishanthi & Sampath Kumar, Support Network of Visually Challenged Women in Tiruchirappalli City, Tamil Nadu, International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 2 (3): 1220-1223. March-April, 2018.
  17. Munwari Padmanabhan & Sampath Kumar, Understanding Social Support Network of Women in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Sector, International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, 6 (1): 1327- 1331, February, 2018
  18. Pitchaimani Govindharaj,& Sampathkumar Srinivasan & Joydeepa Darlong, Quality of Life of People Affected with Leprosy Disability Living in Purulia, West Bengal, International Journal of Health Sciences and Research, 8(2): 221- 225,February, 2018
  19. Pitchaimani Govindharaj & Sampath Kumar, Trends and Facts of Leprosy Prevalence in Purulia District, West Bengal, India, International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 2 (2) 612-616, Jan-Feb, 2018.3):1369-1374.March-April,2018.
  20. Geetha & Sampath Kumar,Availability and accessibility of health services for women in rural blocks of Tiruchirappalli District, Tamil Nadu,National Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 3 (1):799- 802January, 2018.
  21. Girijakumari& Sampath Kumar, Attitude on Contraception among Rural Women- A descriptive study in Coimbatore, National Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 3 (1): 827-831, January, 2018.
  22. Brindha & Sampath Kumar, Health Seeking Behaviour of Rural Women: A Comparative Analysis between members and non-members of self-help group in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, National Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 3 (1): 786-792, January, 2018.
  23. Sampath Kumar,& Nishanthi, Marginalization of Women with Visual Impairment in Tiruchirappalli, Shanlax International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities, 5 (2) 111-115, September, 2017.
  24. Nishanthi & Sampath Kumar, Living Arrangement Patterns of the Elderly in West Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India, International Research Journal of Social Sciences, 5(12):1-7, December, 2016.
  25. Munwari Padmanabha & Sampath Kumar, Work- Life Balance and Work- Life Conflict on Career Advancement of Women Professionals in Information and Communication Technology Sector, Bengaluru, India, International Journal of Research- Granthaalayah,4 (6): 119-130, June, 2016
  26. Rajakala & Sampath Kumar, Social support and Job Satisfaction among the School Teachers in Tiruchirappalli Education Revenue District, Tamil Nadu, India, International Journal of Research- Granthaalayah,3 (12): 83-91, December, 2015(1Citation)
  27. Rajakala & Sampath Kumar, Correlating Work Life Balance and Work Family Conflict among School Teachers of Gandravakottai Taluk,Pudukottai District, Tamil Nadu, International Research Journal of Social Sciences, 4(9):1- 4, September, 2015.
  28. Sampath Kumar S.Girijakumari & V.Brindha, Understanding Elderly Abuse- A Special Reference to Elderly in an Urban Slum of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 5( 6): 1-3, June 2015.(1 Citation)
  29. Sampath Kumar & Maruthakutti., Gender Inequity in Reproductive Health Decision Making and Management: A Study of Rural Women of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India, Studies on Ethno- Medicine, 9(1): 127-131, 2015
  30. Sampath Kumar & Maruthakutti., Understanding Gender Inequity in Feeding Practices- Reference to Rural Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, International Journal of Research in Sociology and Social Anthropology, 2(1):1-8, 2014(1 citation)
  31. Geetha & Sampath Kumar., Open Defecation: Awareness & Practices of Rural Districts of Tamil Nadu, India, International Journal of Scientific Research,3(5)May,2014.(10citations)
  32. Sampath Kumar& Maruthakutti., Gender Inequity in Child Care- A Special Reference to Rural Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India, Indian Journal of Applied Research, 4 (1) April, 2014
  33. Rajakala &Sampath Kumar., Impact of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme on Quality of Life, International Journal of Social Science and Humanities,1(1), March-August,2014.
  1. MCQ's SOCIOLOGY & MEDICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, Academa Publishers, New Delhi, 2004, (ISBN:81-88511-24- 2)
  2. Gender Equity in Health Maintenance, Lambert Academic Publishing, Omniscriptum Gmbh & Co,Deutschland, Germany, 2016 ( ISBN: 978-3-659-86390-5)
  3. Living Arrangement Patterns of the Senior Citizens,Lambert Academic Publishing, Omniscriptum Publishing Group, Balti, Republic of Moldova, 2017(ISBN: 978-3-330-35235-3)
Book Chapters
  1. Sampath Kumar& Vijayalakshmi“Comparative Study between the SHG & Non-SHG Women Members on the Health Status & Decision Making”, published in the edited book entitled Social Problems in India, Pointer Publishers, Jaipur, India. (ISBN 978-81-7132-650-1)
  2. Sampath Kumar & Maruthakutti. Gender Disparityin Childhood Immunization in Rural Coimbatore Tamilnadu, HEALTH,GENDER AND DEVELOPMENT. Edited by Lakshmi Narayana Das, Regal Publisher, New Delhi, 2014 (ISBN 978-81-8484-373-6.)
  3. Nishanthi & Sampath Kumar, Understanding Dual Social Exclusion of Homelessness of Women in India, Gendered Development and Marginalization of Women Edited by Sunder Raj.T, Serials Publishers, New Delhi, 2015 (ISBN: 978-81-8387-737-4)
  4. Zuvairiya,A.M. & S.Sampath Kumar. Parents on their Daughters' Higher Education: A Study of Muslim Families in Urban Coimbatore, Gender Justice. Edited by R.Maruthakutti & N. Poovalingam, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University Tirunelveli, 2022 (ISBN: 978-93-81402-69-6)


