- Tender - Purchase of Consumables and Glasswares to the Department of Human Genetics and Molecular Biology
- Tender - Purchase of Glasswares to the Department of Human Genetics and Molecular Biology
- Tender - purchase of 1 No. of Guard Colomn (C-18) for the Department of Environmental Sciences
- Tender - Time Extension - Purchase of Chemicals and Glasswares to the Dept. of Biochemistry
- Tender Time Extension - purchase of 2 Nos. of Steel Plain table for class rooms in the Department of Human Genetics and Molecular Biology
- Tender - Purchase of Liquid Nitrogen for NMR facility in the Central Instrumentation Centre
- Tender - Purchase of 28 Nos. of Laboratory Modular “C” frame tables with movable Cupboards for the Department of Human Genetics and Molecular Biology
- Tender Time Extension - Purchase of Transparent water splitting reactor for the Department of Nanoscience and Technology
- Tender - Purchase of 10 Nos. of Dual Band Router to the Central Instrumentation Centre
- Tender - Time Extension - purchase of DSLR Camera to the Department of Social Work
- Tender - Time Extension - purchase of Chemicals to the Department of Human Genetics and Molecular Biology
- Tender - Purchase of Speakers with in-built Amplifier to the Department of Psychology
- Tender Time Extension - Purchase of CCTV Camera for the Department of Communication and Media Studies
- Tender Time Extension - purchase of DSLR Camera to the Department of Social Work
- Tender Time Extension - Purchase of Steel Plain table for class rooms in the Department of Human Genetics and Molecular Biology
- Tender Time Extension - Purchase of Chemicals and Glasswares to the Department of Biochemistry
- Tender Time Extension - Servicing the CO2 Incubator (NUAIR) to the Department of Biotechnology
- Tender Time Extension - purchase of Chemicals to the Department of Human Genetics & Molecular Biology
- Tender Time Extension - Purchase of Transparent water splitting reactor for the Department of Nanoscience and Technology
- Tender Time Extension - purchase of Chemicals to the Department of Human Genetics & Molecular Biology
- Tender Time Extension - purchase of CCTV Camera for the Department of Communication and Media Studies
- Tender Time Extension - purchase of 5 Nos. of Foot operated Sewing Machine to the Department of Textiles and Apparel Design
- Tender - Purchase of Transparent water splitting reactor for the Department of Nanoscience and Technology
- Tender Time Extension - purchase of 1 No. of Transparent air breathing metal-air battery reactor for the Department of Nanoscience and Technology
- Tender Time Extension - purchase of Chemicals for the Department of Environmental Sciences