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Rules & Regulations

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Rules and Regulations

Students and Scholars will be admitted initially for a period of one academic year.

However, continuation of stay in hostel through readmission for subsequent years would be based on the conduct of the inmate.

The inmates will observe silence hours from 9.00 p.m. to 6.00 a.m. on all the days except the days preceding all University Holidays and weekends.

Dinning facility is extended to all inmates by default and billing is through dividing system. Fees for individual student will be displayed in respective Hostel Notice Boards.

Payment of mess bill should be within certain stipulated time decided based on display of mess bill in notice board.

Defaulters will not be permitted to dine, until payment of the fees.

Mess reduction can be availed during non-dining days upon submission of appropriate application forms are duly filled in and forwarded by HoD/Guide atleast one day prior to the day from which reduction is applied for.

The students requesting permission to go out of the Hostel on ‘What so ever reasons will do so at their own risk and the Hostel Authorities will not be responsible for any exigenciesoutside the university campus.

The Warden has rights to debar Hostel facilities for any inmate found guilty in any case of misconduct.

At the time of admission/readmission, candidate need to execute an undertaking duely signed by a parent/guardian regarding acceptance of rules and regulations governing the Hostel. Action taken for the misconduct of any inmate will have to be accepted by the parents.

The authorities of the hostel have rights to take legal action and/or other measures to collect the dues, if any, from the students throughrespective parent/guardian.

Possession of equipment which consumes electricity including Lap top/computer will be permitted on case by case basis by the Warden on payment of prescribed fees.

Scholarship / Fellowship students who seek bank loans for higher study should make their own arrangements to pay their dues on time.

The inmate who wish to lodgecomplaint on any nuisance/inconvenience caused by another inmate(s)should contact respective Hostel Warden or Co-ordinating Warden.

Inmates who engage in RAGGING will be immediately dismissed as per UGC norms. In this regard decision made by the Anti-Ragging cell will be final.

Any hostel Inmatefound guilty causing nuisance ultimatelyif incident is established upon enquiryhe/she/they will be subjected to disciplinary action by the warden/co-ordinating warden.

Smoking and deploying Neuro - Toxic Stimulants in the hostel premises are not permitted in hostels. Those who found to be in possession of or those persuade other inmates to take Neuro-Toxic stimulants will be subjected to immediate disciplinary action.

Inmates should not entertain guests in the hostel; However accommodation provided in Residential campus (International Hostel or UGC-HRCD Guest house) can be availed at nominal cost.

Destruction of any furniture, electric items and other hostel facilities leading to  damage/loss caused by inmate(s)will attract fine besides replacement charges.