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Satellite Symposia

NMR 400 MHz
Bharathiar Statue
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About the Symposia

The Department of Science and Technology (DST), New Delhi recognized the Bharathiar University by awarding DST-PURSE Phase-I and Phase-II with a sanctioned amount of Rs. 9.0 and Rs. 17.25 Crores respectively.

The DST-PURSE supported Satellite Symposia on Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, Chemical Sciences, and Mathematical-Statistical-Computational Sciences cover a wide range of topics including newly emerging inter and multi-disciplinary research perspectives.
The scientific deliberations at the symposium will be in the form of plenary and invited talks by notable experts and contributory papers by young faculty members/RA/PDF/Research Scholars. Accepted contributory papers will be presented as posters, and a few will be selected for oral presentations. The Organizing Committee will decide poster or Oral presentation based on the merit of the submitted abstracts.

Being a satellite meeting, the scientific deliberations will be held at separate venues except for the inauguration and valedictory session which will be held at a common venue.

The participants can register and submit their contributions by selecting their respective fields of work.

About University

The Bharathiar University was established at Coimbatore by the Government of Tamil Nadu in February 1982 under the provision of the Bharathiar University Act, 1981 (Act 1 of 1982). The University is named after the great visionary and revolutionary national poet Mahakavi Subramania Bharathiar, and it strives hard to provide the kind of quality education that the poet envisioned for nation-building.

In addition to the encouraging academic and research ambiance that inspires innovation in research and creativity in contributions, the University keeps taking efforts in every front on a par with international institutions. As a mark of its achievement, in the year 2022, MoE-NIRF, the Government of India, has placed the University at 24th at the national level; 15th among the Indian universities; and 1st among the State-run Arts and Science Universities. 

With leading and innovative research excellence, the university keeps attracting funding from agencies inside and outside the country. MHRD has sanctioned Rs. 50 crores under RUSA Phase – II for innovative research to establish Cancer Research Centre under Research Innovation Scheme (35 Crores) and to establish Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Career Hub (15 Crores). Yet another major recognition to the University is by the Department of Science and Technology which supported the University under the PURSE scheme in two phases with a sanctioned amount of Rs. 9 Crores and Rs. 17.25 Crores respectively. Besides these major supports, twelve Departments of the University have got UGC-SAP funding and nine Departments have got DST-FIST support.

The excellent track record of research at Bharathiar University is proved with its ‘h’-index of 125 with 1,07,902 citations and 10,456 publications. 

The state-of-the-art facilities available for faculty members and scholars nurture a culture of research in cutting-edge areas. The exceptional research and teaching ambiance offers the students and researchers exposure to the most advanced research and developments in various disciplines. Industry infusion into the curriculum is given prominence by involving industry experts – R & D managers, product development managers, and technical managers in the curriculum development as special invitees to the Board of Studies.

With a dedicated team of highly qualified faculty members with vast experience in teaching and research and dedicated and experienced administrative members, the University has emerged as one of the strong pillars of higher education in this region and has become an attractive hub for education, and innovation and industry experience. 


In appreciation of quality publication output during the 10-year period (2004-14), with the h-index of 51 in SCOPUS, Department of Science and Technology (DST), The government of India has granted Rs.17.25 Crores to Bharathiar University under the PROMOTION OF UNIVERSITY RESEARCH AND SCIENTIFIC EXCELLENCE (PURSE) scheme. Earlier, Bharathiar University was allotted an amount of Rs. 9 Crores in the first phase. Currently, the increased grant was sanctioned for the quality and the number of publications than the previous phase in order to improve the research infrastructure of the Science departments.

The major quantum of this grant is being /will be utilized to procure the state of the art sophisticated and advanced research instruments/facilities. Besides the equipment, the grant is being utilized for manpower training, organizing scientific meetings, and maintenance of the facilities.  An annual maintenance contract was entered for the major equipment that were procured in the first phase. Thirty DST-PURSE project fellows from all the science departments are supported with a fellowship and further, they were supported with travel bursaries (Registration, travel, and accommodation) to present their work at National level conferences.

Further from the grant, campus-wide networking and Wi-Fi facility have been established, for the entire campus including administrative and academic buildings. It caters to the Master's students, research scholars, faculty, and administrative staff members with single login access throughout the campus. Apart from this, a hardware firewall has also been established for safe access.

The University has recently created infrastructure facilities for housing state-of-the-art sophisticated and advanced instruments and equipment with a sprawling area of 33,00 sq. ft. The following major equipment facilities procured through DST-PURSE (Phase-II) grants are being housed at Central Instrumentation Centre. A dedicated team of faculty members coordinates the overall establishment of the center.

The following facilities are established at this center and available for research use.

  1. Multiprobe Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer (400 MHz)  
  2. Genetic analyzer 8 capillary – Sanger DNA Sequencer 
  3. Laser scanning advance confocal microscope multi photon
  4. Liquid Chromatograph – MS – MS 
  5. HR – Transmission Electron Microscope (200 kV)  

The following facilities will be established soon at this center from the grant recently received from DST.

  1. GC – MS
  2. Vibrating Sample Magnetometer
  3. Animal Tissue Culture Facility
  4. Photo Bioreactor
  5. Air Quality Monitoring System

The operational activities of each of the major facility is looked after by an operational committee consisting of a team of faculty members. A dedicated faculty member from the committee is looking after the day to day to the functioning of the equipment.

Revenue Generation and Sustainability – I – STEM support

The Indian Science, Technology and Engineering facilities Map (I-STEM) is a dynamic and interactive national web portal, which hosts various scientific programs, initiated by the office of the Principal Scientific Adviser, Govt. of India. The main objective of having this portal
(developed using public funds) is to provide support to needy researchers in different ways and strengthen the R&D ecosystem to fulfill the needs of the people of the country. The support planned under the various I-STEM programs is designed in such a way that encourages researchers to inculcate the spirit of Atma Nirbhar Bharat and practice it in all their endeavors while making optimal use of the resources established across the country using taxpayer’s money.  

As per the mandate and direction of DST, the major equipment procured in the PURSE grant are mapped immediately in the I-STEM portal and the user charges are collected for sustainability.

For equipment booking and reservation, as well as payment of user fees, the I-STEM portal is used. This mapping facilitates web access to the scientific community with our available resources to various organizations across the country in a transparent and systematic manner.

In addition, our University is identified as a Virtual Regional Centre of I-STEM to disseminate the activities to the neighboring institutions.