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Controller of Examination

Purpose of Contact

Telephone Number

COE +91 - 422 - 2428171
COE – Residence+91 - 422 - 2428172
P.A. to C.O.E +91 - 422 - 2428173
Research Co-ordinator+91 - 422 - 2428197
Ph.D. Section +91 - 422 - 2428174
+91 - 422 - 2428198

Revaluation / Autonomous +91 - 422 - 2428175
Confidential Section +91 - 422 - 2428176
DR - UG Arts Section +91 - 422 - 2428177
AR - UG Science Section +91 - 422 - 2428178
UG Science Sec - Office +91 - 422 - 2428179
UG Arts Sec - Office +91 - 422 - 2428180
"E" Numbering Section +91 - 422 - 2428181
M.Phil Section +91 - 422 - 2428182
Convocation Section +91 - 422 - 2428183
Despatch Section +91 - 422 - 2428184
Enquiry +91 - 422 - 2428185
AR/DR - PG Sec +91 - 422 - 2428186
PG Section +91 - 422 - 2428187
General Section +91 - 422 - 2428188
Additional COE +91 - 422 - 2428189
SDE Section - AR +91 - 422 - 2428190
+91 - 422 - 2428199

SDE Office - CPP +91 - 422 - 2428191
Computer Sec (EDP) +91 - 422 - 2428192
+91 - 422 - 2428196

Purchase Section - COE +91 - 422 - 2428194
CCII - Exam +91 - 422 - 2428195