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Confocal Microscope
Genetic Analyzer
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer (400 MHz)
Central Instrumentation Centre Building
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9. Demonstration of I-STEM portal for Equipment Reservation to Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope Committee and Students (22.03.2021)

8. Interaction Meeting with Prof. T. Ramasami, Former Secretary, DST (28.02.2021)

7. Five days workshop on Laser Scanning Advanced Confocal Microscope (14.02.2021 to 18.02.2021)

6.  Demonstration of I-STEM portal for Equipment Reservation to DNA - Sequencing Committee and Students (24.11.2021)

5.  DST-PURSE (Phase - II) supported Inauguration and Hands-on session of Laser Scanning Advanced Confocal Microscope (11.11.2021)

4.  Review and Discussion Meeting with Prof. S. Sankaran, Professor of Eminence, Anna University (28.09.2021)

3. DST-PURSE (Phase-II) supported Two days Workshop on "Awareness of I-STEM portal for use of the R & D Resources (29.03.2021 & 30.03.2021)

2. DST-PURSE (Phase-II) supported Two days Hands-on Training on DNA Sequencing (22.03.2021 & 23.03.2021)

1. DST-PURSE (Phase-II) supported Two days Hands-on Training for Experimental Liquid State NMR (05.03.2021& 06.03.2021)