Dr. S. Sampath Kumar
Professor & Head
Research Area
  • Gender Studies
  • Sociology of Health
  • Sociology of Disability



ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS

  1. Research Methodology
  2. Gender and Society
  3. Social Demography
  4. Medical Sociology
  5. Industrial Sociology
  6. Science, Technology  and Society
  7. Foundation of Sociology
  8. Sociology of Aging


Dr. S. Sampath Kumar
Professor & Head
Research Area
  • Gender Studies
  • Sociology of Health
  • Sociology of Disability



ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS

Funded Projects - Ongoing

1. 'Promoting the Health and Resilience of under privileged adolescents: A Mixed method evaluation of multilevel intervention' funded by TANSCHE Research Grant Project (2020-2023). 

Funded Projects - Completed
  1. 'Social Support and Reproductive Autonomy of Visually Challenged Women in the Rural Districts of Tamil Nadu' funded by Indian Council of Medical Research & Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi (2017-2019)


Dr. S. Sampath Kumar
Professor & Head
Research Area
  • Gender Studies
  • Sociology of Health
  • Sociology of Disability



ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS



Name of the Candidate

Title of the Thesis



Rajakala R

Social Support And Job Satisfaction Among The School Teachers Of Thiruchirapalli District, Tamil Nadu



Pitchaimani G

Social participation and quality of life of person affected with leprosy in purilla district of West Bengal



Munwari Padmanaban

Social Support And Carrier Progression Among The Women In Information And Communication Technology Sector – Bengaluru 



Geetha J

Fertility Behavior And Support Network Of Rural Women In Thiruchirapalli District, Tamil Nadu



Brindha V

Social empowerment and health seeking behavior of rural women ; a comparative analysis between member and non member self help groups in Coimbatore



RasheedhaBanu S

Status Of Women In Unorganized Sector A Sociological Analysis Of Women In Construction Industry In Thiruchirapalli.





Fertility control behavior and contraceptive usage of rural women in Coimbatore district, Tamil Nadu



Mr. Yasir Ashraf

Socio- Cultural Constraints On Muslim Girls In Achieving Higher Education In Bandipora District Of Kashmir Division




Name of the Candidate

Title of the Dissertation



Arun Kumar s

Effects of cable television network on Family – a sociological study



RasheedhaBanu S

Patterns of household decision making in female headed household – a special reference to spouse abroad Muslim families in Eachampally village, Thiruchirapalli



Yasir Ashraf

Socio economic conditions of apple growers with special reference to Baramulla district of Jammu and Kashmir



Nishanthini Rajadurai

Living arrangements, social support and quality of life of the elderly in the west Tiruchirapalli





Name of the Candidate

Title of the Dissertation



Thangadurai  T

Occupational Shift And Living Patterns Of Small Farmers In Senaathy Village



Fairosebanu B

Barriers To Pursue Higher Education Among Muslim Girls In Higher Education Institution Of  Coimbatore – A Sociological Study



Papathi M

A Study On Economic Condition And Occupational Shift Of Small Farmers In Thammampatti Village, Salem District



Vinnarasi M

A Study On Open Defecation In Veppadai Village In Namakkal District



Zuvairiya A.M

Attitude and Behaviour of Muslim Parents in their Girls Higher Education in Coimbatore



