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Finance Section

Purpose of Contact

Telephone Number

Finance Officer +91 - 422 - 2428132
A.R – Finance +91 - 422 - 2428134
General Fund +91 - 422 - 2428133
Exam Fund+91 - 422 - 2428135
Cheque Section +91 - 422 - 2428136
TA/DA Section +91 - 422 - 2428139
Salary & IT Section +91 - 422 - 2428140
Despatch Section +91 - 422 - 2428137
Local Fund Auditor +91 - 422 - 2428138
Audit Co-Ordinator +91 - 422 - 2428110
Internal Audit Office+91 - 422 - 2428166