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Department of Physics - Lab1
Department of Physics Lab 2
Department of Physics
Physics Department - BU
Physics Department - BU
Physics Department - BU
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Department of Physics


The Department of Physics is one of the oldest departments in this University.

This department was started in the year 1974, as a Post-Graduate Center of Physics by erstwhile Madras University. After the establishment of Bharathiar University by the Government of Tamilnadu in the year 1982, this department became the Department of Physics of Bharathiar University. In 2007, Bharathiar University has constituted different Schools and this department has become a constituent unit of the School of Physical Sciences.

Over the years, the department has become one of the best centers for quality higher learning offered at the level of post-graduate and research programs.

Salient Features

The competence of the department over the years has been recognized by the Central and State Governments. As a hallmark, UGC has recognized the department as a “Centre with Potential for Excellence in Particular Area (CPEPA)” and sanctioned Rs. 3.6 Crores to establish research facilities in order to carry out specialized research on “Solar Energy Materials and Devices”. Likewise, the Government of Tamil Nadu has accredited this department as the “Centre of Excellence” for PG and research programs with the financial support of Rs. 2.5 Crores, to establish the state of the art infrastructure facilities and advanced research laboratories on par with international standards.

At the National level, the Government of India opulently supports the department through the schemes like DST-FIST (Level-0 & 1) with funding at the tune of Rs. 3.5 Crores, and DST-PURSE program (Phase-I & II), both pertaining to the Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India. Furthermore, University Grants Commission has accredited the department under the Special Assistance Program (SAP. DRS- I & II) and sanctioned Rs. 1.5 Crores. Apart from these major funding’s, Faculty members operate major research projects from various funding agencies like UGC, CSIR, DST, DRDO, BRNS, BRFST, and international agencies.

  1. All the faculty members have international training abroad by availing of post-doctoral fellowships / visiting fellowships.
  2. State of the art experimental facilities for postgraduate programs and M.Phil. and Ph.D. research programs.
  3. Around 30 students have got CSIR – direct senior research fellowships
  4. The postgraduate and M.Phil. students of the department used to get suitable placement in various institutes. 
  5. Many of our students are working in National Institutes and Universities.
Thrust Areas

The Faculty members of the department carry out research in many frontier areas, which includes experimental condensed matter physics, theoretical and computational physics.

Materials Research

  • Crystallization of bio, food & pharma materials, Crystals with high SHG
  • Quantum dot-based sensors
  • Biopolymer Electrolytes 
  • Nano-structured electrode materials for super-capacitors
  • Plasma waste treatment
  • Thermal barrier coatings
  • Plasma surface modification of textile fabric
  • Surface Science and Bio-interface 

Theoretical and Computational Research

  • Molecular Quantum Mechanics
  • Nuclear Physics – Low energy reactions and decay 
  • Plasma Material Processing, 
  • CFD modeling and Heat pipes
  • Atomistic Simulation

The research works of the faculty members and students of the department have been recognized by National / International institutions in terms of awards/fellowships.

  • In 1974, as a Dept. in the PG Centre of University of Madras, Coimbatore started with research programs in the field of Thin Film Research
  • In 1982, the Department became a constituent part of Bharathiar University.
  • In 1984, a Plasma research lab was established.
  • In 1988, Solid State Ionics lab and Molecular modeling labs were established.
  • During 2002-2007, DST supported the department under the FIST program at Level -0 support with a financial sanction of twenty lakhs. With this support, a computer lab was established
  • In 2005, Nuclear theory labs and Nanomaterials labs were established.
  • During 2007-2012, UGC sanctioned a Reader post for the Innovative Course of Postgraduate diploma in Nano Science.
  • In 2008, Crystal growth lab and Molecular Quantum mechanics labs were established.
  • During 2008-2013, under the UGC-SAP (DRS-I) support, High performance computing lab, DSC, and vacuum coating facilities were created.
  • In 2009, an Atomistic simulation lab and energy devices lab was established.
  • During 2008-2013, the Powder XRD facility and FTIR facility was created with the support of DST – FIST Level – I.
  • During 2010-2015, a Single-crystal XRD facility was created and a state of the art lab was established with the support of DST – PURSE grant (Phase-I)
  • In 2012, the Tamilnadu government recognized this Department as the center of excellence.
  • During 2013-2014, two faculty members joined at the level of Associate Professor and Assistant Professor under the UGC- FRP scheme. The plasma modeling and simulation lab and surface and interface labs were established in this period.
  • During 2015-2020, DST supported again the department under FIST Level – I.
  • In 2014, a Molecular simulation lab was established.
  • In 2015 Environment Control Plasma was established.
  • During 2016-2021, UGC supported the department under SAP (DRS-II). With this support Laser lab for material characterization and up-gradation of FTIR was carried out.
  • In 2016, UGC recognized this department as a “Centre for potential with excellence in Particular Area” to carry out research related to solar materials.
  • In 2017-2018, research innovation in solar materials was carried out with RUSA support.
Roll of Honour

Dr. M. Radhakrishnan

Period of Service:1978-1986

Dr. C. Balasubramaniam

Period of Service:1974-1989

Dr. Sa. K. Narayandass

Period of Service:1984-2005

Dr. V. Selvarajan

Period of Service:1985-2007

Dr. S. Selvasekarapandian

Period of Service:1988-2007

Dr. D. Mangalraj

Period of Service:1988-2007

Dr. P. Kolandaivel

Period of Service:1988-2016