- Tender - Purchase of Chairs with writing pad for newly constructed class rooms in the department of Commerce
- Retender - Laptop to the Department of Tamil (RUSA)
- Tender - Printing and supplying of Covers (CoE)
- Tender - AMC Maintenance of Neon signs Board
- Tender Time Extension - Hybridization chamber molecular cytogenetics
- Retender - Rate Contract for the academic year 2022-23 for supply of Gases and GAS related items
- Tender - Acoustical Sound proof false ceiling
- Tender - Air Conditioner - Department of Physics (RUSA Project)
- Tender - RUSA - Apple iPad pro
- Tender - CCTV Camera to the Girls Hostel
- Tender - CCTV Camera to Boys Hostel
- Tender - Biometric (Facial Recognition)
- Tender - Fogging Machine and Brush Cutter Machine
- Tender - GPU Computational Cluster under DST-SERB Project ,Department of Physics
- Tender - Computer table for the Department of Computer Application
- Retender - Steel Executive L Shape table and Medium back mesh chair - Department of Information Technology
- Tender - Plant tissue Culture Rack for the TANSCHE-RGP Project, Department of Biotechnology
- Retender - 100 MBPS Internet Leased Line to the Data Center
- Retender - Bench Top Centrifuge to the Department of Botany
- Tender - Tubular Batteries under buy back basis to the Department of Biotechnology
- Retender - Laptop to the Department of Environmental Sciences
- Tender - Electronic Top Loading Balance to the Department of Zoology
- Tender - Electronic Balance to the Department of Zoology
- Tender - i-Pad Pro11-inch
- Tender - BOD Incubator to the Department of Biotechnology