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  1. Tender - Repairing of 40KW Thermal Plasma Spray Torch System in the Department of Physics
  2. Tender - purchase of 1 No. of Dual Tier Gel Rocker with Timer for the Department of Biochemistry
  3. Tender - Time Extension - Time Extended upto 22.10.2024 @ 3.00 pm for the submission of e-tenders towards the purchase of 5 Nos. Disc type fly wheel Sewing Machine to the Department of Textiles and Apparel Design, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.
  4. Tender - Time Extension - purchase of Chemicals to the Department of Textiles and Apparel Design
  5. Tender - Time Extension - purchase of Glasswares to the Department of Textiles and Apparel Design
  6. Tender - Purchase of 1 No. of Tretinoin for the Department of Biotechnology
  7. Tender - Purchase of 1 No. of Rambazole for the Department of Biotechnology
  8. Tender - Purchase of 1 No. of ATRA- Talarzole Conjugate for the Department of Biotechnology
  9. Tender - Purchase of 1 No. of Tab for the Department of Education Technology
  10. Tender - Purchase of 1 No. of 5KVA Online UPS and 10 Nos. of Tubular Batteries under buy back basis to the Department of Microbial Biotechnology
  11. Tender - Tender - Printing and Supply of Academic Calendar for the year 2023-24
  12. Tender - Purchase of 10 Nos. of Exide 150AH EL 150 Tubular batteries under buy back basis for the Department of Computer Applications
  13. Tender - Purchase of 12 Nos. of seat (3 sets – each set are 4 seat) Office workstation table for BU-CUIC
  14. Tender - Printing and Supply of AUDITED ANNUAL ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR 2022-23
  15. Tender - Printing and Supply of Audit report for the year 2022-23
  16. Tender - purchase of 1 No. of Algae biomass Harvesting Unit for the Department of Environmental Sciences
  17. Tender - General service with Rotor and Lid replacement for Cooling Centrifuge for the Department of Biochemistry
  18. Tender - Purchase of ‘L’ Shape Continuous Module for the Department of Biochemistry
  19. Tender - Purchase of 10 Nos. of Tailoring Stool to the Department of Textiles and Apparel Design
  20. Tender - purchase of 10 Nos. of Tubular Batteries with Rack for 5 KVA Online UPS under Buyback basis to the Department of Commerce
  21. Tender - purchase of 2 Nos. of Batteries for Numeric 5 KVA Online UPS with Exide Power Type EP65-12 Volts and capacity 65AH Batteries under buyback basis to the Registrar’s Office – C&G Section
  22. Tender - Purchase of 1 No. of Portable 9Ghz Vector Network Analyzer for the Department of Electronics & Instrumentation
  23. Tender - purchase of Dress Forms to the Department of Textiles and Apparel Design
  24. Tender - Purchase of 1 No. of Apple MacBook Air 13” (Laptop) for the Department of Social Work
  25. Tender - purchase of 1 No. of Guard Column (C-18) for the Department of Environmental Sciences
  1. Recruitment of Guest Faculty - Department of Social Work
  2. Recruitment of Guest Faculty - Department of Mathematics
  3. Recruitment of Guest Faculty - Department of Extension, Career Guidance and Student Welfare
  4. Recruitment of Guest Faculty - Department of Commerce
  5. Recruitment of Project Fellow - Department of Physics
  6. Recruitment of Guest Faculty - Department of Sociology & Population Studies
  7. Recruitment of Project Associate - Department of Chemistry
  8. சுவாமி விவேகானந்தர் உயராய்வு மற்றும் கல்வி மையம் - இணை ஆய்வறிஞர் பணி அறிவிப்பு
  9. முத்தமிழறிஞர் கலைஞர் முத்துவேல் கருணாநிதி இருக்கை - இணை ஆய்வறிஞர் பணி அறிவிப்பு
  10. மகாகவி பாரதியார் உயராய்வு மையம் - இணை ஆய்வறிஞர் பணி அறிவிப்பு
  11. Call for Application for the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System for Bharathiar University
  12. Recruitment of Project Assistant - Department of Biotechnology
  13. Recruitment of Research Associate & Research Assistant - Department of Linguistics
  14. Recruitment of Technical Assistant - Department of Bio-chemistry
  15. Recruitment of Research Assistant and Field Investigator Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR-MRP)
  16. Recruitment of Research Associate - Department of Biotechnology
  17. Recruitment of Hostel Supervisor - Notification
  18. Recruitment of Project Assistant - WALK – IN – INTERVIEW
  19. Recruitment of Project Coordinator - Department of Social Work - Notification
  20. Recruitment of Project Fellow - Department of Microbial Biotechnology
  21. Recruitment of JRF & Project Assistants - DST-SERB Funded Project - Department of Physics
  22. Recruitment of Project Fellow - Department of Botany
  23. Recruitment of Junior Research Fellow - Department of Mathematics
  24. Recruitment of Project Fellow - Department of Nanoscience and technology - Notification
  25. Recruitment of Junior Research Fellow - Department of Botany