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Confocal Microscope
Genetic Analyzer
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer (400 MHz)
Central Instrumentation Centre Building
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Confocal Microscope

Laser Scanning Advanced Confocal Microscope (Multi-Photon)



Associate Professor & Head (i/c),

Department of Biochemistry,

Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.


Dr. P. Ekambaram

Associate Professor,

Department. of Biotechnology; (Faculty - in-charge)

Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.


Dr.V.Brindha Priyadarishini,

Assistant Professor,

Department of Microbial Biotechnology,

Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.



Assistant Professor,

Department of Human Genetics and Mol.Biology,

Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.

Dr. P. Vinayagamoorthy,

Assistant Professor,

Department of Human Genetics and Mol.Biology,(Member - Central Instrumentation Centre)

Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.

Amount in Indian Rupees
Type of Service

External User 

(Other Universities, Colleges, Institutions)

Private Industries / Organizations


Internal User

(Only BU Departments)

Equipment Reservation


Fixed Cells Imaging 750 / hour 1500 / hour 500 / hour

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FRET 1000 / hour 2000 / hour 750 / hour

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FRAP 1000 / hour 2000 / hour 750 / hour

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Live Cells Imaging 1500 / hour 3000 / hour 1000 / hour

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