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  1. Tender - Server Rack for the School of Distance Education
  2. Tender - Hybridization  chamber molecular cytogenetics- FISH along with molecular cytogenetics accessories to  ICMR Project, Department of Human Genetics and Molecular Biology.
  3. Tender - 3TR  Water Chiller - Department of Physics
  4. Retender - Revolving Executive chair and Medium back mesh chair for the department of Commerce
  5. Tender - AMC for maintaining the One No. of Toshiba e-Studio 3518A MFD Copier Machine
  6. Retender - 20 Nos. of Tubular Batteries to the Data Center
  7. Tender - Steel plain Cupboards with Glass door for the department of Environmental Sciences
  8. Tenders - Purchase of furniture for Office room and Library for PG extension centre
  9. Tender - laboratory furniture for HRTEM lab
  10. Tender - 55 Nos. Hard disk EVMSSD 256 GB  to the Department of Information Technology
  11. Tender - 53 Nos. RAM DDR3 4GB to the Department of Information Technology
  12. Retender - Motorised Projector Screen 6 x 8 Feet, to the Department of Statistics
  13. Tender - Gradient PCR to the Department of Biochemistry
  14. Tender - Special repair work(Civil)
  15. Tender - Providing Acoustic sound proof partition
  16. Tender - Brush Cutter Machine  for  the School of Distance Education
  17. Tender - Multichannel Electrochemical Workstation with accessories
  18. Retender - 100 MBPS Internet Leased Line to the Data Center
  19. Tender - Painting Work
  20. Tender - Printing and Supplying of EZR Forms
  21. Tender - Supplying and Fixing Wooden Shutters for Cupboard in HOD room at Botany Department
  22. Tender - Mac Book Pro Battery with Key Assembly to the Department of Computer Application
  23. Tender - Pipe Network with drip Irrigation Systems to the Herbal Garden
  24. Tender - Furniture to the RUSA Lab
  25. Tender - Footpath Paver Block to the Herbal Garden