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  1. Retender - Printers to the Department of Physical Education
  2. Tender - Laptop to the Department of Environmental Sciences
  3. Tender - Arduino Nano Board to the Department of Computer Applications
  4. Retender - Sewing Machine  to the Department of Textiles
  5. Retender - Rate Contract for the academic year 2022-23 for supply of Gases and GAS related items to the University Departments
  6. Tender - Laptop and Desktop Computers to the Registrar’s Office S Section
  7. Tender - Providing protective measures with Galvalume sheet
  8. Tender - Printer to the Department of Zoology
  9. Tender - Desktop Computer to the Department of Zoology
  10. Tender - Laptop to the Department of Zoology
  11. Tender - Black Toners for the School of Distance Education
  12. Tender - CCTV Camera and Biometric system to Boys & Girls Hostel
  13. Retender - Photo Copier Machine
  14. Tender - Desktop Computer to the Finance Section
  15. Tender - Desktop Computer to office of the Controller of Examinations
  16. Retender - Laptop under buy back basis to the Department of Computer Science
  17. Retender - 7 Nos. of Multilayer technology based PCB Detector to the Department of Medical Physics
  18. Retender - Xerox Machine  to the Department of  English
  19. Retender - 5 Nos. of Printer to the Department of Physical Education
  20. Retender - Computer table for the department of Computer Application
  21. Retender - Steel Executive L Shape table and Medium back mesh chair for Faculty members of Information Technology Department
  22. Tender - Water Purifier
  23. Tender - Electrical materials to Electrical store for maintenance work
  24. Tender - 6EL 100 AH Tubular batteries to the Department of Commerce
  25. Tender - Tubular Batteries to the Central Instrumentation Centre