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YRC Event
YRC Event
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Organised a Three Day Zonal Level Orientation Training Programme for YRC Volunteers from 16 th Decembery 2021 to 18 th December 2021.


Organized a 4-day State Level Youth Red Cross Study Camp from 10 th December 2019 to 13 th December 2019 for YRC Volunteers & Programme Officers of Tamilnadu.


Organised a Three Day Zonal Level Orientation Training Programme for YRC Volunteers from 14 th February 2019 to 16 th February 2019.


Organized a 4-day State Level Youth Red Cross Study Camp from 20 th to 23 rd December 2017 for YRC Volunteers & Programme Officers of Tamilnadu.


Organised a Three Day Zonal Level Orientation Training Programme for YRC Volunteers from 24 th February 2017 to 26 th February 2017.


Organised a Three Day Zonal Level Orientation Training Programme for YRC Volunteers from 28 th March 2016 to 30 th March 2016.


Organised a Three Day Zonal Level Orientation Training Programme for YRC Volunteers from 12 th March 2014 to 14 th March 2014.

Organized a 5-days Inter State (National Level) YRC Training cum Study Camp from 12 th December 2014 to 16 th December 2014 for YRC Volunteers & Programme Officers of India.


Organized a 4-day State Level Youth Red Cross Study Camp from 12 th to 15 th December, 2011 for YRC Volunteers & Programme Officers of Tamilnadu.

Organised a Three Day Zonal Level Orientation Training Programme for YRC Volunteers from 23 rd – 25 th January 2012.

Organized a one day Orientation for YRC Programme Officers on 31 st March 2012


Organised a Three Day Zonal Level Orientation Training Programme for YRC Volunteers from 27 th December 2010 to 29 th December 2010.

Organized a one day seminar on Health Education and Medical Relief to the YRC Programme officers on 23 rd March 2010.