Tamilarasu S

Hurdles and challenges faced by Locomotor Disabled People in Dharmapuri District



Priyanka M

Job Satisfaction and Work Life Balance Among Government School Teachers in Namakkal District



Neethu Skaria

Social Exclusion and Quality of life among Elderly in Divyahrudayashramam old age home




School Dropouts among Scheduled Tribes in Wayanad District, Kerala: A special reference to Paniya tribe



S. Premavarshni

Sociability of Single Child- A Sociological Analysis



Viswathiga. A.S

A study on knowledge, attitude and practice of complementary and alternative medicine among the students of Bharathiar University



D. Abinaya Vaishnavi

Perception of young adults towards portrayal of women in television advertisements



Juhy Jose

A study on the resilience skill of youth during Covid19



Akash. G.S

A study on work life balance and job satisfaction among rural police men in rural areas of Coimbatore



Sneha. M

Issues and challenges of special education teachers in enhancing social skills among students of Autism Spectrum disorder in Tiruchirappalli



Chowbaranikha. M

Social support and Its effects on mentally ill homemaker women



Arjun. P

Issues and challenges faced women police in Thrissur district of Kerala



Gokul. G

Domestic violence against married women



Riya Das

Role of social network on the Socio-Cultural adaptation of North-East Migrants in Coimbatore



Post Doc

1. Dr. Manoj Mathew P. COVID-19 and Unorganized Women Workers: A study on the Socio-economic impacts, Availability of Social Security Measures and the Coping Strategies. Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi (2022-2024)


Dr. S. Sampath Kumar
Professor & Head
Research Area
  • Gender Studies
  • Sociology of Health
  • Sociology of Disability



ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS


•    Coordinator, Bharathiar University Community College Consultancy Centre
•    Senate member, Bharathiar University
•    Member in Academic Journal Expert Committee
•    Convener, Clean Campus Committee, Digital Action Plan 17 by 17
•    Chairman, Board of Studies for PG Sociology, Bharathiar University
•    Member, Equal Opportunity Cell
•    Member, Internal Quality Assurance Cell


Accordion content 2.



Dr. S. Sampath Kumar
Professor & Head
Research Area
  • Gender Studies
  • Sociology of Health
  • Sociology of Disability



ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS


Dr. S. Sampath Kumar
Professor & Head
Research Area
  • Gender Studies
  • Sociology of Health
  • Sociology of Disability



ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS

  • “Best Faculty Award” conferred by Nature Science Foundation, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu during the Academic Year 2019-20.

Member, Academic Council (University Nominee), Dr. SNS Rajalakshmi College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore

Member, Academic Council (University Nominee), Rathinam College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore

Member, World Class Curriculum Development Cell in Social Sciences,Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli-24

Member, Board of Question Paper Setting in Sociology, University of Madras, Chennai

Member, UG Question Paper Scrutinizing Board in Sociology, PSG College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore.

Chairman, UG (Sociology) Question paper Setting Board, Periyar University,Salem

Member, Institutional Ethical Committee, RVS College of Nursing,Coimbatore-641 402.

Member, Doctoral Committee, Centre for study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli

Member, Doctoral Committee, Department of Sociology, Periyar University,Salem.

Member, Doctoral Committee, School of Social Sciences and Languages,Vellor Institute of Technology University (VIT), Vellor-14, Tamil Nadu.

Member, Doctoral Committee, Department of Sociology, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli.

University Representative, Result Passing Board, PKR College for Women,Gobichettipalayam, Tamil Nadu.

University Nominee, Academic Council, Rathinam College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore

Member, Selection Committee, Career Advancement Scheme, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai.

University Nominee, Academic Council, Dr. SNS Rajalakshmi College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore.

University Nominee, College Committee, Nandha Arts & Science College,Erode, Tamil Nadu.

Member, Doctoral Committee, Department of Sociology, The Gandhigram Rural Institute (Deemed to be University), Dindigul, Tamil Nadu

Member, Academic Journal Expert Committee, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore

Life Member, Indian Sociological society

Life Member, Indian Association of Social science and Health.

Life Member, Indian Gerontological Society.



Dr. S. Sampath Kumar
Professor & Head
Research Area
  • Gender Studies
  • Sociology of Health
  • Sociology of Disability



ACADEMIC IDENTITY Scopus   ORCID   Google Scholar   Publons   Vidwan / IRINS


1.7th ICSDAP Biennial Conference on “Social Unrest, Peace and Development” (14th& 15th September, 2019), Islamic University, Bangladesh. 



